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Building large client-side JavaScript applications

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Michiel Overeem Lead Software Architect / Developer [email protected] @michielovereem

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not in production and not complete

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"The key is to acknowledge from the start that you have no idea how this will grow." - Nicholas Zakas

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Do it yourself?

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Does it fit?

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Can we trust this?

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What if we’re stuck?

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Ideas over frameworks

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"The secret to building large apps is never build large apps. Break your applications into small pieces. Then, assemble those testable, bite-sized pieces into your big application" - Justin Meyer, author JavaScriptMVC

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Initializes a module, translates events from the view to actions on the model Maintains state, and communicates with the backend for data Presents state and communicates with the DOM

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It is that easy

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They need some privacy

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Don’t fear choice, slowly grow code Choose principles, not frameworks Choose frameworks that match principles