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Deputy Country Representative, IWMI & Coordinator, ReSAKSS ESA Pretoria Email: [email protected] Local Analysis Networks, eAtlases & CAADP Implementation in Africa Dr. Greenwell Matchaya

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Outline I. Objectives of this session II. Background III. Selected LAN and eAtlas efforts

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Objectives of this session I. Introduce the Local Analysis Network (LAN) and eAtlas Concepts II. Present Highlights of LAN and eAtlas experiences across Africa III. Solicit feedback on the LAN and eAtlas concepts for improvement

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Background I • Implementing CAADP needs evidence • But scientific evidence often lacking or limited • Technical expertise is limited and often, there are no systematic ways for conveying evidence for policy planning and implementation • • A Local analysis network (LAN) integrated in country systems can be useful • A LAN allows for the matching of demand and supply of evidence for CAADP implementation

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Background II ➢ The Local Analytical Network is a network of technical agencies or organizations: ❑(Universities, Research Institutions, Financial Institutions, Government Ministries, Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations and Development Partners) ❑that are providing technical analytical support and capacity development for CAADP implementation ➢ It aids in identifying, analyzing and responding to technical and capacity needs and gaps identified in the process of developing, revising and implementing National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP). ❑Works hand in hand with the Ministry of Agriculture and the agriculture sector at large.

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Thus, a LAN is a network of people and institutions that provides timely, credible, and evidence-based knowledge and analysis to support the design, implementation and monitoring agricultural and rural development(ARD) strategies in Africa under the CAADP agenda. The individuals are linked through collaborative research (strategic analysis), capacity strengthening, and dialogue.

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR • Advanced stage of a LAN can play a role at each of these levels of the Knowledge Value chain

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR eAtlas Concept • ReSAKSS website makes available data, in particular those related to the CAADP Indicator - but not disaggregated at sub national level • Therefore, ReSAKSS Country eAtlases (RCeA) were developed as a core tool of the SAKSS platforms to map highly disaggregated data on agricultural, socio-economic, and biophysical indicators into a centralized and highly interactive system. • It is a GIS-based data exploration platform that can help policy analysts and policy makers access and use data at subnational levels to guide agricultural policy and investment decisions

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Revamping of RCeA • Given that countries are not updating their data regularly, AKADEMIYA2063 is undertking a revamping of RceA and extending the network. • Contracts were signed with countries to establish or re vitalize a working group in charge of eAtlas and hire short-term consultants to collect country public data, perform data cleaning, and populate it on the country eAtlas.

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Highlights of LANs Efforts in West Africa Burkina Faso Guinea Togo Senegal Benin Ghana Host Institutions identified Permanent Secretary of the Coordination of Agricultural Sectoral Policies Min. of Agricultur e Min. of Agricultur e ISRA BAME, DAPSA and CNDN Min of Agriculture Min of Agriculture State of agreement Fully operational Signed Signed Partially signed Awaiting signatures Definition of the Network Members completed on-going 4th Biennial Review Brief Development completed General Biennial Review and/or JSR involvement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Integrating BR indicators in National Stats Systems On-going Study on CAADP processes and Impacts completed Study on mapping Agricultural Land completed Study on trade Study on inputs Study on Finance access for agriculture eAtlas Data Collection and Submission Completed eAtlas maps development Completed Data of prices information on-going Other tools being developed Mapping tool

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Highlights of LANs Efforts in Eastern Africa Brundi Kenya Uganda Ethiopia LAN country Yes yes Yes No Host Institutions identified Ministry of Agriculture Min of Agriculture Min of Agriculture State of agreement Fully operational Signed Signed Definition of the Network Members completed completed completed in the past 4th Biennial Review Brief Development drafting stage Process commenced awaits new agreement General Biennial Review and/or JSR involvement Yes Yes Yes Integrating BR indicators in National Stats Systems Study on CAADP processes and Impacts In progress Process commenced awaits new agreement Study on mapping Agricultural Land Study on trade Study on inputs Study on Finance access for agriculture Data of prices information on-going Process commenced awaits new agreement Other tools being developed Mapping tool eAtlas Data Collection and Submission o-going Process commenced awaits new agreement completed eAtlas maps development Completed completed

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Local Analysis Networks in Southern Africa Zimbabwe Mozambique Malawi Zambia Botswana South Africa Angola LAN country Yes yes Yes Yes Yes No No Host Institutions identified Ministry of Agriculture & CAFP Min of Agriculture Min of Agriculture & LUANAR Min. of Agriculture & Musika Min. of Agricultur e State of agreement operational operational operational In process In process Definition of the Network Members completed completed on-going 4th Biennial Review Brief Development completed completed complted General Biennial Review and/or JSR involvement Yes Yes Yes Integrating BR indicators in National Stats Systems Study on CAADP processes and Impacts In progress In progress In progress Study on mapping Agricultural Land Study on trade in progress Study on inputs in progress Study on Finance access for agriculture In progress Prices data Other tools/studies comments El Nino briefs El Nino briefs eAtlas Data Collection and Submission on-going completed completed complet ed on- going eAtlas maps development completed in progress

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR All time eAtlas summaries Eastern and Central Africa Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda Central Africa Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo Southern Africa Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia North and West Africa Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia

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#2024ReSAKSS #2024ATOR Take Home messages • LANs and eAtlases have taken off in a number of countries- good for CAADP and the future Kampala strategy • They contribute to capacity strengthening for in the area of evidence based decision making • Without deliberately putting in processes a system for knowledge brokerage, evidence based decision making may be disadvantaged • LANs and eAtlases are however present in only few countries despite that many countries need them • Funding is key and mobilizing resources domestically, internationally is critical for successful implementation • Also important for stakeholders to understand that the LANs are not in competition with any other functions or institutions as it is a way to organize knowledge • Partnerships for generation, dissemination, and utilization of research evidence at the country and regional levels should be encouraged • There is also a need to embed these functions in national systems for sustainability – otherwise, operations usually stall upon the end of project funding

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