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Building production server of ruby on modern way RubyConf Taiwan 2012 Shinya Tsunematsu ( @tnmt ) @ paperboy&co. Inc,

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system administrator’s melancholy • we mainly use RHEL clone distributions (CentOS, Scientific Linux) • they of course use rpm as their package system. • packaging newly rpm of ruby is hard • packaging rpm is troublesome job • It’s hard to upgrade ruby version using rpm • It’s very very hard to manage rubygem by using ( packaging into ) rpm • packaging rpm, packaging gem, packaging, packageng......

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using rbenv at production server • rbenv • • well known convenient tool to develop ruby • we put rbenv at /usr/local/rbenv ( system-wide ) on production server • everyone who logged in server can use common rbenv environment • we try to use Puppet to place benv

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installing rbenv Overview puppet master target server

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installing rbenv Overview puppet master target server 1. puppet agent run

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installing rbenv Overview puppet master target server 1. puppet agent run 2. git clone rbenv to /usr/local/rbenv

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installing rbenv puppet manifest

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rbenv directory tree • /usr/local/rbenv/versions/ • 1.9.3-p327 • 2.0.0-preview1 • we can install another version of ruby by distributing files under /usr/local/rbenv/versions/ ( not using `rbenv install 1.9.3-pXXX` ) • using Puppet to distribute files

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installing specific ruby version Overview puppet master target server

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installing specific ruby version Overview puppet master target server 1. puppet agent run

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installing specific ruby version Overview puppet master target server 1. puppet agent run 2. get tar ball of specific ruby version

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installing specific ruby version Overview puppet master target server 1. puppet agent run 2. get tar ball of specific ruby version 3. expand tar ball under /usr/local/rbenv/versions

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installing specific ruby version puppet manifest

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rbenv module of puppet • Install rbenv • place rbenv to /usr/local/rbenv • Install specific ruby version • distribute file ( tar.gz, which contains specific version of ruby ) • expands tar.gz under /usr/local/rbenv/versions • specify default version to /usr/local/rbenv version

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using rbenv module

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How to manage gem ? • gem are installed into /usr/local/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p327/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems • /usr/local/rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p327/ are managed by puppet and compressed in tar ball • how to add gem’s files to tar ball ?

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Jenkins to manage gems • update ruby tar.gz by using Jenkins integrally

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins 1. commit Gemfile which you want to use system-wide

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins 1. commit Gemfile which you want to use system-wide 2. Jenkins polling

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins 1. commit Gemfile which you want to use system-wide 2. Jenkins polling 3. install gem by Gemfile (bundler)

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins 1. commit Gemfile which you want to use system-wide 2. Jenkins polling 3. install gem by Gemfile (bundler) 4. tar specific version directory and commit

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Using Jenkins to manage gem Overview Your machine Git repository Jenkins 1. commit Gemfile which you want to use system-wide 2. Jenkins polling 3. install gem by Gemfile (bundler) 4. tar specific version directory and commit 5. push tar ball

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Jenkins task to install gem

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Jenkins task detail written by simple shell script

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Pros • less time to add new ruby version or install/upgrade gem than packaging rpm. • rbenv can share same environment over different many servers. • we can use and switchover some ruby versions • coexistence some ruby versions is difficult by using rpm ( rpm always overwrite new version ) • rbenv is developer friendly and simple • It is also easy for operation engineer, system administor

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Cons • `git clone` of puppet repository goes slow... • committing binary (tar ball of ruby) to git is not good manner maybe. • a little bit exaggerate approach ? • maybe “package” resource type of puppet also work well under rbenv environment. • I try to improve and make sure that Jenkins is needed or not.

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