Ian Brandt
Executive Director @ Brandt Academy
Founder @ SD Kotlin
Director @ SDJUG
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San Diego Kotlin User Group
@sdkotlin on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
#san-diego on kotlinlang.slack.com
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What is Kotlin?
A modern programming language by JetBrains
Open Source
Conceived in 2010
1.0 Released in 2016 (Languages are hard)
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What is Kotlin?
“Java 2.0” (Shhh! )
Huge on Android (Officially supported by Google since 2017)
Compiles to JavaScript (Browser, NodeJS)
Compiles to Native (iOS, MacOS, Windows, Linux, WebAssembly, IoT)
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What is Kotlin?
Inspired by Java, Scala, Groovy, C#, JavaScript, Swift,
Objective-C, Python, Gosu, Spec#, Eiffel
Blue-collar language
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Where is Kotlin?
Kotlin is an island in the Baltic Sea, west of Saint
Petersburg, Russia
As opposed to Java, an island in Indonesia, southeast of
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Why Kotlin?
We think of Kotlin as a modern language for industry: it is focused on flexible
abstractions for code reuse and readability, static type safety for early error
detection and explicit capturing of intent for maintainability and clarity.
One of the most important use cases for Kotlin is a big Java codebase whose
developers want a better language: you can mix Java and Kotlin freely and
migration can be gradual and doesn’t have to alter entire codebase. (link)
—Andrey Breslav, Lead Language Designer of Kotlin at JetBrains
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Why Kotlin?
Clean and concise, safe, interoperable
~40% less code vs. Java
Makes doing the right thing easier
Write once, run anywhere
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Who can code in Kotlin?
Java developers
Android developers
Scala developers
Swift and C# developers
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What about Kotlin jobs?
You tell me!
Kotlin Job Postings on Meteoric Rise Thanks to Android
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Let’s slack off!
#hiring (mind the rules)
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Ask me anything
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Where can I learn more?
● Wikipedia
● SD Kotlin
● kotlinlang.org
○ Comparison to Java
● KotlinConf ‘18 Keynote
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Try Kotlin Online
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