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Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Christian Liebel @christianliebel Consultant

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Lit – Provided by Google – Lightweight library (5 KB) – Custom lifecycle on top of Web Components – Tagged template literals for HTML and CSS to prevent XSS attacks including support for data binding – TypeScript decorators for component registration and attribute/property declaration Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web Components and Architecture

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Lit @customElement('paint-tool-box') export class ToolBox { render(): TemplateResult { return html` ${ (tool) => html` this.selectTool(tool)}" >`, )} `; } } Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web Components and Architecture

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Web Components Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web Components and Architecture

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Store Pattern Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web Components and Architecture

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Embedded Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web Components and Architecture

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Canvas – Plain bitmap for the web – Cross-platform, hardware- accelerated graphics operations – Supports different contexts (2D, 3D: WebGL, WebGL 2.0) – Supported on all evergreen browsers and on IE 9+ Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Canvas and Input

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Pointer Events Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Canvas and Input Users nowadays use different input methods, cross-platform apps should cover all of them Pointer Events offer an abstract interface to catch all input methods (pointerdown, pointermove, pointerup) event.offsetX/event.offsetY contain the pointer’s position relative to the listener

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Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Web App Manifest Service Worker

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manifest.webmanifest { "short_name": "Paint", "name": "Paint Workshop", "theme_color": "white", "icons": [{ "src": "icon.png", "sizes": "512x512" }], "start_url": "/index.html", "display": "standalone", "shortcuts": [/* … */] } Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Offline Capability and Installability Names Icons Display Mode Shortcuts Start URL Theme color (status bar/window bar)

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Service Worker Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Offline Capability and Installability Service Worker Internet Website HTML/JS Cache fetch

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Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA

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Project Fugu Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Capabilities »Let’s bring the web back – API by API« Thomas Steiner, Google

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Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Capabilities

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Browser Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Capabilities navigator.share({ url: '' }); ShareIntent DataTransferManager … NSSharingServicePicker

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Async Clipboard API const btnCopy = document.querySelector('#copy'); btnCopy.addEventListener('click', async () => { const blob = await toBlob(canvas); await navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({[blob.type]: blob}) ]); }); Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Copy and Paste

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File System Access API btnSave.addEventListener('click', async () => { const blob = await toBlob(canvas); const handle = await window.showSaveFilePicker(fileOptions); const writable = await handle.createWritable(); await writable.write(blob); await writable.close(); }); Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA File Access and File Handling

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File Handling API "file_handlers": [{ "action": "/index.html", "accept": { "image/png": [".png"] } }] Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA File Access and File Handling

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File Handling API if ('launchQueue' in window) { launchQueue.setConsumer(async params => { const [handle] = params.files; if (handle) { const file = await handle.getFile(); const image = await getImage(file); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); } }); } Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA File Access and File Handling

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CSS-Only Light Mode :host { --button-face: rgb(192 192 192); --button-light: white; --button-dark: rgb(128 128 128); --button-darker: black; --button-text: black; } Dark Mode @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :host { --button-face: rgb(64 64 64); --button-light: rgb(128 128 128); --button-dark: rgb(32 32 32); --button-text: white; } } Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Dark Mode

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Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Outlook

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Web Components: Very robust, works consistently across evergreen browsers, perfect for integration scenarios. Lit: Shares basic concepts with other frameworks/libraries (such as Angular), but is much more lightweight. is smaller (= transferred bytes) than the Windows 95 of Paint (320K)! Capabilities: Powerful APIs available on Chromium and WebKit-based browsers, fallbacks are used for other browsers. Conclusion: Successful project! ! You can perfectly implement web- based (= cross-platform), desktop-class productivity applications. Making of A Web Component-based Productivity PWA Summary

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Thank you for your kind attention! Christian Liebel @christianliebel [email protected]