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What is GIT?

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@mukkoo Wordless, Wordmove, ecc…

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what is versioning? @mukkoo what is git? how git works? Roadmap

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what is versioning? @mukkoo

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Copy & Paste VCS @mukkoo project/ project_old/ project_old_old/ project_ok/ project_ok_ok/ project_ok_ok_new/ projectOK_ok_ok_new/

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Centralized VCS @mukkoo CVS, Subversion, Perforce Server Repository Client Client Client Client

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Distributed VCS @mukkoo Git, Mercurial, Bazaar Hub Repository Server Server Server Server Repository Repository Repository Repository

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versioning - recap @mukkoo we need versioning copy & paste VCS is too trivial centralized and distributed VCS

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what is GIT*? @mukkoo *idiot

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Linus Torvalds

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focus @mukkoo 1. Make the opposite of CVS (SVN) 2. Distributed workflow 3. Safe against file corruption 4. High performance

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Snapshot not DIFF @mukkoo 0 +2 +4 -3/2 DIFF: Every commit record differences 0 2 6 1,5 SNAPSHOT: Every commit record all file tree

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Three States @mukkoo Git Directory Working Directory Staging Area Untracked Committed

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WARNING!!! the hardest part is coming.

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Branching @mukkoo c1 c2 master HEAD feature

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Branching @mukkoo c1 c2 master HEAD feature c3 c4 c5 c6 feature2

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@mukkoo Need fix on master. NOW!

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Branching @mukkoo c1 c2 master HEAD feature c3 c4 c5 c6 feature2 c7 c8

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Branching @mukkoo c1 c2 master HEAD feature c3 c4 c7 c8 c9

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GIT theory - recap @mukkoo snapshot not diff every file can be in three states branches help us to easily switch context and collaborate

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The Theory is Over @mukkoo Are you tired?

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@mukkoo How GIT works?

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INIT @mukkoo $ git init

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status @mukkoo $ git status show the working tree status

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ADD @mukkoo $ git add add file to staging area

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Commit @mukkoo $ git commit -m “message” record changes

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LOG @mukkoo $ git log Show commits log

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checkout - - @mukkoo $ git checkout -- Restore a modified file

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branch @mukkoo $ git branch Create a new branch

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checkout @mukkoo $ git checkout Move to branch

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merge @mukkoo $ git merge merge branch

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Demo time @mukkoo if you want, if we can

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GIT Commands - recap @mukkoo You must be confident with CLI A few commands to start Theory is important

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Bonus: Useful concepts @mukkoo

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remotes (command and concept) fetch (command) push/pull (commands) @mukkoo Network

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@mukkoo Remote Repository Server Server Server Server Repository Repository Repository Repository

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ignoring files (.gitignore) gitk and git gui (gui tools) shortcut and configs (.gitconfig) @mukkoo Settings and tools

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Q&A @mukkoo

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what does WordPress use? @mukkoo

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GIT a nice WordCamp @mukkoo