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CSS Pseudo :hover, :active, & beyond Mike Kivikoski, @mkivikoski

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Warning These examples are for demo and may not be the best use case for your application due to maintainability, performance and specificity.

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:classes vs ::elements

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:classes vs ::elements 0010 0001

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Let’s Begin

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:link Styles applied on links that a user has not visited. a:link{ property: value; }

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:visited Styles applied on links that a user has visited. a:visited{ property: value; }

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:visited For privacy reasons, :visited only accepts color, background-color, border-color, outline-color, and the color parts of the fill and stroke properties

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:hover Styles applied when user mouses over an element. selector:hover{ property: value; }

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:hover a:hover { background: #E3BB33; } hello

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:focus Styles applied when an element has received focus via keyboard or mouse. selector:focus{ property: value; }

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:focus a:focus { color: #73E3FC; } hello< folks! How goes?

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:focus & :hover a:focus, a:hover { color: #73E3FC; } hello< folks! How goes?

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:active Styles applied when user activates an element. selector:active{ property: value; }

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:active button:active { background: #CE6FD3; }

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:lang(language) Styles applied with match of elements based on the 
 document language. :lang(language){ property: value; } selector:lang(language){ property: value; }

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:lang(language) :lang(en) { color: #E3BB33; } :lang(es) { background: #E3BB33; margin: 1em 2em; padding: 1em; }
Content with lang= define
Parece que ya está "ES " definido more english mumbo div>

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::after Matches a virtual last child of the selected element. selector::after{ property: value; }

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::after div::after { content: "You’re great!"; }
Hello there!

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::after div::after { content: attr(data-complement); }
Hello there!

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::after a.external::after, a[target="_blank"]::after { content: "\2192"; //arrow }

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::before Matches a virtual first child of the selected element. selector::before{ property: value; }

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::before li::before { content: "\1F355"; //pizza! }
  • One
  • Two
  • Three

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Slide 26 text element:pseudo { property: value; }

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::first-letter Styles are applied to the first letter of 
 the specified selector. selector::first-letter{ property: value; }

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::first-letter p::first-letter{ font-size: 2em; }

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle cupim jowl, pancetta landjaeger beef short ribs spare rib boudin doner filet mignon ball tip corned bee pork belly.

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::first-letter p::first-letter{ font-size: 2em; }

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::first-line Styles are applied to only the first line of an element. selector::first-line{ property: value; }

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::first-line p::first-line{ font-variant: small-caps; }

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle cupim jowl, pancetta landjaeger beef short ribs spare ribs boudin doner filet mignon ball tip corned beef pork belly.

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::first-line p::first-line{ font-variant: small-caps; }

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::selection Styles are applied to elements that have been highlighted with a mouse. selector::selection{ property: value; }

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::selection p::selection{ color: #73E3FC; }

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shankle cupim jowl, pancetta landjaeger beef short ribs spare ribs boudin doner filet mignon ball tip corned beef pork belly.

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::selection p::selection{ color: #73E3FC; }

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:not(s) Is a negation pseudo class accepting a simple selector as an argument. selector:not(s){ property: value; }

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:not(s) li:not(:last-child){ color: #E3BB33; }
  • First LI
  • Active LI
  • Third LI
  • Last LI

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    :not(s) li:not(:last-child){ color: #E3BB33; }

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    :not and ::after a:not( [href*=''] )
 :not( [href^='#'] )
 :not( [href^='/'] )
 ::after { content: "\2192"; } To another site!

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    :checked Styles applied to radio, checkbox or option element that is checked to an on state. selector:checked{ property: value; }

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    :checked input:checked + label{ color: #E3BB33; } :checkbox demo label

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    :disabled Styles applied to a form input that is disabled, and unable to accept focus or content input. selector:disabled{ property: value; }

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    :disabled input:disabled{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    :disabled input:disabled{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    :read-only Styles applied to an element that is not writeable 
 by a user. selector:read-only{ property: value; }

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    :read-only :read-only{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    :read-only :read-only{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    :read-write Styles applied when an element is writeable by a user. :read-write, selector:read-write{ property: value; }

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    :read-write :read-write{ background: #E3BB33; }
    You can edit me!

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    :valid Styles applied to form elements with a value that validates according to the element's settings. selector:valid{ property: value; }

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    :valid input:valid{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    Slide 57 text :valid

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    :invalid Styles applied to form elements with a value that doesn’t validate according to the element's settings. selector:invalid{ property: value; }

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    :invalid input:invalid{ background: red; }

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    :invalid and :valid input:valid:not(:focus){ background: green; } input:invalid:not(:focus){ background: red; }

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    :required Styles applied to form elements that have 
 a required attribute. selector:required{ property: value; }

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    :required input:required{ border: 10px solid #E3BB33; }

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    :optional Styles applied to form elements that don’t have a required attribute. selector:optional{ property: value; }

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    :optional input:optional{ }

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    :indeterminate Styles applied to a checkbox with a javascript based indeterminate state or an empty progress bar. selector:indeterminate{ property: value; }

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    :indeterminate input:indeterminate + label{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    :in-range Styles applied to input elements when their value is inside the range specified as being acceptable. selector:in-range{ property: value; }

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    :in-range input:in-range{ border: 5px solid #E3BB33; }

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    :out-of-range Styles applied to input elements when their value is outside the range specified as being acceptable. selector:out-of—range{ property: value; }

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    ::placeholder Styles applied to the placeholder content within an input element. selector::placeholder{ property: value; }

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    ::placeholder ::-webkit-input-placeholder, ::-moz-placeholder, :-ms-input-placeholder { color: #E3BB33;}

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    :placeholder-shown Styles applied to the actual input with placeholder text. selector:placeholder-shown{ property: value; }

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    :placeholder-shown input:placeholder-shown{ border: 5px solid #E3BB33; }

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    Slide 79 text validation-ux-html-css

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    :first-child Styles applied when the element is the first child element of its parent. selector:first-child{ property: value; }

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    :first-child p:first-child { color: #E3BB33; }

    Welcome to :first-child's demo. This is a leading paragraph.

    This ends our introduction and begins our hero's story.

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    :first-child p:first-child { color: #E3BB33; }

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    :last-child Styles applied when the element is the last child element of its parent. selector:last-child{ property: value; }

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    :last-child p:last-child { font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; }

    Welcome to :last-child's demo.

    This is some legal or footnote copy.

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    :last-child p:last-child { font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; }

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    :only-child Styles applied to any element that is the only child 
 of its parent selector:only-child{ property: value; }

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    :only-child div{ … width: 50%;} div:only-child{ background: #73E3FC; width: 100%; }

    Story 1

    Story 2

    Story 1

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    :only-child div{ … width: 50%;} div:only-child{ background: #73E3FC; width: 100%; }

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    :first-of-type Styles applied to the first child, of a particular type, within its parent. selector:first-of-type{ property: value; }

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    :first-of-type p:first-of-type { color: #E3BB33; }

    Headline for First of Type

    Welcome to :first-child's demo. This is a leading paragraph.

    This ends our introduction and begins our hero's story.

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    :first-of-type p:first-of-type { color: #E3BB33; font-size: 1.5em; }

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    :last-of-type Styles applied to the last child, of a particular type, within its parent. selector:last-of-type{ property: value; }

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    :last-of-type p:last-of-type { font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; }

    Welcome to :last-child's demo.

    This is some legal or footnote copy.

    CTA link

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    :last-of-type p:last-of-type { font-size: 0.8em; font-style: italic; }

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    :only-of-type Styles applied to the only child, of a particular type, within its parent. selector:only-of-type{ property: value; }

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    :only-of-type div{ … width: 50%;} div:only-of-type{ background: #73E3FC; width: 100%; }

    Story 1

    Story 2

    Story 1


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    :only-of-type div{ … width: 50%;} div:only-of-type{ background: #73E3FC; width: 100%; }

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    :only-of-type div{ … width: 100%;} div:not(:only-of-type){ width: 50%; }

    Story 1

    Story 2

    Story 1


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    :nth-child(x) Styles applied to selector(s) based on their source order. selector:nth-child(x){ property: value; }

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    :nth-child(3) li:nth-child(3) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five

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    :nth-child(odd) li:nth-child(odd) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five

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    :nth-child(even) li:nth-child(even) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five

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    :nth-child(Xn) n value starts at 0 increments by 1 n = 0 n = 1 n = 2 etc…

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    :nth-child(3n) (3n) = 3 * 0 = 0 (3n) = 3 * 1 = 3 (3n) = 3 * 2 = 6 etc…

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    :nth-child(3n) li:nth-child(3n) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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    :nth-child(3n+2) li:nth-child(3n+2) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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    :nth-child(3n + 2) (3n + 2) = (3 * 0) + 2 = 2 (3n + 2) = (3 * 1) + 2 = 5 (3n + 2) = (3 * 2) + 2 = 8 etc…

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    :nth-child(5n-3) li:nth-child(5n-3) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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    :nth-child(n+5) li:nth-child(n+5) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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    :nth-child(-n+4) li:nth-child(-n+4) { background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

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    :nth-child(n+2):nth-child(-n+6) li:nth-child(n+2):nth-child(-n+6) { background: #73E3FC; }

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    range with even li:nth-child(n+3):nth-child(even):nth- child(-n+6) { background: #73E3FC; }

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    :nth-last-child(n) Styles applied to selector(s) based on their source order starting from the bottom of the source order. selector:nth-last-child(n){ property: value; }

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    :nth-last-child(3) li:nth—last-child(3){ background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six
    • Seven

    Slide 117

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    Quantity Query li:nth—last-child(7):first-child{ background: #73E3FC; }
    • One
    • TwoThree
    • FourFiveSix
    • Seven

    Slide 118

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    Quantity Query li:nth—last-child(7):first-child, li:nth—last-child(7):first-child ~ li{ background: #73E3FC; }
    • On
    • Tw
    • Th
    • Fo
    • Fi
    • Si
    • Se

    Slide 119

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    Quantity Query li:nth—last-child(n+5){ background: #73E3FC; } Styles applied when there are minimum 5 elements.

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    :nth-of-type(n) Styles applied to selector(s) based on their source order and element type. selector:nth-of—type(n){ property: value; }

    Slide 121

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    :nth-last-of-type(n) Styles applied to selector(s) based on their source order and element type, starting with bottom of source order. selector:nth-last-of—type(n){ property: value; }

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    :target Styles applied to the active element that is targeted with a fragment identifier in the URL. selector:target{ property: value; }

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    :target div{ display: none; } div:target{ display: block; } Services

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    :root Styles applied to the highest level parent element. :root{ property: value; }

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    :empty Styles are applied to elements that have no children or whitespace. selector:empty{ property: value; }

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    :empty div:empty{ background: #E3BB33; }
    Hello world

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    :empty div:empty{ background: #E3BB33; }

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    In the future

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    :scope Styles applied within parent element of scoped HTML. :scope{ property: value; }

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    :scope :scope { background-color: lime; }

    Inside scope.

    Outside scope.

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    :has(s1) The relational pseudo-class represents elements whose relative scope selector match when evaluated absolute. selector:has(s1){ property: value; }

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    :not(s1, s2) Allow multiple selectors in the negation :not class. selector:not(s1, s2){ property: value; }

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    :not(s1, s2) a:not( [href*=''], [href^='#'], [href^='/'] )::after { content: "\2192"; } To another site!

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    Slide 136 text 718093920341725184

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    :matches(s1, s2) Takes as an argument a selector list to create sets of selectors by instituting groups which match all 
 included selectors. selector:matches(s1, s2){ property: value; }

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    :matches(s1, s2) :matches(section, article, aside) h1 { color: red; } // is the same as section h1, article h1, aside h1 { color: red; }

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    :local-link Styles website-internal links with ability to style specific depths of links. :local-link, :local-link(n){ property: value; }

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    :local-link /* */ :local-link(0) {} /* */ :local-link(1) {} /* */ :local-link(2) {}

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    :local-link a:not(:local-link) { content: "\2192"; }

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    :focus-within :focus-within{ property: value; } Style elements that receive focus and their 
 parent element.

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    :focus-within :focus-within{ border: 10px solid #E3BB33; }

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    Some others :nth-match(an+b) :nth-last-match(an+b) :column(s1) :nth-column(an+b) :nth-last-column(an+b) :blank :dir(direction) :any-link :lang(*-language) :drop :drop(active) :drop(valid) :drop(invalid) :current :current(s1[, s2, …]) :past :past(s1[, s2, …]) :future :future(s1[, s2, …]) :fullscreen :user-error ::spelling-error ::grammar-error ::marker

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    Thanks! Resources, w3schools, css4-selectors, css-tricks, caniuse, quantity-queries-for-css,, Pseudo and pseudon’t Mike Kivikoski, @mkivikoski