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Pragmatic crypto #2: hashing Marek Majkowski

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DIYOC • “Don't invent your own crypto.”

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Last week

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PRG 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 f(state) state value

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PRG Language Method State size C, Java, VB LCG 32 Python Mersenne Twister 32 DVD; GSM; Bluetooth LFSR 40 OpenSSL.RAND_bytes unnamed 8192 RC4 1024 Salsa 20 128 or 256 Sosemanuk 128 or 256 • •

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Entropy • Hardware Random Number Generator • Geiger counter • Intel RdRand • /dev/random • /dev/urandom • • • •

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Real world bug Intention 2014 * 1012 50.8 Constrains 1900 * 1012 50.7 Weak algo 100% 3.656 * 1012 41.7 Weak algo 75% 1.311 * 1012 40.2 Weak PRNG 4294 * 106 32 Weak seed 86.4 * 106 26 Seed and PRNG 64 * 103 16

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Conclusion • Never use built-in “Math.random()” • It’s (almost) always predictable • CS-PRG are rarely built-in • Must be seeded with good entropy • Testing entropy sources is hard

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Assignment #0 [+] Your task is to guess my super secure, completely unpredictable password:

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Assignment #1 [ ] This is my PRNG code: def _lcg(state): return (1103515245*state + 12345) % (2**31) def lcg_generator(seed): state = seed while True: state = _lcg(state) yield state with open('/dev/urandom', 'rb') as f: seed, = struct.unpack('I', gen = lcg_generator(seed) [ ] See - my PRNG is initialized using super secure seed! [ ] First value of the PRNG is: 123456 [+] Your task is to predict the second value of my LCG PRNG:

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• Assignment #2* [ ] This is my PRNG code: def _lcg(state): return (1103515245*state + 12345) % (2**31) def lcg_generator(seed): state = seed while True: state = _lcg(state) yield state with open('/dev/urandom', 'rb') as f: seed, = struct.unpack('I', gen = lcg_generator(seed) [ ] Second value of the PRNG is: 12345 [+] Your task is to recover the first value of my LCG PRNG:

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• Assignment #3 [ ] 29777 seconds ago I generated a password. [ ] You will never crack it! [ ] Oh, I used python random module, and I initialized the [ ] seed like python does on some platforms: random.seed(int(time.time() * 256)) [ ] The password was generated like that: secret = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(12)) [+] Your task is to guess the password:

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ToC • Random numbers • Pseudo Random Generators (PRG) • Cryptographically Secure PRG (CS-PRG) • Sources of entropy • Hashing • Traditional hashing • Cryptographically Secure Hashing • Message Authentication Code • Key Derivation Functions • Side Channel Attacks

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Hash functions

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Hash function def hash(string): return number

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Hash table hash(“Tom”) % 6 = 3 hash(“John”) % 6 = 5 hash(“Sarah”) % 6 = 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Tom John Sarah X X

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Hash table Average Insertion O(1) Deletion O(1) Lookup O(1)

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Hash table def hash(string): return 3

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Hash table hash(“Tom”) % 6 = 3 hash(“John”) % 6 = 3 hash(“Sarah”) % 6 = 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 Tom John Sarah X

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Hash table Average Worst Insertion O(1) O(n) Deletion O(1) O(n) Lookup O(1) O(n) •

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Real world bug • CVE-2011-4815

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Assignment #4 [ ] I'm an application that memorizes strings. [ ] I have a small hash table implemented here: hash_table = [[] for i in range(1023)] [ ] I save the string like that: hash, = struct.unpack('I', hashlib.md5(string.encode('ascii')).digest()[:4]) bucket = hash_table[hash % 1023] if string not in bucket: bucket.append( string ) [ ] It's using md5! It's super secure for hash table! [ ] BTW, I also clean up the hash table once in a while [ ] to make sure I don't crash due to excessive memory usage! [+] Your task is to guess to overflow a bucket and DOS me.

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Hash functions def hash(string, seed): return number

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Hash functions Hash size Seed? CPB Crc32 32 - 6.9 Adler32 word - 1.9 MurmurHash3 word yes 0.6 • • •

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Real world bug • CVE-2012-5371

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Hash functions Hash size Seed? Key? CPB Crc32 32 - - 6.9 Adler32 word - - 1.9 MurmurHash3 word yes - 0.6 SipHash 128 - yes ~3.0 •

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Practicalities • python -R • Or:

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Assignment #5 [+] Your task is twofold: 1) Check if the implementation of a hash/dictionary in your favourite programming language is vulnerable to hash-flooding. 2) Implement a single round of siphash in your favoirite programming language. 3) As a bonus point - implement full siphash algorithm!

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Cryptographic hash function

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Crypto Hash Fun hash size attack CPB DES 56 2 39 54.7 MD5 128 2 21 6.8 SHA-1 160 2 61 11.4 SHA-2 256 256 15.8 SHA-2 512 512 17.7 SHA-3 256+ 12.5 • •

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Exhaustive search 8 characters [a-z] ? [a-Z] ? [a-Z0-9] ?

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Exhaustive search 8 characters [a-z] 268 = 0.20*1012 [a-Z] 528 = 53.4*1012 [a-Z0-9] 628 = 218*1012

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Workshop #0 $ tar xzf john-1.7.9-jumbo-7.tar.gz $ cd john-1.7.9-jumbo-7/src $ make linux-x86-sse2 # alternatively: linux-x86-64 # or macosx-x86-sse2 # or macosx-x86-64 $ cd ../run $ ./john --test $ ./john --test | egrep -A2 "raw-md5|raw-sha1"

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John The Ripper $ ./john --test Benchmarking: d_0: md5($p) (raw-md5) [128/128 SSE2 intrinsics 10x4x3]... DONE Raw: 23805K c/s real, 24046K c/s virtual Benchmarking: d_26: sha1($p) raw-sha1 [128/128 SSE2 4x1]... DONE Raw: 11121K c/s real, 11232K c/s virtual

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Exhaustive search: John 8 characters raw md5 [a-z] 268 = 0.20*1012 ? [a-Z] 528 = 53.4*1012 ? [a-Z0-9] 628 = 218*1012 ?

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Exhaustive search: John 8 characters raw md5 [a-z] 268 = 0.20*1012 2 hours [a-Z] 528 = 53.4*1012 25 days [a-Z0-9] 628 = 218*1012 105 days

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Assignment #6 [+] Your task is to break this md5 checksum: 0b4e7a0e5fe84ad35fb5f95b9ceeac79 [ ] Original string is a 6 character string, [ ] composed from characters from range [a-z0-9]. [+] The original string is: Solution: $ echo 0b4e7a0e5fe84ad35fb5f95b9ceeac79 > passwd.raw-md5 $ ./john -i=alnum --format=raw-md5 passwd.raw-md5 $ ./john --format=raw-md5 --show passwd.raw-md5

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John’s SLOW! • 5600M c/s MD5 • 2300M c/s SHA1 •

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Exhaustive search: GPU • 8 characters John raw md5 GPU raw md5 [a-z] 268 = 0.20*1012 2 hours ? [a-Z] 528 = 53.4*1012 25 days ? [a-Z0-9] 628 = 218*1012 105 days ?

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Exhaustive search: GPU • 8 characters John raw md5 GPU raw md5 [a-z] 268 = 0.20*1012 2 hours 37 sec [a-Z] 528 = 53.4*1012 25 days 2 hours [a-Z0-9] 628 = 218*1012 105 days 10 hours

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Real world bug

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Assignment #7 [*] Your task is to break as many passwords hashes [*] from recent leak as possible. [ ] Step 1. Download this SHA1.txt file: Option a) magnet link: Option b) piratebay link: [ ] Step 2. Verify the file: $ shasum SHA1.txt 97018baa4e931e0d02b4ae8ecb1d7d8b6c1b1230 SHA1.txt [ ] Step 3. Crack. ./john --format=Raw-SHA1-LinkedIn ~/SHA1.txt

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Precomputed tables hash key 0x00..01 ca 0x71..AB ma 0xAC..78 ba

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Precomputed tables key ca ma ba (hash) • elements: n • memory cost: n • lookup: O(log(n))

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Precomputed tables 6 8 10 [a-z] [a-Z] [a-Z0-9] 7633383 PiB

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Precomputed tables 6 8 10 [a-z] 1.7 GiB 1.6 TiB 1283 PiB [a-Z] 110 GiB 389 TiB 1314721 PiB [a-Z0-9] 317 GiB 1588 PiB 7633383 PiB

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Rainbow tables 0xDE..EF lela fun() 0xFA..DE hash() joey fun()

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Rainbow tables last key first key rootroot wikipedia myname abcdefgh linux23 passwd • •

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• elements: n • size of chain: k • memory cost: n/k • lookup: O(k * log(n)) Rainbow tables last key first key ca de ma fa ba gi

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Rainbow tables • decrease memory requirements • increase lookup complexity

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Real world bug •

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Real world bug • •

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Salting def salted_hash(string, salt): return salt + hash(salt + string))

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Assignment #9 [+] I'm a nigerian virus. Please crack these hashes for me [+] as I can't afford a computer. BTW. the passwords are [+] composed of excatly 7 characters of digits. [ ] Unsalted ("raw-sha1"): bf683bc25f36e05825647b8e2869bb141a7ef3ed [...] [ ] Salted ("sha1-gen"): $SHA1p$4290117$5d20ebba87900c454a0ab21c81e5ce7185ac59da [...] [ ] Weakly salted ("sha1-gen"): $SHA1p$aaaa$177ab675c3c0aef6a6850b9530da20f8f4d63bdf [...]

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Real world bug • hash(salt + string) != hash(string + salt) • Shared prefix speed bump • Length extension attack

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Salting • Won’t save you.

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No content

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Dictionary attacks • Passwords aren’t uniformly distributed • password • 123456 • 12345678 • abc123 • qwerty • mokey • iloveyou • trustno1

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Real world bug •

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Real world bug •

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Real world bug •

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Assignment #8 [+] Your task is to break this sha512 password: e860e0aba15c89b31448d0d20625a2c7... [ ] The secret is composed of 4 concatenated lowercase words. [ ] My vocabolary is quite bad, so I used a dictionary [ ] to help me generate a memorizable password: [+] The original string is:

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Real world bug

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Final matters

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Lifetime of a hash •

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Speed matters hash size attack CPB DES 56 2 39 54.7 MD5 128 2 21 6.8 SHA-1 160 2 61 11.4 SHA-2 256 256 15.8 SHA-2 512 512 17.7 SHA-3 256+ 12.5 • •

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Conclusion • Is SHA1 better than MD5?

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Conclusion • Don’t use hash for passwords: • Storing passwords with MD5() or SHA1() is bad (salted or not) • Rephrase: hash functions are not constructed to store your passwords • Hash functions come and go and are optimized for speed • Humans are bad at memorizing passwords • Considering number of sites using MD5 consider not reusing passwords • Beware hash flooding attacks

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Finally $ ./john --test Benchmarking: FreeBSD MD5 [128/128 SSE2 intrinsics 12x]... DONE Raw: 27376 c/s real, 28206 c/s virtual Benchmarking: OpenBSD Blowfish (x32) [32/32 X2]... DONE Raw: 774 c/s real, 789 c/s virtual Benchmarking: Django PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-256 (x10000) [32/32]... DONE Raw: 42.5 c/s real, 43.0 c/s virtual Benchmarking: WPA-PSK PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-1 [32/32]... DONE Raw: 340 c/s real, 347 c/s virtual

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Real world bug • •