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Catherine Meade, Technical Director Working with Developers as a Product Champion July 28, 2022

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“Product Champ” Tactical Leadership Strategic Leadership

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A healthy team means a higher quality product.

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‣Prioritizing Clear Outcome Goals ‣Enforcing Scope ‣Listening To Developers ‣Building Quality Assurance Into Processes & Budgets Working with Developers as a Product Champion

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Working with Developers as a Product Champion Prioritize Clear Outcome Goals De fi nition of Done Settling Disputes 
 What Success Looks Like

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A sentence or two included in the work description that explains the behavior of the application after the work is complete. Definition of Done

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If there is a disagreement, it’s the Product Champion’s job to step in and choose a path forward for the team. Settle Disputes

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If there is a disagreement, it’s the Product Champion’s job to step in and choose a path forward for the team. Settle Disputes

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Be intentional about sharing the goals for each sprint, deadline, and engagement. Define Success

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Be intentional about sharing the goals for each sprint, deadline, and engagement. Define Success

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Clear outcome goals keep the team moving toward success.

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Working with Developers as a Product Champion Enforce Scope Scope Creep Increased Headcount

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When work that is unaccounted for in the original project plan sneaks its way in. "Scope Creep"

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"Scope Creep" ‣Business Leadership ‣Design Revision / Polish ‣Developer Refactors Working with Developers as a Product Champion

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What are you willing to cut in order to add this feature?" "

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Increasing team size comes with hidden costs, think carefully before growing the team. Should I just increase headcount?

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Product Champions are ultimately responsible for increased scope.

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Working with Developers as a Product Champion Listen to Devs Refactoring 
 Tech Debt Estimations

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Dev Quality of Life improvements keep your team motivated and prepared to accomplish business needs. Prioritize Refactors

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We've been trying to contact you about your codebase's extended warranty. Tech Debt

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Include the entire developer team when estimating work. Estimate Accurately

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A key factor to working with developers is listening to them…

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…and trusting their expertise.

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There may be a faster or more accessible way to accomplish a similar goal. Consider Alternatives

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Working with Developers as a Product Champion Don't Forget QA Browser & Accessibility Support 
 Design Review 
 Automated Testing

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Incorporate quality assurance checks into your process early.

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Quality Assurance can also be done alongside feature work, not just after. Incorporate QA Into Your Process

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Build it fast, build it cheap, or build it well. 
 Pick two.

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Your De fi nition of Done can include light browser and accessibility testing. Take a note

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Be an advocate for quality via process, reducing strain on the team.

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You can create a sustainable, healthy development environment.

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Working with Developers as a Product Champion Thanks! Twitter: @catheraaine 
 Email: [email protected] 

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