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Feature toggles

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Feature Toggles 101

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Slide 10 text “Flickr is somewhat unique in that it uses a code repository with no branches; everything is checked into head, and head is pushed to production several times a day. ”

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“Flags allow us to restrict features to certain environments, while still using the same code base on all servers.”

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“How do you use Continuous Integration to keep everyone working on the mainline without revealing a half- implemented feature on your releases? ”

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Trunk based development + Mudanças demoradas = FEATURE TOGGLEs

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“Feature Toggles are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code.”

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release toggles

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↗ ↘ ✅ ➡ ➡

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ops toggles

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↗ ↘ ☁ ➡ ➡

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permission toggles

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experiment toggles

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# config/toggles.yml development: shiny_new_thing: true production: shiny_new_thing: false

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gem 'flipper' gem 'flipper-redis' gem 'flipper-ui'

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# config/initializers/flipper.rb Flipper.configure do |config| config.default do adapter = end end

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class DashboardsController < ApplicationController def show if Flipper.enabled?(:new_dashboard, current_user) render 'dashboards/new_dashboard' else render 'dashboards/current_dashboard' end end end

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Adapters & Gates & Plugins

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ADAPTERS Flipper::Adapters::Memory Flipper::Adapters::Http flipper-activerecord flipper-active_support_cache_store flipper_dalli flipper_mongo flipper_redis flipper_sequel flipper_consul

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Gates Boolean Actor Group % of Actors % of Time

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boolean gate Flipper.enabled?(:feature_name) # => false Flipper.enable(:feature_name) Flipper.enabled?(:feature_name) # => true

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aCTOR gate class User def flipper_id "User:#{to_param}" end end Flipper.enabled?(:feature_just_for_you, current_user) Flipper.enable_actor(:feature_just_for_you, User.find(1))

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GROUP gate Flipper.register(:staff_users) do |actor| actor.respond_to?(:staff?) && actor.staff? end Flipper.enabled?(:staff_panel, current_user) Flipper.enable_group(:staff_panel, :staff_users)

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GROUP gate Flipper.register(:staff_users) do |actor| actor.respond_to?(:staff?) && actor.staff? end Flipper.register(:premium_clients) do |actor| actor.respond_to?(:subscription) && actor.subscription.plan_name == :premium end

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% gates Flipper.enable_percentage_of_actors(:new_search, 33) Flipper.enabled?(:new_search, User.find(1)) # => false Flipper.enabled?(:new_search, User.find(2)) # => false Flipper.enabled?(:new_search, User.find(3)) # => true Flipper.enable_percentage_of_time(:v2_header, 50) Flipper.enabled?(:v2_header) # => false Flipper.enabled?(:v2_header) # => true

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UI # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do mount => ‘/flipper/api’ end

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API # config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do mount => '/flipper' end

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“Release toggles are a useful technique and lots of teams use them. However they should be your last choice when you're dealing with putting features into production.”

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feature toggles são uma ferramenta de disponibilização de software

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configurações da app não são toggles

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configurações da app não são toggles toggle ou regra de negócio?

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configurações da app não são toggles toggle ou regra de negócio? qual a diferença entre manter vs remover?

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configurações da app não são toggles toggle ou regra de negócio? qual a diferença entre manter vs remover? será que não é só trauma de deploys ruins?

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testes servidores e clientes

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testes servidores e clientes bancos de dados e serviços externos

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feature toggles eventualmente são débitos técnicos

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planejar e priorizar remoções

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planejar e priorizar remoções testes de expiração

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planejar e priorizar remoções testes de expiração limites de inventário

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@lucasmazza Obrigado :)