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Vinicius Stock The state of Ruby tooling

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Vinicius Stock Sta ff dev Ruby DX team @ Shopify X / GitHub: @vinistock

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Is having options a good thing?

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Flexibility, freedom, autonomy

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Sources: When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing? - Sheena S. Iyengar, Mark R. Lepper 2000 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, Vol. 79, No. 6, 995-1006 • consider smaller portion of the available information • simplify their decision making • prefer the default option • make no choice at all When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing? Complexity Options choice overload

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Today, I want to talk about options in the context of developer experience

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Where is the Ruby community currently at in terms of developer experience (DX)?

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It’s common to hear that tooling for Ruby is di ff i cult to make because it is too dynamic

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I don’t believe that’s the main source of di ff i culty with tooling

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The main challenge for a modern developer fragmentation experience in Ruby is

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Story of a new developer

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They want a complete developer experience while trying Rust and Ruby

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How to manage Rust? Rustup

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Tests? Built-in

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Formatting? Rustfmt

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Linting? Clippy

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Language server? Rust analyzer And so on

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Rust’s well integrated experience didn’t happen by accident Source: Rust has a dedicated developer tooling team Responsible for designing a cohesive experience and coordinating e ff orts

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Modern default tools + guidance Consolidated tooling Easy integration Minimal decisions Reduced learning curve Minimal con fi guration High collaboration

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Direnv RubyInstaller Shadowenv Mise asdf chruby Frum rbenv rvm Homebrew How to manage my Ruby install? ruby-install

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Tests? Test Unit Minitest RSpec Sus Cucumber

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Types? TypeProf Steep RDL YARD Sorbet

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Formatting /linting? Syntax Tree Standard Rubyfmt Rufo RuboCop Reek

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Language server? TypeProf Steep Ruby LSP Solargraph Sorbet RuboCop LSP Standard LSP Syntax Tree LSP Continues…

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Rust: 1 combination Ruby: 13200 combinations Considering: • Full experience • Single choice • Lists not exhaustive

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No content

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Project A Project B Open source project C asdf No typing RuboCop RSpec rbenv Steep / RBS Standard Test Unit Mise Sorbet Rubyfmt Minitest

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Missing defaults and guidance Dif fi cult integration Excessive decisions for new developers Tooling fragmentation Too much con fi guration Spreading our efforts Steeper learning curve Community driven tools DX design is delegated

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JavaScript is another fragmented ecosystem Source: https://survey.stackover fl But they have a much larger community JavaScript: 63.61% Rust: 13.05 % Ruby: 6.23% We can’t a ff ord to divide our e ff orts

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Contributors (not unique) Sorbet + Steep + Solargraph + Ruby LSP + TypeProf = Rust Analyzer = 816 603

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Building new tools might make sense More tools != Better experience We need to consider the big picture of DX DX is not about any one tool. It’s about the combination of them

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Sources: When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing? - Sheena S. Iyengar, Mark R. Lepper 2000 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2000, Vol. 79, No. 6, 995-1006 • make no choice at all When Choice is Demotivating: Can One Desire Too Much of a Good Thing? • consider smaller portion of the available information • simplify their decision making • prefer the default option

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• make no choice at all Evaluating the alternatives requires too much e ff ort
 Best case: having a worse developer experience Worse case: deciding to not try Ruby

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• prefer the default option Our defaults are so good they don’t have to choose

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Using the tools is not the final goal Tools are a stepping stone. The goal is to build things Setting up your development environment should be e ff ortless So that developers can fully focus on what they want to build

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Tools as project dependencies

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In Ruby, it’s common to add tools as project dependencies But why? # Gemfile group :development do gem “formatter” gem “debug” end

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Version consistency in the same project But not much else

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Rust components rustup component add rustfmt clippy rust-analyzer

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Tools installed globally Version consistency in any project Auto-updates Global installation already in the PATH Reduced maintenance Tools can easily integrate with the project’s dependencies

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Could we do the same?

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What can the future look like for tooling?

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Rust’s case is the exception Fragmented • Ruby • Python • JavaScript • C / C++ • Java • PHP Consolidated • Rust • Go 1995 1991 1995 1970s / 1985 1996 1995 2015 2009

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Nothing stops us from learning from Rust’s success

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There’s already a move towards consolidation Prism is unifying all static analysis e ff orts

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Prism Prism::Index Code mods Ruby LSP Linter Type checker Formatter RDoc Deprecation framework

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This is very long term, but we can achieve it The challenges for a modern developer experience are not technical So what’s missing?

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• Is it coordination? • Is it collaboration? • Is it governance? Do any of these look like a problem we can’t solve?

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How to have a more integrated experience right now?

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Language server protocol But now we have language server fragmentation

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Language server 3 Code index Language server 2 Code index Language server 1 Code index Extension host Document 1 Document 1 Document 1 Open document 1 Open document 1 Open document 1 Editor Indexing…

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• Duplicate work • Increased memory usage • Each language server can potentially make the other slower

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If we consolidate language servers, we can do a better job at integrating the rest of the ecosystem

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The Ruby LSP can help

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Ruby LSP addons Source: A way for other gems to deliver integrations in the editor

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Ruby LSP addons • No need to write a VS Code/editor extension • No need to write a brand new language server Source: • No need to build your own static analysis tools

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Encoding helpers Ruby LSP Codebase index Addon Static tools Response builders Type resolver

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Language server Code index Extension host Document 1 Editor Rails addon Test addon Linter addon Type checker addon

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Ruby LSP addons • Ruby LSP Rails • Ruby LSP RSpec • Internal integrations with RuboCop, Syntax Tree, Minitest and Test Unit Source:

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The most important steps to advance Ruby developer experience: • Consider the big picture • Coordinate our e ff orts

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Thank you