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Slide 1 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Greetings JH 5 W '

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Slide 2 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Who are we? Julien Dubois JHipster creator & lead developer Chief Innovation Officer at Ippon Technologies @juliendubois

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Slide 3 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Who are we? Deepu K Sasidharan JHipster co-lead developer Senior product developer @ XebiaLabs OSS aficionado, author, speaker @deepu105

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Slide 4 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster About JHipster Most popular Rapid Application Development platform for Java web applications and microservices ▪ 12k+ stars on GitHub ▪ 1.5M+ installations & 20k+ app generations per month ▪ 250k+ overall users ▪ 460+ contributors & 24 core team members ▪ 260+ companies using JHipster ▪ 70+ plugins

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Slide 5 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster What can you do with JHipster? ▪ Generate simple monolith web applications ▪ Generate complete microservice architectures ▪ Generate domain model (entities) ▪ Generate CI/CD pipelines ▪ Deploy to AWS, GCP, Heroku, Cloud Foundry ▪ Deploy to Docker, Kubernetes, Openshift, Rancher

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Slide 6 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster What’s new? JHipster 5 and beyond!

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Slide 7 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JHipster 5 and beyond ● React ● Angular 7 ● VueJS ● Webpack 4 ● Jest ● Prettier ● Spring Boot 2.x ● Micrometer ● Heroku + AWS + GAE + Azure ● Istio ● Blueprints ● JDL 3 (application & deployment via JDL)

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Slide 8 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster React support ● Starting with JHipster 5, full React support ○ First-class support ○ Exactly the same set of features as Angular ○ Everything works the same, even the JDL ■ Low barrier to entry ■ Great for companies switching technologies, or using them in parallel ○ Our goal (nearly achieved!) is to have the same Protractor test suite as with Angular

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Slide 9 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Angular 7 ● Angular is 54% of all generated applications ○ Very actively maintained ○ We have already released Angular 7 support (latest release as of today)

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Slide 10 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster VueJS ● Currently being actively developed ○ This is a JHipster blueprint (more about blueprints later!) ○ The main generator is beginning to work fine, more work is needed on the entities ○ Join us if you are motivated: ● The goal is to have exactly the same of features as Angular and React ○ Will probably get merged into the main project

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Slide 11 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Webpack 4 ● Upgraded to the latest Webpack version ○ Big performance increase ○ Common build for Angular and React (and VueJS) ● As we go much further than the default CLIs (Angular CLI and create-react-app), and have better performance, we’ll continue to have our own configuration

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Slide 12 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Jest ● Migration from Karma to Jest for our front-end unit tests ○ Very big performance increase ○ As Jest is a full JavaScript project (no native code), installation is much easier, especially on CI systems

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Slide 13 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Prettier ● Prettier is a code formatter that has taken the world by storm ○ ○ Nearly 30,000 GitHub stars, and is widely considered a good practice for front-end development ● Prettier support in JHipster ○ Support for TypeScript, JSON, CSS, SCSS ○ At generation time (for the generated code) and as a Git pre-commit hook (for your own code) ● Wouldn’t be neat to have also Prettier support for Java?

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Slide 14 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Prettier for Java ● Official Java support for Prettier ○ Originally coded by Thorben von Hacht ○ Since last week, it is part of the JHipster organization! ● Brings amazing features that don’t exist yet in the Java world ○ Prettier is much more than a beautifier (no equivalent in Java) ○ Can be installed as a Git pre-commit hook (without running a JVM!) ○ Will simplify our templates and offer perfect code generation ● 95% finished, but help is much needed ○ Join us on

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Slide 15 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Spring Boot 2.x ● Migration to Spring Boot 2.0 complete ○ Another good reason to use JHipster! ● Work is under way for reactive programming support ○ Lead by Christophe Bornet ○ Test it by running “jhipster --experimental” ○ Still work to do on entities and on the client-side ● Migration to Spring Boot 2.1 has started ○ JDK 11 support ○ We are waiting for Spring Cloud to support Spring Boot 2.1

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Slide 16 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Micrometer ● One of the big breaking changes from Spring Boot 2.0 ○ JHipster still uses Dropwizard: much more battle-tested and stable, but not actively developed anymore ● Migration is under way ○ All technical issues have been solved ○ Sample project working, templates are currently being written

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Slide 17 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Heroku + AWS + GAE + Azure ● Lots of improvements in the cloud space ● Heroku: first-class support offering much faster deploys and automatic “git push” deployment (from Heroku) ● AWS: fixed Beanstalk deployment, added Amazon Fargate support (from Ippon Technologies) ● Google App Engine support (from Google) ● Azure documentation (from Microsoft)

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Slide 18 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Istio ● Istio support initially from Google ● Offers a basic (but fully working) Istio configuration ● Offers an alternative to our traditional stacks based on Netflix OSS or Consul ○ Similar to what Heroku provides ○ Scaling and networking failures are handled by the infrastructure ○ Harder to customize (for business cases) or test (for developers), but higher quality and less headaches if you are using a managed Kubernetes service

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Slide 19 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JHipster Blueprints ● Blueprints enable developers to customize parts of the generator with plugins ○ Customize only what is required ○ Work around Yeoman limitations ● They enable to plug in your own client-side templates or server-side templates ○ JHipster Kotlin blueprint is an example ○ Possibility to add client-side framework like VueJS by the community ● Only available for application, entity, spring-service, spring-controller and import-jdl generators

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Slide 20 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JHipster Kotlin Blueprint ● Official Blueprint from JHipster ○ ● Lead by core team member Sendil Kumar N ● Migration is a work-in-progress ● Replaces most of the server-side java code with Kotlin ● Follows a hybrid approach with Java and Kotlin

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Slide 21 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JDL 3 demo (JHipster magic)

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Slide 22 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Demo - Microservice with Istio on Kubernetes

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Slide 23 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster How long would it take?

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Slide 24 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JDL JHipster Domain Language JDL : Reference : Studio :

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Slide 25 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JDL Application

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Slide 26 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JDL Entity & Relationship

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Slide 27 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Deployment to GKE

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Slide 28 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Prerequisite - Cluster Create GCP Project : $ gcloud projects create jhipster-demo-deepu $ gcloud config set project jhipster-demo-deepu Create GKE Cluster : $ gcloud container clusters create hello-hipster \ --cluster-version 1.10 \ --num-nodes 4 \ --machine-type n1-standard-2 \ --scopes cloud-platform Set Credentials: $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-hipster

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Slide 29 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster GKE Cluster

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Slide 30 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Prerequisite - Istio Install Istio : $ cd ~/ $ export ISTIO_VERSION=1.0.2 $ curl -L | sh - $ ln -sf istio-$ISTIO_VERSION istio $ export PATH=~/istio/bin:$PATH Install Istio in GKE cluster : $ kubectl apply -f ~/istio/install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml $ kubectl apply -f ~/istio/install/kubernetes/istio-demo.yaml \ --as=admin --as-group=system:masters Get Ingress Gateway IP: $ watch kubectl get pods -n istio-system

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Slide 31 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Istio pods

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Slide 32 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JDL Deployments

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Slide 33 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Start your timer

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Slide 34 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster JHipster magic $ jhipster import-jdl app.jdl $ cd kubernetes $ ./

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Slide 35 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Generation output

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Slide 36 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Exploring the app Application Gateway: $ export INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl -n istio-system get svc istio-ingressgateway \ -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') $ google-chrome store.$

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Slide 37 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Application gateway

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Slide 38 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Monitoring & logs Grafana - Monitoring dashboard: $ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod \ -l app=grafana -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 3000:3000 $ google-chrome http://localhost:3000 Prometheus - Log metrics: $ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l \ app=prometheus -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 9090:9090 $ google-chrome http://localhost:9090

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Slide 39 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Grafana dashboard

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Slide 40 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Prometheus dashboard

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Slide 41 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Observability Jaeger - Distributed tracing: $ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l \ app=jaeger -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 16686:16686 $ google-chrome http://localhost:16688 Service graph: $ kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l \ app=servicegraph -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8088:8088 $ google-chrome http://localhost:8088/force/forcegraph.html

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Slide 42 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Jaeger tracing

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Slide 43 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Service graph

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Slide 44 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster More information on JHipster Main website JHipster online GitHub Twitter Stack Overflow

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Slide 45 text #devoxx2018 @java_hipster Thank you Do rate our talk if you found it useful!