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Olga Maciaszek-Sharma, Marcin Grzejszczak September 2021 New trends in software development with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Copyright © 2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.

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Cover w/ Image Agenda ● Different systems, new needs ● Spring Native ● Spring & K8s ● Debugging and optimising complex distributed systems

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Different Systems, New Needs

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Microservices Serverless Complex Distributed Systems

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Scalability Resilience Managing a fleet of instances for each service IAAS

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Quick startup Low memory footprint Instant peak performance

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Debugging and optimising complex distributed systems

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Spring Native

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Based on GraalVM native images

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GraalVM A high-performance polyglot runtime ● 1 VM for all languages ● Increased efficiency (memory, CPU, resources) ● JIT && AOT Source: @thomaswue

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Graal VM Native Images / AOT Application Libraries JDK Substrate VM Analysis Initializations Heap snapshotting Native Executable (pre-loaded classes, pre-loaded config) Reachable byte code Machine code Build phase: compilation, class-loading, pre-loading configuration Closed World Assumption - no classes being loaded at runtime

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GraalVM Native Images PROs ● Instant startup ● No JIT -> reduced memory footprint ● Instant peak performance ● Sustainable CONs ● Peak throughput and max latency (although optimizations available) ● Build time

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Spring Native Image support

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Native Image Configuration Reflection Proxies Resources

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Native Image Configuration META-INF/native-image/resource-config.json META-INF/native-image/reflect-config.json META-INF/native-image/proxy-config.json

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Spring Native Configuration java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=src/main/resources/M ETA-INF/native-image -jar target/appname-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar { "name":" rAutoConfiguration", "allDeclaredFields":true, "allDeclaredMethods":true, "allDeclaredConstructors":true, "methods":[ {"name":"afterSingletonsInstantiated","parameterTypes":[] }, ] }

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Spring Native Configuration @NativeHint(trigger = EnableDiscoveryClientImportSelector. class, types = {@TypeHint(types = {AutoServiceRegistrationConfiguration. class, ConditionalOnReactiveDiscoveryEnabled .class }) }) @ResourceHint() @JdkProxyHint() @SerializationHint () @InitializationHint () @AotProxyHint()

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Ahead of Time Transformations Spring AOT plugin* * New: 0.11

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Changes Build time + 2050% Memory -75% Startup time -94% Measurements Source: Sébastien Deleuze, Andy Clement

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Native Image Configuration Compatibility Optimization Agent support for tests

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Spring Cloud Native Image support Supported starters ● Spring Cloud Config Client ● Spring Cloud Config Server ● Spring Cloud LoadBalancer ● Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Client ● Spring Cloud Sleuth ● Spring Cloud Function ● Spring Cloud Stream ● Spring Cloud Task ● Spring Cloud Sleuth Zipkin

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Spring Cloud Native Image support Planned support ● Spring Cloud Gateway ● Spring Cloud OpenFeign ● Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker ● Spring Cloud Kubernetes

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Spring & K8S

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Spring 🖤 K8s Agenda ● Spring Boot & K8S - new and noteworthy ● What is Spring Cloud Kubernetes and when to (not) use it

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Spring 🖤 K8s The problem ● Need to read config values that the platform supplies? ● Let’s inject them via environment variables! ○ What if the value is supposed to be kept secret ?

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Spring 🖤 K8s The solution ● Many cloud platforms now allow you to map configuration into mounted data volumes ○ For example, Kubernetes can volume mount both ConfigMaps and Secrets ● Two common volume mount patterns that can be used: ○ A single file contains a complete set of properties (usually written as YAML) ○ Multiple files are written to a directory tree ■ Filename becoming the ‘key’ ■ Contents becoming the ‘value’

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Spring 🖤 K8s A single file contains a complete set of properties ● Import the YAML or Properties file directly using spring.config.import spring.config.import=/location/to/your/config/

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Spring 🖤 K8s Multiple files are written to a directory tree ● Use the configtree: prefix to expose all the files as properties ● Let’s assume the following Kubernetes configuration tree etc/ config/ myapp/ username password ● Pass the following properties to load those entries spring.config.import=optional:configtree:/etc/config/

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Spring 🖤 K8s The problem ● How to store multiple configurations in a single configuration file? ● How to store configuration that is platform-specific?

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Spring 🖤 K8s The solution ● Spring Boot allows you to split a single physical file into multiple logical documents ● Documents are processed in order, from top to bottom. ○ Later documents can override the properties defined in earlier ones.

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Spring 🖤 K8s The solution - YAML ● For application.yml files, the standard YAML multi-document syntax is used. Three consecutive hyphens represent the end of one document, and the start of the next. MyApp --- spring.config.activate.on-cloud-platform: kubernetes MyCloudApp

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Spring 🖤 K8s The solution - properties ● For files a special #--- comment is used to mark the document splits: #--- spring.config.activate.on-cloud-platform=kubernetes

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Spring 🖤 K8s The problem ● How to ensure that K8s liveness and readiness probing works fine?

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Spring 🖤 K8s Liveness ● “Liveness” state ○ Internal state allows it to work correctly? ○ Can recover by itself if it’s currently failing? ● A broken “Liveness” ○ Cannot recover from, and the infrastructure should restart the application ● "Liveness" state should not be based on external checks, such as Health checks ○ A failing external system (a database, a Web API, an external cache) would trigger massive restarts and cascading failures across the platform

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Spring 🖤 K8s Readiness ● The application is ready to handle traffic. ● A failing “Readiness” state ○ Tells the platform that it should not route traffic to the application for now. Typically happens ■ During startup, while CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner components are being processed ■ At any time if the application decides that it’s too busy for additional traffic ● An application is considered ready as soon as application and command-line runners have been called

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Spring 🖤 K8s Kubernetes probes ● Spring Boot manages your Application Availability State out-of-the-box ● If deployed in a Kubernetes environment, actuator will gather the "Liveness" and "Readiness" information in dedicated Liveness and Readiness Health Indicators ● These indicators will be shown on the global health endpoint ("/actuator/health" ) ● They will also be exposed as separate HTTP Probes using Health Groups: "/actuator/health/liveness " and "/actuator/health/readiness "

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Spring 🖤 K8s Kubernetes probes ● You can then configure your Kubernetes infrastructure with the following endpoint information livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /actuator/health/liveness port: failureThreshold: ... periodSeconds: ... readinessProbe: httpGet: path: /actuator/health/readiness port: failureThreshold: ... periodSeconds: ...

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Spring 🖤 K8s The problem ● How to create a proper Docker image?

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Spring 🖤 K8s The solution - buildpacks ● Transform your application source code to images that can run on any cloud ○ Paketo Buildpacks provide language runtime support for applications ■ They leverage the Cloud Native Buildpacks framework to make image builds easy, performant, and secure

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Spring Cloud & K8S

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Spring Cloud & K8s Kubernetes → Cloud Native patterns handled on platform level Spring Cloud → Cloud Native patterns handled on application level Spring Cloud Kubernetes → Integrating Spring Cloud apps with Kubernetes components

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Spring Cloud & K8s Do you need Spring Cloud Kubernetes to use Kubernetes with Spring? → No When is Spring Boot directly with K8s most useful? ● Creating new applications from scratch ● Running your entire microservice ecosystem on Kubernetes

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Spring Cloud & K8s When is Spring Cloud Kubernetes most useful? ● Migrating existing Spring Cloud - based applications to K8s ● Running applications across multiple cloud platforms ● More transparency and configuration options for load-balancing from developer’s point of view ● Implementing Kubernetes controllers in Java Downside: ● Uses Kubernetes API Server - apps need permissions to interact with it

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Spring Cloud Kubernetes Controllers Spring Cloud Configuration Watcher ● Configuration refresh support for K8S ConfigMap/ Secret volumes ● HTTP /refresh actuator endpoint support ● Spring Cloud Bus support (with messaging)

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Spring Cloud Kubernetes Controllers Roadmap ● Service Discovery

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Debugging and optimising complex distributed systems

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What if the apps produced metrics about their state? Is there a way to correlate logs?

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Let’s Address The Metrics Problem

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Metrics Store

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What are metrics good for?

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What About The Log Correlation?

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TraceId: 123 2021-02-10 13:57:55.239 … HELLO FROM SERVICE1 123 123 2021-02-10 13:58:10.239 … HELLO FROM SERVICE2 123 123 123 2021-02-10 13:58:20.239 … HELLO FROM SERVICE4 123 2021-02-10 13:58:30.239 … HELLO FROM SERVICE3 123

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Logs Store

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[6dad9c7bd47f0e21c946a7a57d75e7c8] 2021-02-10 13:57:55.239 ERROR 274441 --- [nio-8082-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet] : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: Meme overflow occurred] with root cause java.lang.IllegalStateException: Meme overflow occurred at io.memegenerator.MemeController.generateMeme( at io.memegenerator.MemeController$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$d54a9db6.invoke() at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.interceptor.ExposeInvocationInterceptor.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.proceed( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept( at io.memegenerator.MemeController$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$e33f7fa1.memeOverflow() at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at at at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerAdapter.handleInternal( at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.AbstractHandlerMethodAdapter.handle( at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch( at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

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What If The System Is Slow?

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Service 1 Service 3 Service 4 Application Controller Application Service Service 2

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Service 1 Service 3 Service 4 Application Controller Application Service Service 2 Operation Operation? Operation Operation

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TraceId:123 T:123 T:123 T:123 S:234 S:456 S:345 SpanId:123 - Parent ID - Start time - Stop time - Duration - Meta-data SpanId: 456

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Service 1 Service 3 Service 4 Application Controller Application Service Service 2 Span Span Span Single trace

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Span Store

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Span Whole trace Production dependency graph

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METRICS: Micrometer Spring Boot Actuator

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TRACING: Spring Cloud Sleuth

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VMware Tanzu Observability Enterprise observability for multi-cloud environments Free Tanzu Observability for your Spring Boot applications - no sign-up needed

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Helpful Resources ● Presentation demo code ● The Path Towards Spring Boot Native Applications ● Announcing Spring Native Beta! ● Spring Native presentation from Spring One 2021 ● Spring on Kubernetes! Workshop ● Spring On Kubernetes with Ryan Baxter ● Spring On Kubernetes Topical Guide ● WIP: Kubernetes Discovery Controller

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Thank you @olga_maciaszek @mgrzejszczak © 2020 Spring. A VMware-backed project. 81