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@joaoasrosa From EventStorming to CoDDDing Photo by Clint Adair on Unsplash

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2 CTO a.i Strategic Software Delivery Domain-Driven Design Sociotechnical system student Trainer, podcaster and author @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Photo by Clint Adair on Unsplash

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@joaoasrosa Using models for creating software

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7 The fundamental horror of this anti-pattern is that it's so contrary to the basic idea of object-oriented designing; which is to combine data and process together. - Martin Fowler @joaoasrosa

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8 What's worse, many people think that anemic objects are real objects, and thus completely miss the point of what object-oriented design is all about. - Martin Fowler @joaoasrosa

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9 @joaoasrosa

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10 @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Shared language created through conversations between business people (specialists) and software people which becomes the ubiquitous language

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12 @joaoasrosa

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13 @joaoasrosa

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17 “That shallowness of knowledge produces software that does a basic job but lacks a deep connection to the domain expert’s way of thinking.” - Eric Evans @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Focus on a language where we really crisply concisely describe the situation in the domain

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We all know or should know that language is fluid, liquid, subject to the whims of the people. Language evolves, as it should. Because language changes to accommodate new users, the older users resist and complain. @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Instead of one canonical language, create multiple bounded languages

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22 @joaoasrosa

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“A loosely coupled software architecture and org structure to match” is a key predictor of: 1. Continuous Delivery Performance 2. Ability to scale org and increase performance linearly Credits: Nick Tune @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Focus on part of the software handling complex business requirements

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@joaoasrosa Photo by Product School on Unsplash

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26 @joaoasrosa

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27 It is not the domain experts knowledge that goes to production, it is the assumption of the developers that goes to production - Alberto Brandolini @joaoasrosa

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29 Big Picture Business process modelling Software design @joaoasrosa

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30 @joaoasrosa Credits:

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31 @joaoasrosa

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32 @joaoasrosa

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35 Source: @joaoasrosa

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36 Source: @joaoasrosa

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37 Source: @joaoasrosa

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38 @joaoasrosa

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39 A model is a simplified representation of a thing or phenomenon that intentionally emphasizes certain aspects while ignoring others. Abstraction with a specific use in mind. @joaoasrosa

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40 @joaoasrosa

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41 Business @joaoasrosa

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42 Business Architects @joaoasrosa

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43 Business Architects Developers @joaoasrosa

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44 Business Architects Developers @joaoasrosa

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45 @joaoasrosa

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47 Try at least to find three models, even if you think you already found the “right model” @joaoasrosa

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48 @joaoasrosa

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49 @joaoasrosa

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51 Source: @joaoasrosa 1. Write a coarse-grain acceptance test a. Outside-in testing 2. Start with entrypoint of our model 3. Design-by-Coding 4. Assess if the models can easily evolve to support other features

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52 @joaoasrosa

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53 1. Protects business invariants 2. Design them small 3. Reference other by ID only 4. Update other aggregates using eventual consistency @joaoasrosa

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55 @joaoasrosa

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56 Essence of Domain-Driven Design ➔ Using models for creating software ➔ Focus on part of the software handling complex business requirements ➔ Focus on a language where we really crisply concisely describe the situation in the domain ➔ Shared language created through conversations between business people (specialists) and software people which becomes the ubiquitous language ➔ Instead of one canonical language, create multiple bounded languages

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57 Software Development is a learning process, working code is a side effect. - Alberto Brandolini @joaoasrosa

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58 Serious software development is the practice of symmathesy. “Sym” = together, “mathesy” = learning. - Jessica Kerr @joaoasrosa

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@joaoasrosa Virtual Domain-Driven Design

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@joaoasrosa Software Crafts Podcast

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#CatTax @joaoasrosa