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How to lie, cheat and steal

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How to lie, cheat and steal

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Ruby 2.0 Rails 4.0

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How does it work?

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Not well …

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ctx = $($canvas).get(0).getContext('2d') preview = $($preview).get(0) localMediaStream = null start = null

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start: -> start = (new Date).getTime() started = true isStarted: -> started? and started stop: -> started = false isStopped: -> started == false

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success = (stream) => preview.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream) localMediaStream = stream preview.addEventListener 'loadeddata', capture error = -> console.error arguments navigator.getUserMedia video: true, success, error

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capture: => ctx.drawImage(preview, 0, 0) if localMediaStream? now = (new Date).getTime() pixels = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT).data timestamp = now - start createFrame(pixels, timestamp) requestAnimationFrame capture unless isStopped()

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v [red, green, blue, alpha]

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createFrame = (pixels, timestamp) -> intensity = 0 intensity += pixel for pixel in pixels by 4 when pixel? { intensity: intensity, timestamp: timestamp }

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v [red, green, blue, alpha]

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No content

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window.URL ?= window.webkitURL window.requestAnimationFrame ?= window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame navigator.getUserMedia ?= navigator.webkitGetUserMedia

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Server Client Request Response

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Server Request Response Browser

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Server Request Response Browser

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No content

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Can it run Crysis?

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crack = (hash, maxLength = 10, charset) -> charset ?= ( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + '0123456789' ).split('') stack = [''] for [1..maxLength] buffer = [] for item in stack for character in charset word = item + character if md5(word) == hash return word else buffer.push word stack = stack.concat buffer

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hash = '3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f' # "foobar" crack(hash)

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def crack(hash, max_length = 10, charset = nil) charset ||= ( 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' + 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' + '0123456789' ).split('') stack = [''] max_length.times do buffer = [] for item in stack for character in charset word = item + character if Digest::MD5.hexdigest(word) == hash return word else buffer << word end end end stack = stack + buffer end end

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Javascript Ruby

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Square one

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Try to solve problems closer to the GUI

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url = window.URL || window.webkitURL

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# Creates a new object URL. window.URL.createObjectURL() # Revokes an object URL previously created window.URL.revokeObjectURL()

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video = document.createElement 'video')

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$('#source').on 'change', -> src = url.createObjectURL(@files[0]) video.src = src video.autoplay = false video.load()

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THUMBNAILSIZE = 0.25 $(video).on 'canplaythrough', -> width = video.videoWidth * THUMBNAILSIZE height = video.videoHeight * THUMBNAILSIZE extractFrame(video, width, height)

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step = 1 # extract a frame every on second extractFrame = (video, width, height, time = 0) -> video.currentTime = time $(video).one 'seeked', -> ctx = createAndInsertCanvas(width, height) ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height) time += step if time < video.duration extractFrame(video, width, height, time) else $('#output') .show() .on('mousemove', scrub) .find('canvas:not(:last)') .hide()

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$output = $('#output') outputOffset = $output.offset().left outputWidth = $output.width() pages = $output.find('canvas') pageCount = pages.length stepSize = outputWidth / (pageCount - 1) scrub = (e) -> page = Math.round((e.pageX - outputOffset) / stepSize) pages.hide().eq(page).show()

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No content

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Potential issues —

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Potential issues — Video format

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Potential issues — Video format Canvas support

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Potential issues — Video format Canvas support Javascript support

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No content

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No content

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Strange things in space

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width = $'width') height = $'height') src = $image.attr('src') $canvas = $('') $canvas.attr(width: width, height: height) ctx = $canvas.get(0).getContext('2d') image = new Image() image.onload = -> ratio = if width > height then height / width else height / height [sWidth, sHeight] = if width > height [@width, @width * ratio] else [@height * ratio, @height] ctx.drawImage(@, 0, 0, sWidth, sHeight, 0, 0, width, height) $image.replaceWith $canvas

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ctx.drawImage( image, # image object sx, # crop positition sy, # sWidth, # crop size sHeight, # dx, # target position dy, # dWidth, # target size dHeight # )

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Strange things in space

Slide 64

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$('img.resize').resize() $('img.resize').resize(gravity: 'ne', zoom: false) # resize, crop if necessary to maintain aspect ratio # north-east gravity $('img.resize').resize('400x300#ne') # resize only if the image is smaller than this $('img.resize').resize('400x300<')

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No content

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Potential issues —

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Potential issues — Canvas support

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Potential issues — Canvas support Javascript support

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But, can it run Crysis?

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v [red, green, blue, alpha]

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createFrame = (pixels, timestamp) -> intensity = 0 intensity += pixel for pixel in pixels by 4 when pixel? { intensity: intensity, timestamp: timestamp } & requestAnimationFrame capture unless isStopped()

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Web Workers

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Orange = require 'orange'

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set = new Orange.JobSet set.on 'complete', -> console.log 'All done'

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job = new Orange.Job 'calculate_intensity', pixels : pixels timestamp: timestamp job.on 'complete', (data) => console.log data.intensity job.perform() # or run whole set at once set.push(job) set.perform()

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self.onmessage = (event) -> [type, data] = [,] switch type when 'perform' intensity = 0 intensity += pixel for pixel in data.pixels by 4 ↵ when pixel? self.postMessage type: 'complete' data: intensity: intensity timestamp: data.timestamp

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No content

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The Future —

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The Future —

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The Future — Worker API

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?)

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?) Worker class shim

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?) Worker class shim Queue interface

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?) Worker class shim Queue interface Custom events

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?) Worker class shim Queue interface Custom events Job retry

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The Future — Worker API Persistent jobs (?) Worker class shim Queue interface Custom events Job retry Error handling

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Why not?

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Fundamental lack of trust

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window.onbeforeunload = -> 'Are you sure you want to leave?'

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Local storage

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No content

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Shims / Shivs HTML5-Cross-Browser-Polyfills

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