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Testing Reconsidered A journey to Continuous Delivery @hadynz

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Context is important

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Key Takeaways: 1. Contract Driven Testing 2. Combination of testing strategies leads to a high test coverage 3. Everyone is responsible for testing

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How the story starts....

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Continuous Delivery Image Reference: Continuous delivery is a series of practices designed to ensure that code can be rapidly and safely deployed to production by delivering every change to a production-like environment and ensuring business applications and services function as expected through rigorous automated testing.

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Illustrations based on:

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Working in Small Batches Image Reference:

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Rigorous Automated Testing Image Reference:

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With shift to “micro” services Monolithic testing practices need to be reconsidered Image Reference: ecide-which-extinct-species-we-should-resurrect Need new approaches for managing additional complexity: ● Multiple independently deployable components ● Scale and maintain each component ● Multiple teams acting as guardians for different services

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Monolith vs Microservices Data Access Layer Business Logic UI Microservice Microservice Microservice UI

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Contract Driven Testing Image Reference:

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Consumer Driven Contracts Service Provider (Client Service) Consumer (Client Web) Consumer (Activity Web) Implementation Boundary Remote Boundary Apiary API Blueprint Swagger Illustrations based on:

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Consumer Driven Contracts Service Provider (Client Service) Consumer (Client Web) Consumer (Activity Web) Implementation Boundary Remote Boundary Contract testing tools to guarantee fulfillment (e.g. Pact, Chappie) Stub Service Illustrations based on:

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Real Stub Real Stub Stub* + Stage Developer Pre-Prod Prod Environments Build

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Testing Processes

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Practice Service Organisation Service

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Resources Service Layer Domain Repositories HTTP Client Data Mapper / ORM External Datastore External Service Illustration Reference: oservice-testing/#anatomy-modules

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Resources Service Layer Domain Repositories HTTP Client Data Mapper / ORM External Datastore External Service Unit Testing ● Typically written at a class level, or a function level ● Avoid mocks ● Need for mocks highlight when a module should be broken ● Powerful design tool ● Does NOT test state changes

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Execute(List events) { events .Where(IsPartnerSwap) .Select(Transform) .ForEach(Create); } private IsPartnerSwap(event) { ... } private Transform(event) { ... } private Create(practice) { ... } public public public But not on interface

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Resources Service Layer Domain Repositories HTTP Client Data Mapper / ORM External Datastore External Service Integration Testing ● Full microservice in-memory (OWIN) ● Using real DB and SP’s ● All interactions make use of real network calls ● Test double help emulate unhappy paths ● FED - Use a real browser on build agents Component Stub Service Pact spins up a real server to act as a test double Each test specifies pre-defined responses

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Acceptance Testing

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A combination of testing strategies leads to a high test coverage Image:

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Testing Strategies

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Working in small, coherent increments whilst preserving functionality Deployment to Production is part of Definition of Done.

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You will be shipping bugs Mitigated by monitoring and fast deployment pipeline for rollback/rollforward

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Testing Culture

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Developers have to prove their stuff works And keeps working all the way in Production

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Everyone is responsible for quality Testing scenarios and strategy part of all refinement discussions

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In-Depth Code Reviews Looking for valuable tests, that give confidence and are easy on the eyes

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No team member to be left out of the journey Shared understanding of the stack cultivates shared ownership

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Where does this leave the QA role?

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Key Takeaways: 1. Contract Driven Testing 2. Combination of testing strategies leads to a high test coverage 3. Everyone is responsible for testing

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