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@easyaspython Using a custom template loader at scale Dane Hillard Lead Web Application Developer 1

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@easyaspython >>> help(Dane) 2

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@easyaspython Web: Twitter: @easyaspython GitHub: @daneah 3

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@easyaspython Enter Django 11

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@easyaspython 12 Enter Django

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@easyaspython Django approach ● Distinct Django projects ○ For fault tolerance ○ For independent performance profiling ● A shared core of apps and packages ○ Authentication ○ Permissions ○ Search form ○ Look and feel 13

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@easyaspython 14 Template approach

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@easyaspython Changes to look and feel required deployment to every consumer 15

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@easyaspython This was Not Good® 16

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@easyaspython Desires ● Consumers receive updates without deployment ● In near-real time ● Without affecting page load performance 17

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@easyaspython A service for templates? 18

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@easyaspython ✨ Custom template loader ✨ 19

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@easyaspython Custom template loader 20 ● What is it? ● How do we use it? ● What did it get us? ● What’s left?

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@easyaspython What is it? 21

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@easyaspython 22

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@easyaspython 23

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@easyaspython 24

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@easyaspython django.template.loaders: ● filesystem.Loader ● app_directories.Loader ● cached.Loader 25

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@easyaspython 26

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@easyaspython 27

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@easyaspython How do we use it? 28

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@easyaspython 29 get_contents get_template_sources

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@easyaspython 30

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@easyaspython What did it get us? 31

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@easyaspython Desires ● ✅ Consumers receive updates without deployment ● ✅ In near-real time ● ✅ Without affecting page load performance 32

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@easyaspython Per-user configuration for testing changes 33

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@easyaspython 34

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@easyaspython Demo 36

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@easyaspython Parallel development of a site-wide redesign 37

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@easyaspython Problems we faced 38

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@easyaspython The thundering herd 39

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@easyaspython cached.Loader configuration 40

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@easyaspython File management is clumsy 41

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@easyaspython What’s left? 42

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@easyaspython Improve adding/removing layouts, cleaning up old templates 43

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@easyaspython Leverage version control 44

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@easyaspython render( request, {“conf”: “DjangoCon US”}, “thanks.html”, ) 45