Slide 9
Slide 9 text
○ o why the change? AW and Amazon Elasticsearch ervice. hey have been doing things that we think are just NO OK since 2015 and it has only gotten worse.
If we don’t stand up to them now, as a successful company and leader in the market, who will?
● earch-service/the-elk-stack/what-is-Open earch/
○ On January 21, 2021, Elastic NV announced that they would change their software licensing strategy and not release new versions of Elasticsearch and Kibana
under the permissive Apache License, Version 2.0 (ALv2).
○ Choosing to fork a project is not a decision to be taken lightly, but it can be the right path forward when the needs of a community diverge—as they have here.
○ We’re pleased to share that Elastic and Amazon have resolved the trademark infringement lawsuit related to the term Elasticsearch.
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元々あった が Elasticsearch. それを AWS managed として提供していた.Elastic が怒って license を変えた.
aws 怒って fork (OpenSearch) を作った.(そ 後仲直りした but the damage is done)
docs 綺麗ですが如何せんElasticsearch に比べて歴史が浅い で、ちょっとしたエラーメッセージでググると何にも出てきませ
ん. そ 場合 `s/OpenSearch/Elasticsearch/g` して検索するとちゃんとヒットします.そしてそ コピペで大体動きます.