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Scene 37 Panel A Action Notes INT. PLANET EXPRESS - CONFERENCE ROOM Fry, Leela, the Professor, Amy and Zoidberg sit at the conference table watching Bender, head down on the table, continuing to cry. Dialogue BENDER (LOUD WAILING) Notes *CAM TRUCK OUT TO REVEAL group watching Bender cry Scene 37 Panel B Action Notes Door opens Dialogue BENDER (LOUD WAILING) Notes

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Scene 37 Panel C Action Notes Hermes enters with a cup of coffee. Dialogue BENDER (LOUD WAILING) Notes Scene 37 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue BENDER (LOUD WAILING) Notes

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Scene 37 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue BENDER (LOUD WAILING) Notes Scene 37 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue HERMES Good morning everyone-- Notes

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Scene 37 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue HERMES Good morning everyone-- Notes Scene 37 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue HERMES Good morning everyone-- Notes

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Scene 37 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 37 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue BENDER (LOOKS UP) You -- Notes

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Scene 37 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- want to -- Notes Scene 37 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- know why I’m -- Notes

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Scene 37 Panel M Action Notes Bender leans in. Dialogue BENDER -- crying? Notes Scene 37 Panel N Action Notes Bender takes a breath Dialogue Notes

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Scene 37 Panel O Action Notes Bender leans in Dialogue BENDER I’ll -- Notes Scene 37 Panel P Action Notes -- and looks around the table Dialogue BENDER -- tell you -- Notes

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Scene 37 Panel Q Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- why! Notes

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Scene 38 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 38 Panel B Action Notes Professor raises his hand Dialogue PROFESSOR Oh, -- Notes

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Scene 38 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue PROFESSOR -- brother. Notes Scene 38 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 39 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 39 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue BENDER (SOBS) Fry-- Notes

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Scene 39 Panel C Action Notes Bender holds back crying Dialogue Notes Scene 39 Panel D Action Notes Hermes takes a drink of his coffee Dialogue BENDER -and me... Notes

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Scene 39 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue BENDER ...we had -- Notes Scene 39 Panel F Action Notes Hermes lowers his cup Dialogue BENDER -- everything. Notes

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Scene 39 Panel G Action Notes Bender holds back crying Dialogue Notes

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Scene 40 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue BENDER Cabbage fights, -- Notes Scene 40 Panel B Action Notes Fry grabs his mug Dialogue BENDER Cabbage fights, -- Notes

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Scene 40 Panel C Action Notes -- and takes a drink with guilt Dialogue BENDER Cabbage fights, -- Notes

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Scene 41 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- everything. Notes Scene 41 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue BENDER But now -- Notes

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Scene 41 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- I’m like the third wheel on a -- Notes Scene 41 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue BENDER -- tricycle that used to have -- Notes

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Scene 41 Panel E Action Notes Bender raises 2 fingers Dialogue BENDER -- two wheels! Notes Scene 41 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes *CAM PAN TO REVEAL LEELA

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Scene 41 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue LEELA That’s a bicycle. Notes Scene 41 Panel H Action Notes Bender leans in towards Leela Dialogue BENDER You’re a bi -- Notes

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Scene 41 Panel I Action Notes -- then turns away and crosses his arms Dialogue BENDER -- cycle! Notes Scene 41 Panel J Action Notes -- then looks away. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 42 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue HERMES Yes, -- Notes Scene 42 Panel B Action Notes Hermes antics Dialogue HERMES Yes, -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel C Action Notes -- and stands Dialogue HERMES -- yes. Notes Scene 42 Panel D Action Notes -- and raises his right arm towards Bender Dialogue HERMES The company cares deeply about your -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel E Action Notes Hermes looks away from Bender Dialogue HERMES insert-problem-here. Notes Scene 42 Panel F Action Notes BEAT Dialogue Notes

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Scene 42 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue HERMES But meanwhile, Notes Scene 42 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- we’re being driven -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- out of -- Notes Scene 42 Panel J Action Notes Hermes presses a button on the center console Dialogue HERMES -- business -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel K Action Notes -- and a projection appears Dialogue HERMES -- business -- Notes Scene 42 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- business -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel M Action Notes Everyone follows the projection Dialogue HERMES -- by -- Notes *CAM MOVE TRACKS WITH PROJECTION Scene 42 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- Mom -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- azon! Notes Scene 42 Panel P Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 42 Panel Q Action Notes A Momazon drone FLIES in with a pointing stick Dialogue Notes Scene 42 Panel R Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 42 Panel S Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 42 Panel T Action Notes -- and Hermes takes it - Dialogue Notes

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Scene 42 Panel U Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 42 Panel V Action Notes -- and points at a projection of a descending graph. Dialogue HERMES We can’t compete with an evil behemoth that delivers for free! Notes

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Scene 42 Panel W Action Notes Dialogue HERMES We can’t compete with an evil behemoth that delivers for free! Notes Scene 42 Panel X Action Notes Dialogue HERMES We can’t compete with an evil behemoth that delivers for free! Notes

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Scene 42 Panel Y Action Notes Dialogue HERMES We can’t compete with an evil behemoth that delivers for free! Notes Scene 42 Panel Z Action Notes Dialogue HERMES We can barely even afford -- Notes

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Scene 42 Panel AA Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- these single-use pointing -- Notes Scene 42 Panel AB Action Notes He TOSSES the stick in the trash. Dialogue HERMES -- sticks! Notes

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Scene 42 Panel AC Action Notes He TOSSES the stick in the trash. Dialogue HERMES -- sticks! Notes Scene 42 Panel AD Action Notes He TOSSES the stick in the trash. Dialogue HERMES -- sticks! Notes

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Scene 43 Panel A Action Notes INSERT of trash can with empty boxes all around Dialogue Notes Scene 43 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 43 Panel C Action Notes Stick lands in the trash Dialogue Notes Scene 43 Panel D Action Notes Stick lands in the trash Dialogue Notes

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Scene 44 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue HERMES It’s just -- Notes Scene 44 Panel B Action Notes Hermes sits down Dialogue HERMES -- lucky we’ve got a job today Notes

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Scene 44 Panel C Action Notes Hermes leans in and raises his hand Dialogue HERMES -- delivering some crap -- Notes Scene 44 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- to the -- Notes

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Scene 44 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue HERMES -- moon. Notes Scene 44 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue HERMES delivering some crap to the moon. Notes

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Scene 45 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue LEELA What kind of crap? Notes Scene 45 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue LEELA What kind of -- Notes

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Scene 45 Panel C Action Notes Leela leans in Dialogue LEELA -- crap? Notes

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Scene 46 Panel A Action Notes Hermes finishes a sip of coffee Dialogue Notes Scene 46 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue HERMES Horse. Notes END OF SEQ02.

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Scene 171 Panel A Action Notes EXT. ROBOT ARMS - NIGHT - ESTABLISHING Dialogue Notes FUT805. SEQ12. Storyboard: Steve Fonti Robot Arms Building: BG0614_161_01 Cityscape: BG0607_012_01 *CAM TRUCK IN

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Scene 171 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue LEELA (O.S.) Think before you buy, Fry! Notes (*STOP truck-in and hold on Leela's dialogue)

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Scene 172 Panel A Action Notes INT. FRY AND LEELA'S APARTMENT Leela and Fry sit on the couch, a little tense. REVEAL a dining table with four normal and four hanging egg chairs crowded around it. The room is filled with open Momazon boxes, multiple similar kitchen appliances, overlapping pictures on the walls, etc. Dialogue Notes Scene 172 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue LEELA I picked a nice, traditional -- Notes

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Scene 172 Panel C Action Notes Fry looks at Leela Dialogue LEELA -- dining room set, and you -- Notes Scene 172 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue LEELA -- ruined it by ordering -- Notes

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Scene 172 Panel E Action Notes Leela gestures towards the egg chairs Dialogue LEELA -- those stupid egg -- Notes Scene 172 Panel F Action Notes Fry reacts Dialogue LEELA -- chairs. Notes

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Scene 172 Panel G Action Notes Fry turns towards the egg chairs Dialogue LEELA -- those stupid egg chairs. Notes Scene 172 Panel H Action Notes Fry gets up towards the egg chair Dialogue FRY They’re -- Notes

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Scene 172 Panel I Action Notes Fry turns to Leela and slightly turns the egg chair Dialogue FRY -- for my egg-shaped friends! Notes

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Scene 173 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue LEELA Those guys aren’t your friends, they’re bums! Notes Scene 173 Panel B Action Notes Leela points Dialogue LEELA -- they’re -- Notes

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Scene 173 Panel C Action Notes Leela leans forwards Dialogue LEELA -- bums! Notes

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Scene 174 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue FRY Oh, -- Notes Scene 174 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- so you don’t like my friends, is that it? Notes

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Scene 174 Panel C Action Notes BEAT Dialogue Notes Scene 174 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue FRY (SIGH) Notes

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Scene 174 Panel E Action Notes Fry starts to go back and sit in the egg chair Dialogue FRY Was this a bad -- Notes *CAM TRACKS WITH FRY sitting Scene 174 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue FRY Was this a bad -- Notes

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Scene 174 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue FRY Was this a bad -- Notes Scene 174 Panel H Action Notes Egg chair rocks Dialogue FRY -- idea? Notes

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Scene 174 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- idea? Notes Scene 174 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- idea? Notes

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Scene 174 Panel K Action Notes Fry drops his head Dialogue Notes Scene 174 Panel L Action Notes Egg chair settles Dialogue Notes

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Scene 175 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue LEELA No, -- Notes Scene 175 Panel B Action Notes Leela antics to get up Dialogue LEELA -- no. Notes

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Scene 175 Panel C Action Notes -- and walks towards Fry Dialogue LEELA -- no. Notes *CAM MOVE TRACKS WITH LEELA Scene 175 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue LEELA This -- Notes

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Scene 176 Panel A Action Notes Leela approaches Fry Dialogue LEELA -- just -- Notes Scene 176 Panel B Action Notes -- and gently pushes him in Dialogue LEELA -- the stan -- Notes

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Scene 176 Panel C Action Notes Fry leans back Dialogue LEELA -- dard moving-in-- Notes Scene 176 Panel D Action Notes Leela sits with her hand on his chest Dialogue LEELA -- together fight. Notes

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Scene 176 Panel E Action Notes BEAT Dialogue Notes Scene 176 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue FRY Well... Notes

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Scene 176 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue FRY I’m -- Notes Scene 176 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- glad I get to have it with you. Notes

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Scene 176 Panel I Action Notes They smile tiredly at each other. Dialogue Notes Scene 176 Panel J Action Notes Leela leans in close to Fry Dialogue LEELA Let’s just go to bed. Notes

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Scene 177 Panel A Action Notes INT. FRY'S BEDROOM Dialogue Notes Scene 177 Panel B Action Notes Leela and Fry walk in Dialogue LEELA We have seven to -- Notes

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Scene 177 Panel C Action Notes Leela reaches for the light switch Dialogue LEELA We have seven to -- Notes Scene 177 Panel D Action Notes Leela turns on the light as we TRUCK OUT we see a pile of beds nearby. Dialogue LEELA We have seven to -- Notes *CAM TRUCK OUT TO REVEAL THE BEDS

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Scene 177 Panel E Action Notes Leela gestures towards beds Dialogue LEELA -- choose -- Notes Scene 177 Panel F Action Notes Fry turns head Dialogue LEELA -- choose -- Notes

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Scene 177 Panel G Action Notes Leela lowers her arm Dialogue LEELA -- from... Notes

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Scene 178 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 178 Panel B Action Notes They look at each other and smile Dialogue Notes

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Scene 178 Panel C Action Notes Leela reaches for the light Dialogue Notes Scene 178 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 178 Panel E Action Notes They start kissing. Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) Notes Scene 178 Panel F Action Notes They turn Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) Notes

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Scene 178 Panel G Action Notes They spin around Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) Notes Scene 178 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) Notes *CAM PAN TRACKS WITH FRY and LEELA

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Scene 178 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) Notes Scene 178 Panel J Action Notes As they kiss, INVASA STARTS UP Dialogue FRY/LEELA (KISSING SOUNDS) INVASA Would you like to -- Notes

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Scene 178 Panel K Action Notes Leela reacts Dialogue INVASA -- order -- Notes Scene 178 Panel L Action Notes -- they pull apart from kiss Dialogue INVASA -- er -- Notes

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Scene 178 Panel M Action Notes To REVEAL INVASA watching Dialogue INVASA -- otic scented -- Notes Scene 178 Panel N Action Notes They both turn towards INVASA Dialogue INVASA -- massage oil or red handcuffs? Notes *CYCLE PANELS N and O for INVASA TALKING

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Scene 178 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue INVASA -- massage oil or red handcuffs? Notes

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Scene 179 Panel A Action Notes SP Dialogue Notes Scene 179 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue FRY Yes, -- Notes

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Scene 179 Panel C Action Notes Leela cuts Fry off Dialogue FRY -- please... LEELA God, that’s -- Notes Scene 179 Panel D Action Notes Fry looks to Leela Dialogue LEELA -- t’s creepy. Notes

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Scene 179 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue LEELA -- creepy. FRY Dehhh... Notes Scene 179 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue FRY ...I mean -- Notes

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Scene 179 Panel G Action Notes Leela's pupil look towards Fry Dialogue FRY ...I mean -- Notes Scene 179 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- yeah... Notes

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Scene 179 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue FRY -- so creepy. Notes Scene 179 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 179 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue LEELA Invasa, Notes Scene 179 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue LEELA -- give us some privacy and shut down. Notes

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Scene 179 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue INVASA You have requested shutting down. Press control- Notes *CYCLE PANELS A and B for INVASA TALKING Scene 180 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue INVASA You have requested shutting down. Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel A Action Notes Fry and Leela walk towards INVASA Dialogue INVASA -- alt -- Notes Scene 180_A Panel B Action Notes Leela settles Dialogue INVASA -- delete -- Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel C Action Notes -- Fry settles Dialogue INVASA -- on my keyboard. Notes Scene 180_A Panel D Action Notes Dialogue LEELA You don’t have a keyboard. Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel E Action Notes Dialogue INVASA Would you like to order a keyboard? Notes Scene 180_A Panel F Action Notes Leela antics Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel G Action Notes Dialogue LEELA No! Notes Scene 180_A Panel H Action Notes A drone is heard O.S. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel I Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel J Action Notes A drone FLIES in -- Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel K Action Notes Fry and Leela watch Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel L Action Notes Drone goes around Fry Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel M Action Notes A drone FLIES in -- Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel N Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel O Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel P Action Notes A drone FLIES in Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel Q Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel R Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel S Action Notes -- and lowers a package to Fry Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel T Action Notes -- and hands Fry a box. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel U Action Notes Drone exits Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel V Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel W Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel X Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 180_A Panel Y Action Notes Fry sits down on the couch Dialogue Notes Scene 180_A Panel Z Action Notes -- and sets the box on the coffee table. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 181 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 181 Panel B Action Notes Fry reaches into the box Dialogue Notes

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Scene 181 Panel C Action Notes -- and pulls out some pills Dialogue Notes *CAM TRUCK OUT TRACKS WITH FRY ACTION

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Scene 181 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue FRY Diarrhea medicine? Notes Scene 181 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 182 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue FRY Did you order this? Notes Scene 182 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue FRY Did you order this? Notes

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Scene 182 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue FRY Did you order this? Notes Scene 182 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue FRY Did you order this? Notes

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Scene 182 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue LEELA (CONFUSED) No. Notes Scene 182 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 182 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue LEELA It’s not my brand. Notes Scene 182 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 182 Panel I Action Notes Fry looks at the pills Dialogue Notes Scene 182 Panel J Action Notes Leela turns her head towards the box Dialogue Notes

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Scene 182 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue LEELA (THEN) Hey, what’s -- Notes Scene 182 Panel L Action Notes Leela reaches into the box Dialogue LEELA -- this? Notes

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Scene 182 Panel M Action Notes She pulls a note from the box -- Dialogue Notes Scene 182 Panel N Action Notes She pulls a note from the box -- Dialogue Notes

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Scene 183 Panel A Action Notes -- and UNFOLDS it. Dialogue Notes Scene 183 Panel B Action Notes CLOSE-UP: A childish scrawl reads, “HELP ME!!!! FROM, BENDER.” Dialogue LEELA “Help me, from Bender”? Notes

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Scene 184 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue LEELA Is this a joke? Notes Scene 184 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue FRY (ALARMED) No -- Notes *CAM TRUCK OUT WITH FRY'S ACTION

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Scene 184 Panel C Action Notes Fry stands Dialogue FRY -- way! Notes Scene 184 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue FRY Bender would -- Notes

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Scene 184 Panel E Action Notes Fry antics Dialogue FRY -- ne -- Notes Scene 184 Panel F Action Notes -- and waves his hands Dialogue FRY -- ver joke about -- Notes

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Scene 184 Panel G Action Notes Fry lowers his hands Dialogue FRY -- diarrhea! Notes

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Scene 185 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue INVASA It sounds like you’re interested in jokes. We have several. A robot walks into a bar and says can you-- Notes *CYCLE PANELS A and B for INVASA LINE Scene 185 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue INVASA It sounds like you’re interested in jokes. We have several. A robot walks into a bar and says can you-- Notes

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Scene 185 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue BENDER/INVASA (THROUGH INVASA) “Heeeelllpp meeee!” Notes *QUICK TRUCK INTO INVASA *CYCLE PANELS C and D for BENDER talking thru INVASA Scene 185 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue BENDER/INVASA (THROUGH INVASA) “Heeeelllpp meeee!” Notes

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Scene 186 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 186 Panel B Action Notes DRAMATIC STING. Fry and Leela look shocked as we... Dialogue Notes CUT TO BLACK: END OF SEQ12.