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Here’s to the crazy ones

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– Me, on a mailing list of friends, Thursday, 16 Aug 2001 “I forsake Java! I renounce C++! All hail The Mighty RUBY!!” 2.upto(100) do |num| puts "Ruby is #{num} times better that Java or C++" end

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Rails 5.2 Active Storage Redis Cache Store HTTP/2 Early Hints Credentials

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Rails 5.1 Yarn/Webpacker Integration System Tests Encrypted Secrets Parameterised Mailers

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Rails 5.0 Action Cable API Mode Turbolinks 5

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Rails 4.2 Active Job Asynchronous Mailers Adequate Record Web Console

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Rails 4.1 Spring Template Variants Enums Mailer Previews

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Rails 4.0 Russian Doll Caching Turbolinks Live Streaming Strong Parameters

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Rails 3.2 Faster Development Mode Faster Routing Engine Active Record Store Strong Parameters

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Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline HTTP Streaming Full Engines! Identity Map Reversible Migrations

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Rails 3.0 ARel Active Model Significant Internal Refactoring Bundler Railtie API

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Rails 2.3 Application Templates Rack Engines! Sort-of! Rails Metal Nested Forms

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Rails 2.2 Internationalisation HTTP Validators Thread Safety Database Connection Pool

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Rails 2.1 Time Zones Dirty Attribute Tracking Named Scopes Better Caching

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Rails 2.0 Resources MultiView Cookie Store Sessions “Sexy” Migrations

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Rails 1.2 RESTful Routes Formats Multibyte Support Autoloading

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Rails 1.1 RJS (Javascript written in Ruby) Polymorphic Associations Eager Loading respond_to

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Rails 1.0 Dynamic Finders Filter Controls redirect_to :back

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Rails 0.14 Plugins Cleaner Configuration Gem Freezing

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Rails 0.13 Migrations Ajax Scriptaculous Visual Effects Named Routes

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Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4

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Sharing code between apps in 2005 Railtie inside a gem Plugin A regular gem … guess we better make it

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Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4

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Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4 engines.rb

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– François “Thanks! These engines are great — this is the most excited I’ve been since finding Rails.”

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– Robert “Sweet stuff! "Most coolest" plugin yet ! Nice "”

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– Ramin “Amazing. Great job! Go see it! GO GO GO!”

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– Scott “This is just awesome. […] This is the real answer to the reuse question. I just tried the login engine, and it totally works, easy! Wowee zowee...”

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–DHH “It's a tale of caution, not condemnation”

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–DHH “It's a tale of caution, not condemnation”

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Hey, here’s an idea OK, but y’know, be careful

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Hey, here’s an idea OK, but y’know, be careful Genuine stock image for “excited developer” Genuine stock image for “angry developer”

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Some Guy said about 17 hours later: Engines are in fact de facto evil

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–Rails Envy Podcast #51 “Kinda like Rails Engines… but doesn’t suck?” “Exactly.” (On the topic of Merb slices)

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“Engines aren’t evil”

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November 2008

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November 2008

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November 2008

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[ insert coding montage ]

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Engines plugin features Controllers, Helpers, Views Models Routes Migrations Assets

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+ =

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class Rails::Application < Rails::Engine

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Engines plugin features Controllers, Helpers, Views Models Routes Migrations Assets

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Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Plateau of Productivity

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Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations 2005 2011

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Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Received Opinions Slope of Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt Plateau of “Oh, are those still a thing?” 2005 2011

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–Ryan Bigg & Yehuda Katz, Rails 3 in Action, Manning Publications, 2011 “There was a lot of controversy surrounding engines, and James spent a lot of his time defending the decision to develop them. Since then, however, the community has grown to accept the idea.”

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Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4

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Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Application 4

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The Doctrine

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Engines you may know Devise Spree Refinery CMS Active Storage

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Donate to Almost every site I referenced here is gone

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Donate to Almost every site I referenced here is gone

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A History of Opinions The History of Rails

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String#capitalize Array#forty_two

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resource :session

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Model-centric ▶ Resource-centric controllers (2.0) RJS & Scriptaculous ▶ UJS & jQuery (3.1) Observers ▶ Concerns (4.0)

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Active Resource ▶ Nothing (Monoliths?) (4.0)

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Majestic Monolith vs. Microservices Fat Models vs. Presenters Callbacks vs. Service Objects System Tests vs. Unit Testing & Stubs Fixtures vs. Factories

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H A N A M I rom.rb dry-rb

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The Doctrine

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Hey, I have an idea!

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Hey, I have an idea! Some Guy said about 12 seconds later: Your idea is in fact de facto evil

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. I’ve written about it here:…

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Pearls, not diamonds

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Thanks! (it really is the end now)