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Security is not a feature! ! Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 1

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! Nacho Anaya ! @ianaya89 • ! Principal Engineer https:// • " Ambassador @Auth0 & @GitKraken • # Tech Speaker @MozTechSpeakers • $ Organizador @Vuenos_Aires Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 2

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!" Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 3

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"Hay dos tipos de empresas: aquellas que han sido hackeadas y aquellas que todavía no saben que han sido hackeadas" John T. Chambers Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 4

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! Entender el problema Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 5

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! Zoom Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 6

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Competencia Despareja ! ... Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 7

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! 3.5 Billones Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 8

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 9

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! Perdida de Dinero Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 10

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! Perdida de Confianza Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 11

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! Cultura • ! Capacitación • " Politicas • ⏱ Tiempo • $ Dinero Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 12

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"Si gastas mas dinero en cafe que en Seguridad IT, vas a ser hackeado. En realidad, te mereces ser hackeado" Richard A. Clarke Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 13

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! " Invertir! Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 14

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! Mirada Sistémica Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 15

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! Vulnerabilidades Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 16

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Heartbleed Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 17

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 18

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! TCP es complejo Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 19

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HTTP/S - WebSockets - DNS - TCP - FTP - IPv4 - IPv6 - SSH- ASCII - IRC Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 20

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! Los navegadores tambien Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 21

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HTML - CSS - JS Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 22

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DOM - Geolocation - Multimedia - Fetch - Web Sockets - Storage Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 23

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! Entender la Solución Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 24

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! No hay solución perfecta Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 25

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! Pero podemos prepararnos Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 26

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! Seguridad no es "nice to have" Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 27

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! Seguridad por defecto Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 28

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! Siempre, pero siempre... Asumamos lo peor Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 29

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! Conocer tu Aplicación. Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 30

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! Vectores de Entrada Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 31

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Query String - URL Path - Request Body - Cookies - Request Headers - Form Fields - File Inputs - Emails - Web Socket - Browser Storage Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 32

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⚠ No confiar en los usuarios Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 33

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✅ Checklist de Seguridad Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 34

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! Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 35

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! HTTPS ! 2020 Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 36

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 37

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⬇ Actualizar Versiones • Node.js (12.18.0 LTS) • npm (6.14.4) • express (4.17.1) Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 38

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! Actualizar Dependencias • npm audit • dependant-bot • Snyk Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 39

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! Linter eslint-plugin-security Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 40

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! SQL / No-SQL Injection Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 41

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! ✅ SQL / No-SQL Injection • Validar inputs en el SERVER • Sanitizar queries • Usar ORM / ODM Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 42

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! " SQL / No-SQL Injection • mongoose • sequelize Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 43

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! XSS Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 44

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 45

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!✅ XSS • Validar inputs en el SERVER • "Encodear" output (HTML) • Secure Response Headers Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 46

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! " XSS Headers - HSTS - HPKP - X-Frame-Options - X-XSS-Protection - X-Content-Type-Options - Referrer-Policy - Expect-CT - Content-Security-Policy Secure Headers Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 47

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!" XSS • @hapi/joi • express-validator • helmet • csurf (CSRF) Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 48

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! DoS Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 49

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! ✅ DoS • Rate limiting • Manejo de errores • "Crasheos" explícitos • Validacion de Regex • Bloqueo de Usuarios / IP Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 50

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! " DoS • express-rate-limit (basico) • node-rate-limiter-flexible (avanzado) • try/cath - catch() - if (err) • safe-regex Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 51

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! Sesiones & Tokens Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 52

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! ✅ Sesiones & Tokens • No exponer • Expirar • Blacklist o WhiteList • OAUTH - OpenID Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 53

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! " Sesiones & Tokens • jsonwebtoken • passport • Auth0 - Okta - Firebase Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 54

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! Passwords Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 55

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Time to crack Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 56

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! ✅ Passwords • hash + salt (no usar crypto) • Contraseñas fuertes (entropia) • MFA Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 57

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! " Passwords • bcrypt • speakeasy • Auth0 - Okta - Firebase • Twilio Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 58

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! " Have I been pawned? Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 59

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! " Have I been pawned? Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 60

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! " Have I been pawned? API & DB Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 61

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! Dev Passwords & Secrets • CI • Dev Tools • Cloud • Keys - Tokens - Secrets Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 62

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! ✅ Dev Passwords & Secrets • 1Password • Blackbox • GPG • Secret Manager (AWS) • MFA ⚠ Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 63

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! Cookies Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 64

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! " Cookies Flags • httpOnly • secure • SameSite Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 65

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! ↩ Cookies Scoping • domain • path • expires Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 66

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! Logging & Monitoring Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 67

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! " Logging & Monitoring • winston • express-status-monitor Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 68

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! " Logging & Monitoring • datadog & new relic (monitoreo) • sentry & bugsnag (errores) • papertrail & loggly (logs) • pingdom & checkly (status) Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 69

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! Exponer Información Sensible Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 70

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 71

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! ✅ Exponer Información Sensible Simplemente no! Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 72

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 73

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! OWASP Top 10 Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 74

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! Recursos • • WebGoat • Web Security Basics • MIT Computer Systems Security • The Node.js best practices list • Web Application Security Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 75

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! Take Away Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 76

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Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 77

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✌ Crear una cultura de seguridad Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 78

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! Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 79

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! Gracias! ! Preguntas? ! @ianaya89 Security is not a feature! - @ianaya89 80