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Browserify All The Things

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Hello! I’m Nico nzgb

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Hello! I’m Nico nzgb bevacqua

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Hello! I’m Nico nzgb bevacqua

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Slide 5 text Quality

Slide 6

Slide 6 text Quality Processes

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Slide 7 text Quality Processes Modularity

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Slide 8 text Quality Processes Modularity 100~ samples!

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Modules! are good for you

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Getting Closure ~function(){}()

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~function () { var foo = 1; alert(foo); }();

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Modularity? To some extent.

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~function (window) { function sum (a, b) { return a + b; } window.math = {sum: sum}; }(this);

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~function (math) { alert(math.sum(2, 5)); }(math); !

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Dependencies? Hand-crafted dependency graph!

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(){}() It’s making a face!

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Closures - Abuse global variables

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Closures - Abuse global variables - Fine for tiny projects

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Closures - Abuse global variables - Fine for tiny projects - Modularity is up to you

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Closures - Abuse global variables - Fine for tiny projects - Modularity is up to you - Manual dependency management

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AMD Modules

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No content

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Dependencies? Yay!

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define([], function () { function sum (a, b) { return a + b; } return { sum: sum }; }); math.js

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require(['math'], function (math) { alert(math.sum(2, 5)); }); ! ! main.js

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Modularity… But at what cost?

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AMD Modules - Resolves dependency graph

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AMD Modules - Resolves dependency graph - Lacks a straightforward API

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AMD Modules - Resolves dependency graph - Lacks a straightforward API - Drastic changes after you build

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AMD Modules - Resolves dependency graph - Lacks a straightforward API - Drastic changes after you build - So. Much. Clutter.

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ES6 Modules Great! (on paper)

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function sum (a, b) { return a + b; } ! export default {sum: sum}; math.js

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import math from 'math'; ! alert(math.sum(2,5)); main.js

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ES6 Modules - The Way Forward ™

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ES6 Modules - The Way Forward ™ - To use today, add a transpilation step

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ES6 Modules - The Way Forward ™ - To use today, add a transpilation step - Hard to interact with CJS modules

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ES6 Modules - The Way Forward ™ - To use today, add a transpilation step - Hard to interact with CJS modules - Not generally available / popular yet

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Stay positive!

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CommonJS Modules

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CommonJS Modules

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CommonJS Modules

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CommonJS Modules

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function sum (a, b) { return a + b; } module.exports = {sum:sum}; math.js

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var math = require('./math'); ! alert(math.sum(2,5)); ! main.js

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CommonJS Modules API similar to ES6

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CommonJS Modules API similar to ES6 Takes advantage of npm

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CommonJS Modules API similar to ES6 Takes advantage of npm Browserify for the client

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npm install -g browserify

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browserify main.js

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No content

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browserify main.js -o all.js

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No content

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Quality great for everyone!

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insert-rule Everything begins with a simple idea

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Consistent Results Flexible API

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insertRule(selector, styles) styles: String, Object Adds a CSS rule

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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var camel = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g; var hyphens = '$1-$2'; function parseStyles (styles) { if (typeof styles === 'string') { return styles; } return Object.keys(styles).map(function (key) { var prop = key.replace(camel, hyphens).toLowerCase(); return prop + ':' + styles[key]; }).join(';'); }

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module.exports = function (selector, styles) { var css = parseStyles(styles); var sheets = document.styleSheets; var s = sheets[sheets.length - 1]; var key = s.cssRules ? s.cssRules: s.rules; if (s.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + css + '}', key.length); } else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, css, key.length); } };

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module.exports = function (selector, styles) { var css = parseStyles(styles); var sheets = document.styleSheets; var s = sheets[sheets.length - 1]; var key = s.cssRules ? s.cssRules: s.rules; if (s.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + css + '}', key.length); } else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, css, key.length); } };

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module.exports = function (selector, styles) { var css = parseStyles(styles); var sheets = document.styleSheets; var s = sheets[sheets.length - 1]; var key = s.cssRules ? s.cssRules: s.rules; if (s.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + css + '}', key.length); } else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, css, key.length); } };

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module.exports = function (selector, styles) { var css = parseStyles(styles); var sheets = document.styleSheets; var s = sheets[sheets.length - 1]; var key = s.cssRules ? s.cssRules: s.rules; if (s.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + css + '}', key.length); } else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, css, key.length); } };

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module.exports = function (selector, styles) { var css = parseStyles(styles); var sheets = document.styleSheets; var s = sheets[sheets.length - 1]; var key = s.cssRules ? s.cssRules: s.rules; if (s.insertRule) { sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + css + '}', key.length); } else if (sheet.addRule) { sheet.addRule(selector, css, key.length); } };

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Extensive Documentation

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No content

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No content

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Automate All The Builds!

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Build distribution

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Build distribution Bump package

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Build distribution Bump package Tag in git

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Build distribution Bump package Tag in git Publish to npm

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Build distribution Bump package Tag in git Publish to npm

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npm install gulp -g

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npm install gulp -D

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! gulp.task('build', ...)

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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function build () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); return browserify('./src/lib.js') .bundle({ debug: true, standalone: 'lib' }) .pipe(source('lib.js')) .pipe(streamify(header(ext, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')) .pipe(streamify(rename('lib.min.js'))) .pipe(streamify(uglify())) .pipe(streamify(header(min, { pkg: pkg }))) .pipe(streamify(size())) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }

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gulp.task('build', build);

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gulp.task('watch', ...)

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gulp.task('watch', function() { var pattern = { glob: 'src/**/*.js' }; watch(pattern, function () { gulp.start('build'); }); });

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gulp.task('watch', function() { var pattern = { glob: 'src/**/*.js' }; watch(pattern, function () { gulp.start('build'); }); });

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gulp.task('watch', function() { var pattern = { glob: 'src/**/*.js' }; watch(pattern, function () { gulp.start('build'); }); });

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gulp.task('watch', function() { var pattern = { glob: 'src/**/*.js' }; watch(pattern, function () { gulp.start('build'); }); });

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! gulp.task('bump', ...)

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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gulp.task('bump-only', function () { // major.minor.patch var bumpType = process.env.BUMP || 'patch'; ! return gulp.src(['./package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: bumpType })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); ! gulp.task('bump', ['bump-only'], build);

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! gulp.task('tag', ...)

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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gulp.task('tag', ['bump'], function () { var pkg = require('./package.json'); var v = 'v' + pkg.version; var message = 'Release ' + v; ! return gulp.src('./') .pipe(git.commit(message)) .pipe(git.tag(v, message)) .pipe(git.push('origin', 'master', '--tags')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });

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! gulp.task('npm', ...)

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var cp = require('child_process'); var spawn = cp.spawn; ! gulp.task('npm',['tag'],function(done){ spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); });

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var cp = require('child_process'); var spawn = cp.spawn; ! gulp.task('npm',['tag'],function(done){ spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); });

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var cp = require('child_process'); var spawn = cp.spawn; ! gulp.task('npm',['tag'],function(done){ spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); });

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var cp = require('child_process'); var spawn = cp.spawn; ! gulp.task('npm',['tag'],function(done){ spawn('npm', ['publish'], { stdio: 'inherit' }).on('close', done); });

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! gulp.task('release', ['npm']); ! gulp watch gulp release

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Use Cases also good for you

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Poser Extend natives safely

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var doc = global.document; var tag = 'iframe'; function poser (type) { var frame = doc.createElement(tag); = 'none'; doc.body.appendChild(frame); return frame.contentWindow[type]; } module.exports = poser;

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var doc = global.document; var tag = 'iframe'; function poser (type) { var frame = doc.createElement(tag); = 'none'; doc.body.appendChild(frame); return frame.contentWindow[type]; } module.exports = poser;

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var doc = global.document; var tag = 'iframe'; function poser (type) { var frame = doc.createElement(tag); = 'none'; doc.body.appendChild(frame); return frame.contentWindow[type]; } module.exports = poser;

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var doc = global.document; var tag = 'iframe'; function poser (type) { var frame = doc.createElement(tag); = 'none'; doc.body.appendChild(frame); return frame.contentWindow[type]; } module.exports = poser;

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var doc = global.document; var tag = 'iframe'; function poser (type) { var frame = doc.createElement(tag); = 'none'; doc.body.appendChild(frame); return frame.contentWindow[type]; } module.exports = poser;

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Poser Extend natives safely

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var vm = require('vm'); function poser (type) { var box = {}; var code = 'stolen=' + type; vm.runInNewContext(code, box, 'vm'); return box.stolen; } module.exports = poser;

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var vm = require('vm'); function poser (type) { var box = {}; var code = 'stolen=' + type; vm.runInNewContext(code, box, 'vm'); return box.stolen; } module.exports = poser;

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var vm = require('vm'); function poser (type) { var box = {}; var code = 'stolen=' + type; vm.runInNewContext(code, box, 'vm'); return box.stolen; } module.exports = poser;

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var vm = require('vm'); function poser (type) { var box = {}; var code = 'stolen=' + type; vm.runInNewContext(code, box, 'vm'); return box.stolen; } module.exports = poser;

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var vm = require('vm'); function poser (type) { var box = {}; var code = 'stolen=' + type; vm.runInNewContext(code, box, 'vm'); return box.stolen; } module.exports = poser;

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{ "main": "src/node.js", "browser": "./src/browser.js" } "./src/node": "./src/browser" } Semantics in package.json

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{ "main": "src/node.js", "browser": "./src/browser.js" } "./src/node": "./src/browser" } Semantics in package.json

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{ "main": "src/node.js", "browser": { "./src/node": "./src/browser" } } Semantics in package.json

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Taunus Shared Rendering

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View Templates: function (model) Shared Functionality View Routing: JSON Module

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Server Side GET /author/compose Accept: HTML? Full Layout + Partial Accept: JSON? Partial View Model

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Client Side On first load GET request established by the browser Server-side renders layout and view Client-side controller gets executed

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Client Side On navigation - after first load AJAX request for partial model Client-side renders view Client-side controller gets executed

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Wrapping Up!

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Modularity in JS

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Modularity in JS API Design Quality

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Modularity in JS API Design Quality Documentation

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Modularity in JS API Design Quality Documentation Build Automation

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Thanks! nzgb bevacqua

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Thanks! nzgb bevacqua All The Questions?