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“Some employers aren’t even bothering to post jobs. Instead, they’re searching online for the right candidate.” —THE NEW YORK TIMES, 2013

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1. Think Like a Recruiter 2. Make LinkedIn Your Wingman 3. Leverage LinkedIn Light 4. Create a Portfolio 5. Build a Brochure 6. Find the Hidden Job Market 7. Position Yourself When You’re Jobless 8. Remember: You’re Always on the Job 9. Bury the Bad Stuff

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1.Think Like a Recruiter

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This is now your résumé.

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75% That’s how many recruiters are required to Google candidates.

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“I can get a really well-rounded view of you by how you represent yourself online.” —JOEL GREENGRASS, BUZZFEED

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Do you have young kids? Are you religious? Do you have health issues? Are you rich? Are you pro-choice? Are you over 50?

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Red Flags

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Michael Phelps You were photographed using drugs.

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James Damore You badmouthed an employer.

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Shane Gillis You said something discriminatory.

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Scott Thompson You lied on your résumé.

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Marilee Jones You lied on your résumé.

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Bill Whitman You lied on your resume.

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What if my resume were my last five tweets?

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I work well in teams.

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I have good judgment.

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I have strong communication skills.

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“I care less about what you say on Twitter and more about who is following you and whom you follow.” —AMBRA BENJAMIN, FACEBOOK

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2.Make LinkedIn Your Wingman

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“A friend wrote recently to thank me for helping his career. Not having done a thing as far as I could tell, I was pleased to know he was refer- ring to my insistence that he spruce up his LinkedIn profile, even if he wasn’t seeking a new job. As it turns out, a new job found him when a recruiter viewed his profile.” —ADAM LASHINSKY

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0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Other Which social networks do recruiters frequent?

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89% That’s how many recruiters have hired someone they found via LinkedIn.

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3.Leverage LinkedIn Light

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A bout.m e

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Flavors.m e

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4.Create a Portfolio

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5.Build a Brochure

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“I don’t have the time.”

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Red Flags

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Alec Brownstein

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“Everybody Googles themselves. Even if they don’t admit it. I wanted to invade that secret, egotistical moment when the creative directors I admired were most vulnerable.” —ALEC BROWNSTEIN

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Ian Reichenthal

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6.Find the Hidden Job Market

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7.Position Yourself When You’re Between Jobs .

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NEVER DO THIS Between Jobs INSTEAD, TRY THIS Advertising whiz looking to help a mission-driven organization

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Your Next Employee Available for Immediate Hire 2019 – Present (6 months) | Washington, DC Area I’m making a career shift, so that I can better deploy my marketing, social media and event-production skills. Open to relocation.

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Principal Jane Richmond Strategies 2019 – Present (7 months) | Irvington, New York Provide high-level business counsel to corporations and nonprofits.

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8.Remember: You’re Al- ways on the Job

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Husband of San Francisco “Karen” Loses Job After Video of the Couple Harassing a Black Lives Matter Advocate Goes Viral

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“The reality is that my Twitter account is a Times account. The Times does not control it, but the Times is held accountable for what appears on it. Indeed, the casual reader interprets my social accounts as an extension of our digital platforms, for good and ill.” —NICK CONFESSORE, THE NEW YORK TIMES

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McCain Aide Circulates Obama/Wright Video, Is Suspended The Biker Who Flipped Off President Trump Is Now Out of a Job Harvard Revokes Admission of Several Students for Posting “Offensive” Memes

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The GOP Aide Who Said Malia and Sasha Obama Lacked “Class” Just Resigned New York Times Demotes Editor Who Sparked Fury Ted Cruz Asks National Spokesman to Resign After Posting Inaccurate Marco Rubio Video

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Trump’s Own Tweets Help Kill His Government’s Travel Ban, Again

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Bury the Bad Stuff 9.

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Set Up Your Social Media Channels Create Your Portfolio and Brochure Write Blog Posts for Publication

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DIY Service Consultant (ahem)

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1. Think Like a Recruiter 2. Make LinkedIn Your Wingman 3. Leverage LinkedIn Light 4. Create a Portfolio 5. Build a Brochure 6. Find the Hidden Job Market 7. Position Yourself Between Jobs 8. Remember: You’re Always on the Job 9. Bury the Bad Stuff

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Jonathan Rick