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Gossiping on node.js Gentile introduction to distributed communications environments by Raul Pino Node.JS Conf Italy 2016 1

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Who am I? • Born in Venezuela • Living in Chile • uBiome (we love bacteria) • Groupon Latam • <3 mortadella Github/Twitter: @p1nox 2

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What about that title? Gossiping on node.js? Who's that guy? 3

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"What Shakespeare is to drama, Bernini may be to sculpture..." 4

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What about that title? Bernini - Baldinucci - Borromini Gossiping on node.js! The Gossiper/Biographer! The protocol! The cool title! Yeah right (ʭ✧Д✧))ʭ୴ˍʓˍ 5

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Agenda • Gossip protocol • P2P libraries (demo) • Message passing frameworks (demo) • Mix implementations 6

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Gossip protocol Multicast problem Protocol stages Notes 7

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Gossip protocol Multicast problem 8

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Gossip protocol Naive approach solving multicast 9

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Gossip protocol Gossip first stage 10

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Gossip protocol Gossip n stage 11

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Gossip protocol Notes: • Same nodes can be picked multiple times. • Periods are not syncronised across nodes (so each node could have its own intervals). 12

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Gossip protocol Implementations: • Is rumored that AWS EC2 and S3 uses it (postmortems refers to gossip messages). • Cassandra uses gossip to maintain membership lists in the system. • Usenet NNTP from the 70's (Network News Transport Protocol). 13

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P2P libraries List of libraries Demo 14

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P2P libraries • peer.js - http:/ / • freedom.js - http:/ / • P - http:/ / 15

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P2P libraries Demo: • Simple example. • Gossip implementation. 16

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Message passing frameworks List of frameworks Demo 17

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Message passing frameworks • klyng - https:/ / • zeromq - http:/ / (using zeromq.node package) 18

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Message passing frameworks Demo: • Simple example. • Gossip implementation. 19

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Mixed implementations capataz.js https:/ / Lateralus ß https:/ / 20

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Lateralus ß: Architecture 21

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Lateralus ß: Architecture Gossip protocol variant 22

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Lateralus ß: Architecture Membership protocol variant 23

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Takeaways Hot topics: • Descentralized web. • Distributed computing. • P2P communications. • Blockchain. Ultimate goal: A decentralized web would give power back to the people online Matthew Hodgson ( in TC) 24