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LINE TODAY的⼤規模敏捷之路 The Journey to LINE TODAY Large-Scale Agile

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WHO AM I Derek Chen Scrum Master @LINE TAIWAN

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Agenda 3 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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Agenda 4 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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The story starts in 2018 5

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LINE TODAY 6 Taiwan Thailand Indonesia Hong Kong

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Background 7 Product Team Process • 40+ people • 1 PO team (PO, planners and designers) • 3 Dev teams (developers and testers) • Multiple product backlogs • Six-week Sprint • Small-waterfall (analysis, development and testing phases) • Team lead dispatched tasks

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Release Regression Testing Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Development Feature Testing Sprint 1 Development Feature Testing Sprint 2 Sprint Pre-Planning Sprint Planning Planning Six-week Sprint Schedule

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After one year… 2019 9

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Challenges with Scale 10 Source: Leading Large Scale Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)

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Challenges 11 Trust Stakeholder’s requests take longer to deliver, so we lost their trust Priority Every item is top priority and priorities change frequently Complexity As more members join, it increases the complexity of communication and cooperation Adaptation Long duration of a Sprint slows down responding to change

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Goals 12 Increase customer value One product backlog to determine priorities Form feature team A cross-functional, co-located, long- lived team. Each team can select any item from backlog Reduce waste and lead time Reduce handoffs and dependencies Reduce social conflicts Let teams reform themselves

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Agenda 13 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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Agenda 14 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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15 Self-Designing Team Workshop

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Trainings 16

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17 Forming

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18 Reviewing

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Voting for Scrum Master • Teams vote for their SM • One SM serves two teams 19

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PO Team Scrum Scrum Scrum Scrum 20 FE BE QA Lead Lead Lead SM SM Planner Designer PO Lead UXUI TE/AE

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Agenda 21 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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22 LeSS Framework LeSS Principles

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We adopt LeSS framework 23

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Two-Week Sprint Schedule 24 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sprint Planning 1 Sprint Review Sprint Retrospective Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Daily Scrum Product Backlog Refinement Week 1 Week 2 Sprint Planning 2 Overall Retrospective

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Cross-team Coordination 25 Align the development pace Synchronized time box, Sprint Planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective. Hold overall retrospective Discuss cross-team issues and create improvement experiments. Demo together Developers do demonstrations for business, product teams and stakeholders. Send scouts to other teams The scout observes others and reports back to his team. Usually, the best time and place is the Daily Scrum of other teams.

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Inter-team Coordination 26 Story Story Coding Write test case Fix Bugs Run test case Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 QA Dev Story QA Dev QA Dev

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LeSS Principles 27

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28 Source: MORE with LeSS • Handoffs • Preparation Sprints • Stabilization Sprints • “Dependencies” • Separate Analysis Groups • Separate Architects • Separate Product Backlog

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Whole Product Focus 29 One Product Backlog One Product Owner One Shippable Product One Sprint

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Whole Product Focus 30 A Project B Project C Project D Project Project Agile A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 C3 D3 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Focus on High-Value Work

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Systems Thinking 31 Source: Photo by Wim van 't Einde on Unsplash

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Source: Yi Lv, 2020, Number of backlogs and multi-learning 32 #backlogs e2e cycle time Specialization + Local identity + #parts for integration + Integration time + + + + Rework time + + + + Efficiency + Level of collaboration – – Touch time – Level of synchronization – Rework – Waiting time – Efficiency goal Efficiency gap + + – B1 R1 R2 – R3 Knowledge breath –

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Agenda 33 • The origin of story • Challenges • Self-designing team workshop • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) adoption • 5 experiments in our process How Why What

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Source: Photo by PHC Software on Unsplash 34 One Open Space vs. Separate Rooms Experiment #1

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35 Meeting in an open space

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Meeting in separate rooms 36 Planner Planner Planner Planner SM Planner SM Planner Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Scrum 1 Scrum 2 Scrum 3 Scrum 4

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Source: Photo by Iva Rajović on Unsplash 37 How does the team select stories? Experiment #2

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Sprint Backlog: Select by priorities and the same epics 38 One Product Backlog Team 1 Sprint Backlog Team 2 Sprint Backlog Team 3 Sprint Backlog Team 4 Sprint Backlog

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Source: Photo by Ante Hamersmit on Unsplash 39 How do we deal with online issues? Experiment #3

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Scrum Form a maintenance team • Each team takes turns in the maintenance work for certain period. • When it’s a team’s turn, half people do maintenance, and other half people do development. • This practice help developers broaden the knowledge and focus on the whole product. 40 Maintenance Development

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Source: Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash 41 One day, the PO told everyone that it’s time to build the next generation of product. But, how so many teams develop at the same time? Experiment #4

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Have a leading team and add new teams in area 42 Sprints Team #2 joins PBR to learn new area Team #3 joins area Team #2 joins area Start new team in area Team #3 joins PBR to learn new area

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Source: Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash 43 Do we really need full-time Scrum Masters? Experiment #5

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Scrum Master Focus 44 Source:

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45 Half-time SM Full-time SM • Serve one team • Take SM and developer role • Focus on team • Involve himself in the team • Switch roles frequently • Serve two team • Take Agile Coach role and support other SMs • Focus on team, PO and organization • Stay neutral and unbiased

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47 How Why What • Increase customer value • Reduce waste and lead time • Form feature team • Reduce social conflicts Leading Team Meeting Room Select Stories Online Issues Full-time SM Challenges with Scale Self-designing team workshop

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48 There will be no “BEST” in this world… Only “BETTER” exists

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Reference • • Leading Large Scale Product Development with Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) • Introduction to Large-Scale Scrum LeSS 49

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51 Q A