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#DevFestPunjab GDG Jalandhar GDG Chandigarh Session on How to be a Ninja Developer

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Paresh Mayani @pareshmayani How to be a Ninja Developer

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Slides ● Slides with GIFs ● Speakerdeck (Download PDF)

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Wow someone is going to make us Ninja Developer

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Let’s go and attend to become a Ninja Developer

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There is no Shortcut!

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Thank you all for joining my session

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Thanks I have your attention

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You mean Ninja?

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Nope I mean Ninja Developers

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Ordinary Developers Vs Ninja Developers

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Ordinary Developers - Learn - Code - Eat - Sleep

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Ninja Developers - Learn - Code - Network - Share - Communicate - Analysis - Eat - Relax

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Read Medium Articles - FreeCodeCamp - Mindorks - Hackernoon - DailyJS - Google Developers Experts

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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No content

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Watch Online Videos And Courses - Udacity - Udemy - Google Developers - LearnWebCode - Akashtips - MTechViral - Smartherd

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Qwiklabs - Quests leaders - Learning (Course) + Goodies

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Join any 1 online course

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Attend Events - GDG Jalandhar - GDG Chandigarh - Facebook Dev Circle - DevFest - Droidcon India - Wordpress Group - Startup Saturday - eChai Find more on Meetup

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Questions: 1. Why do you attend events? 2. How to get most out of events?

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Join at least 1 meetup group/community

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Extra Tips - Be in a group of passionate People - Take part in online forums - Github organisation (Open source)

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Attention! You can not and Need not to learn everything coming out in the market

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Make a plan for learning You can not and Need not to learn everything coming out in the market - Prepare a list of all topics/things that you want to learn - May be a list of things that you are lagging behind in your domain - Decide the priority of each topics and reset the order - Select top 3 - Make a plan for Learning 1st - Continue until you are done with all 3 things

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Have a Pet project - Develop something you are passionate about - To solve problems - Can’t try out all the things in client projects

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Have a Pet project - Develop something you are passionate about - To solve problems - Can’t try out all the things in client projects - Side Income

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository GDG[X] 1. Hoverboard 2. Aura 3. Chakram

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Tip: So Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository - Make your own repo

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution - Find open source projects or repository - Make your own repo - Discuss and learn - Help you in building your profile - Career opportunity

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Open Source Contribution Career Opportunity

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Pair Programming

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Peer to peer Code Review

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: - Start following Git flow model - Get your PRs reviewed

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Attend Events Take part in forums - Meet new people - Learn from experts - Discuss with people - Know what they are developing

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Take selfie with 5 new people and upload over social media and tag them

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Deliver Talks - Gets you to connect with community members and experts - Teach is to learn twice - More on Slide number 48

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“Teach is to learn twice”

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Write blogs/articles - How to start with blogging???? Somewhere you will have to start, right? - Write in parts - Get it reviewed Benefits: - Online friends/followers - Build your own profile - Communication skills improved

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Write a blog on your #DevFestPunjab experience

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs - Lightning talks - Show and Tell - Full length talks - Session in company

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me Objection 2: I don’t know NOTHING

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Deliver Talks - Submit CFPs Objection 1: No one wants to listen me Objection 2: I don’t know NOTHING Objection 3: Rejection, keep submitting!

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share Daily progress update

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Daily Status Update Today’s status update: Today’s update: - Worked on X thing - IN PROGRESS - Worked on Y thing - COMPLETED. Hosted on server Plan for tomorrow: - Work on Z thing Blockers/Queries if any - Not any at this moment

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Exercise: Start sharing Daily Status Update from tomorrow

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Communicate very well - Should be able to communicate well, be it clients or team - Share daily status update - Share proper commitments - Share concerns at right time - English Communication Skills

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Extra point: - Control your emotions when there is a change in requirement

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“Change is the only Constant” “Boss (Client) is always right”

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Requirement Analysis - Understand project requirement thoroughly before you jump on the development part - Corner cases and User scenarios - Request for the documentation (SRS, User stories)

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Analysis skill - Ask the right questions - Make no assumptions - Realise what you don’t know

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Eat & Relax

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Eat & Relax - Take enough rest - Maintain schedule - Go for walk - Give time for yourself CLEAR OUT CACHE

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Tip: Follow Writers/experts on Medium, twitter for learning Concluding... - Learn and add at least 1 new skill per year in your resume - Attend at least 1 new course in a quarter - Follow Goal based learning - Keep learning, keep sharing - Meet new people and learn from them - Follow experts over your favorite media - Sharpen your analysis skill - Stay passionate! Save yourself from Back pain

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Hiring Ninja Developers Simform Solutions

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71 Slides ● Slides with GIFs ● Speakerdeck (Download PDF)

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Thanks Paresh Mayani Practice Head, Simform Solutions @pareshmayani

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No Q&A