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Mauricio Salatino & Thomas Vitale Devoxx UK May 11th, 2022 Knative and Spring Bringing back the func @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Mauricio Salatino VMware - Knative OSS * a.k.a @Salaboy * Sta ff Engineer - Knative Eventing tech lead for VMware * Knative OSS core contributor * Passionate about Functions, Platforms, Open Source and Kubernetes

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Systematic * Software Architect at Systematic, Denmark. * Author of “Cloud Native Spring in Action” (Manning). * Spring Security and Spring Cloud contributor. Thomas Vitale @vitalethomas

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Quiz Game @vitalethomas @salaboy @vitalethomas Building applications using functions

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Serverless @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Serverless Architectures Developers focus on code Focus on business logic @salaboy @vitalethomas Developer Platform Infrastructure Provisioning Workload Management Dynamic Scaling

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Knative Serving Serverless Containers on Kubernetes Developer-friendly abstractions From code to URL Autoscaling Scaling to zero Progressive Rollouts Request-driven Event-driven @salaboy @vitalethomas Cloud agnostic

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Demo @vitalethomas @salaboy @vitalethomas Knative Serving - From code to URL

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Functions @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Functions Functional programming model Triggered by requests or events Stateless Smaller scope Cold start Cost optimization @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Functions Patterns Synchronous Interactions Function HTTP Fire and Forget

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Functions Patterns Synchronous Interactions Function HTTP Request / Response

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Functions Patterns Synchronous Interactions Function HTTP Request / Response (Sync) State

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Functions Patterns Synchronous Interactions Function HTTP Request / Response (Scaling) State Function Function Load Balancer

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Functions Patterns Synchronous Interactions HTTP Request / Response (Scaling) State Load Balancer Not running useless containers

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Functions Patterns Asynchronous Interactions Async Processing Function HTTP Doing something that takes a long time …………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… Results

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Functions Patterns Asynchronous Interactions Event Based Function CloudEvent CloudEvent

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Functions Patterns Asynchronous Interactions Chaining Functions Function CloudEvent Event Router Function Function

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Functions Patterns Mix and match Function Request / Reply + Events CloudEvent HTTP Event Router

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Knative Functions Working with the func CLI @salaboy @vitalethomas func create ‣Initialize project ‣Polyglot support ‣Java, Go, Python 1 func build ‣Build and containerize ‣Use Buildpacks ‣No Docker fi le 2 func deploy ‣Run on Kubernetes ‣Knative deployment ‣No YAML 3

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Demo @vitalethomas @salaboy @vitalethomas Knative Functions - From code to URL (GO)

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Func - extras In active development, join the community! * External template repos * func run * On-cluster build, no Docker locally * 1.0 GA is on the roadmap

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Functions with Spring @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Spring Native Native executables with GraalVM Slower Heavier Build Instant Startup Reduced Memory Consumption Instant Peak Performance Fewer Runtime Optimizations @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Functional Programming Paradigm Java 8 Functional Interfaces Supplier Function Consumer @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Spring Cloud Function Business logic as functions Transparent Type Conversion Function Arity Function Composition Reactive Support JAR Functions @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Demo @vitalethomas @salaboy @vitalethomas Knative Functions - From code to URL (Spring)

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Function Composition Data processing via functions uppercase() sentence() Data processing “I play the PIANO” “piano” “PIANO”

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Spring Cloud Function Deployment and integrations Knative CloudEvents RSocket Azure Functions Google Cloud Functions AWS Lambda @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Game - Architecture @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Kubernetes Cluster Function-based Game architecture Game architecture React Application Game FrontEnd Start Game Level X … Get LeaderB Redis (State) HTTP SYNC Level 1 …

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Takeaways and challenges Synchronous functions Functions scale up and down based on demand An Orchestrator is needed Synchronising state is hard Make sure that the data store is not a bottleneck Latency can become an issue @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Events @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Knative Eventing Event routing and triggers Developer-friendly abstractions Event-driven architectures Event routing Polyglot support with CloudEvents Pluggable @salaboy @vitalethomas Cloud agnostic

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CloudEvents Interoperability and standardization Metadata Data Id Source Type Payload JSON AMQP Kafka MQTT

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Game - Events @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Routing Events with Knative Eventing CloudEvents & RSocket Kubernetes Cluster React Application Game FrontEnd Level X … Redis HTTP SYNC Broker Trigger Score CloudEvent RSocket GameScore CloudEvent Trigger Another Function

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Takeaways and challenges Eventing An event-based approach enable more reactive scenarios Knative Eventing abstracts the message broker implementations CloudEvents provide a standard structure for sharing data Monitoring is required to understand how data is fl owing We need to deal with eventual consistency in our applications @salaboy @vitalethomas

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Discount codes Manning • 35% discount code, valid for all products in all format • ctwdevoxxuk22 •

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Resources Source code • Learn more about the game: • • Deploy the game on Kubernetes: • • Spring Cloud Function samples: •

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Mauricio Salatino & Thomas Vitale Devoxx UK May 11th, 2022 Knative and Spring Bringing back the func @salaboy @vitalethomas