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Bring Out the Best in DevOps with Value Stream Management

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Helen Beal Helen Beal is the chair of the Value Stream Management Consortium and co-chair of the OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability Technical Committee. She is chief ambassador at DevOps Institute and co-chair of the DevNetwork DevOps Advisory Board. She also provides strategic advisory services to DevOps industry leaders. Helen hosts the Day-to-Day DevOps webinar series for BrightTalk, speaks regularly on DevOps and value stream-related topics, is a DevOps editor for InfoQ, and also writes for a number of other online platforms. She is a co-author of the book about DevOps and governance, Investments Unlimited, published by IT Revolution. Herder of Humans @helenhappybee PURPOSE: Bringing Joy to Work

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OUR FLOW TODAY (Talk Map) 3 The Three Ways Flow, lead and cycle time Global optimization Organizational Performance Customer Experience “It’s taken me 10-plus years to come up with my own one-line definition of DevOps: “DevOps is whatever you do to bridge friction created by silos, and all the rest is engineering.” And so, if you’re doing technology just for the technology and you’re not trying to overcome some friction of the human kind of siloing or group siloing or information siloing or whatever, then you’re just doing the engineering part and you’re not, in my opinion, doing the DevOps part.” Patrick Debois, the progenitor of DevOps, quoted in Puppet’s State of DevOps Report 2021

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1 Flow Emphasizes the performance of the entire system, as opposed to the performance of a specific silo of work or department — this can be as large a division or as small as an individual contributor. 2 Feedback Creates the right to left feedback loops. The goal of almost any process improvement initiative is to shorten and amplify feedback loops so necessary corrections can be continually made. 3 Continuous experimentation and learning Creates a culture that fosters two things: continual experimentation, taking risks and learning from failure; and understanding that repetition and practice is the prerequisite to mastery. 4 THE THREE WAYS OF DEVOPS

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MEASURING FLOW: METRICS DEFINITION 5 Lead time: time from code commit to in production. Cycle time: idea registered to change is used by customer.

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POLL Which statement reflects the primary usage of lead/cycle time metrics in your organization? 6

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9 “To accelerate development and enable continuous delivery of customer value, organizations need to reach the next level in their agile and DevOps practices. I&O leaders and application leaders must focus on value stream management to maximize flow, improve delivery efficiency and drive innovation.” ‘Predicts 2021: Value Streams Will Define the Future of DevOps’ by Daniel Betts, Chris Saunderson, Ron Blair, Manjunath Bhat, Jim Scheibmeir, Hassan Ennaciri. Published 5 October 2020

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VSM: NEXT GENERATION DEVOPS 10 Project Orientation Flow Orientation XP Scrum agile SAFe LeSS DA Lean & kanban Value stream management ALM DevOps Value stream management Again! Waterfall Motion study

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11 A value stream is an end-to-end set of activities which collectively creates value for a customer. James Martin, “The Great Transition’ Value The value-stream designers search for ways of achieving “outrageous” improvements in critical measures such as speed, cost, quality, and service. End-to-end The value stream team is concerned with all the activities, from start to delivery of results, and confirmation of satisfaction. Customer The value stream team is intensely focused on the customer (an external customer or an internal user) and is concerned with how to delight the customer.

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THE TRANSITION People/Process Systems and Applications Data and Insights Traditional People are arranged in silos and their processes define work that is handed off between silos before it reaches the customer. Teams are dependent on each other to get work done. Systems are tightly coupled and monolithic. It’s hard to make changes and test and deploy to small parts of the system; a change requires the whole system to be tested and deployed. Data is difficult to get to and manually extracted by people who spend large amounts of time building and sharing reports which are mostly not read and are out of date quickly. Most conversations are opinion-driven. Value Stream Management Small, multifunctional, autonomous teams are dedicated to long-lived products and manage the end-to-end value stream and peer-review decisions so there are no dependencies outside of the team. Systems are loosely coupled and composed of small, autonomous services (microservices connected by APIs) that make it possible to make a change in a single service without impacting other services. API and integration tests exist in the CICD pipeline. Moves beyond data-driven business to insight-driven business. Large amounts of data are available real-time, in a data democracy where all can access the insights relevant to them instrumented into the tools that they use to do their daily work. 12

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POLL Where are you on the VSM Implementation Roadmap? 14

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CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. VALUE STREAM MANAGEMENT PROCESSES 15 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. The Value Cycle

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PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 16 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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PRODUCT BACKLOG 17 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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COLLABORATIVE WIKI 18 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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ARTIFACT REPOSITORY 19 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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SOURCE/VERSION CONTROL 20 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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CI SERVER 21 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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UNIT TESTING 22 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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INTEGRATION TESTING 23 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING 24 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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NON-FUNCTION TESTING (E.G. SECURITY) 25 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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ENVIRONMENT/RELEASE AUTOMATION 26 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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SERVICE DESK 27 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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LOGGING AND MONITORING 28 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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OBSERVABILITY AND AIOPS 29 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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ANALYTICS AND DASHBOARDS 30 PORTFOLIO AND BACKLOG Vision and goals are set and aligned to epics, features, PBIs and user stories. INSIGHTS AND ANALYSIS Monitoring and observability provide insights into customer reaction to changes and report on value realization. CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION Code is created, artifacts incorporated, versions controlled, code is built in a trunk based manner. CONTINUOUS DELIVERY The changes are approved, released and operated in the live environment. CONTINUOUS TESTING Functional and non-functional testing takes place at every commit at every step or gate through route to live. The DevSecOps Toolchain

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VSMPs: GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION 31 Value Stream Management Connect planning to delivery Visibility into cross value stream changes Trace user stories as they travel Continuous compliance Manage dependencies while you break them Gain insights into waste; optimize flow Inspect real-time data and adapt

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POLL Are you able to extract value stream data from your DevOps toolchain? 32

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33 Your Organization

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35 ValueEdge

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36 Your Organization

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37 Your Organization

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38 Your Organization

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THE TWO DIMENSIONS OF VSM 39 VALUE FLOW REALIZATION EFFICIENCY EFFECTIVENESS Outputs (value stream health) Outcomes (customer experience) Flow is the journey of work from idea to realization. Its travel should be friction-free. It’s a continuous steady stream of value for customers. Realization is the fulfillment of desired outcomes. It’s when a customer experiences the value intended. ● Speed of flow ● Frequency of delivery ● Waste in the value stream ● The work types underway ● Customers actively using capability ● Rate at which new customers arrive ● Customers’ description of experience ● Value stream finance health

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VSM CAPABILITY MATRIX Dimension Emerging Learning Practicing Evolving Insights-Driven Data manually extracted Data is aggregated Tools have been integrated A single tool connects all parts and automates insights Dependencies Aware of dependencies Managing dependencies Breaking dependencies Loosely coupled/ autonomous teams and systems DevOps Toolchain Building continuous integration Using continuous delivery Architected from idea to value realization Work is traceable around entire cycle - automated value stream map Metrics Incident rate, change fail rate Deployment frequency, MTTR Lead time, cycle time Flow velocity, efficiency, value realized Organizational Starting to use value stream mapping Naming value streams, some roles Teams directed around value streams and customer journeys All teams organized around value streams, dedicated roles 42

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TAKEAWAYS 43 KEEP DEVOPSING Persistence is not futile—it’s essential to your organization’s future. BUT VSM may unlock where DevOps is stuck. VSM + DevOps = higher organization performance. FLOW The movement of work from idea to customer is an inherent characteristic of a value stream. But feedback is also essential—what is your customer experiencing? GLOBALLY OPTIMIZE Efficiency and governance are both essential. Make sure local discoveries can become global optimizations and use VSM to manage the natural heterogeneity of autonomy.

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The State of VSM 2023 survey is open! Please share your experiences. 44

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