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Tech talk: Micronaut

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How do we usually write Java applications? ● Spring, Jackson, Hibernate, … ● Utilizes annotations ● Annotation-driven development

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How do these annotations (usually) work? ● Uses reflection API ● Runtime evaluation takes time ● Higher memory consumption ● Less benefit from Ahead of Time compilation

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Is there an alternative?

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Meet Micronaut ● Modern Java framework ● Focuses on microservices and serverless ● Annotation processors ● Runs at compile-time

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Advantages of Micronaut ● No reflection ● No classpath scanning ● Decreased startup time & memory footprint ● Works with annotations of other libraries!

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Let’s try it out!

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Remember this ● Startup times not always important ● Framework still young ● Quality of documentation ● Compilation takes longer

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Source code

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Thanks for listening!