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A (K)night with Dagger Slicing problems of newbies with DI

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Why Dagger is important nowadays ?

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Like you love to watch Thor with his Hammer

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Interviewers watch for Dagger in you

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What is Dependency Injection ?

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Please don’t react this way!

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Ok, What is Dependency ?

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Dependency ● Class Black needs object from class Red, Green and Blue, to fulfil its purpose. ● It implies that class Black is dependent on Red, Green and Blue. ● So, Dependency is an object that can be used.

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And, What is Injection ?

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To inject something..

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So, what is dependency injection ?

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Dependency Injection ● Injection: Passing of one or more objects to the depending class ● Dependency Injection: A form of Inversion of Control, a design principle, which say that any class should be getting its dependencies from outside. ● In other words, class should not be instantiating other class within it, but rather there should be another configuration class which can provide with those instances.

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So, what does that mean ? You can... ● Write testable code ● Decouple class and its dependency ● Design maintainable and reusable structure

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Sounds interesting! Okay then..

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Let’s dive into DI

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What is Reflection ?

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Reflection... ● Enables the code with ability to examine or modify the Runtime behavior of class in runtime. ● Java Reflection Api was introduced in Java 1.5 ● Drawbacks: ○ Performance Overhead ○ Exposure of Internals ○ Unexpected and Untraceable Crashes due to dependency resolution at runtime

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Example of Reflection ● Packages that provide classes for reflection: ○ java.lang ○ java.lang.reflect ● Class class: ○ MainActivity.class.getSimpleName() returns “MainActivity” using Reflection

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Let's see, who used Reflection ?

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History of Dagger1 ● Square Inc.’s Dagger1 is a DI Framework which was purely dependent on Java Reflection Api ● Typically, you are not gonna use DI for injecting just one dependency ● So, more injections implies more performance overhead ● Also, error tracing was extremely difficult

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Sometimes, it may lead to...

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But, thanks to Google Google undertook this project and made revolutionary enhancements in the underlying mechanism of Dagger1

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And Dagger2 was born...

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Let’s Get Started with Dagger 12 Dagger 1 Dagger 2

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What is Annotation ?

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Annotation is... ● A class of metadata, introduced in Java 1.5, that can be associated with class, methods, fields, and even other annotations. ● Those meta data can be accessed at runtime via Reflection. ● But we were not known to the same capability of reading metadata at compile time via Annotation Processors.

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What do Annotation Processors do ?

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Annotation Processors... ● Are code generators that eliminate boilerplate code by generating code for you at Compile Time. Really..!! ● No performance Overheads at all (Compile Time nature). ● Even you can create your own Annotations and a Processor for it using this tutorial: The 10 step guide to annotation processing in android studio

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How Dagger 2 differs from Dagger 1 ● Works purely on Annotation Processor ● “Which client is dependent on what objects, that is resolved at compilation stage.” ● Hence, Dagger2 is free from Performance Overhead. Also, Dagger2 errors are highly traceable.

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Modes of Dependency Injection

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Modes of DI ● Java Specification Request 330 (JSR 330) has defined standard Java Annotations for describing dependencies of a class. ● Modes of DI: ○ Constructor Injection: Injecting the constructor parameters ○ Field Injection: Injecting the member variable (Required that it must not be private) ○ Method Injection: Injecting the method parameter

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By the way… Some Annotation Processors.. Jake Wharton’s ButterKnife is an Annotation Processor. @Bind( TextView mTextView; Android Architecture Component’s Room Persistence Library is an Annotation Processor @Entity public class User {...} @Dao public interface UserDao {...} @Database(entities = {User.class}, version = 1) public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {...}

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Let’s learn to DI using Dagger2

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Objective Display List of Users using Random User Api

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But I am really not happy with it. ● Firstly, code is ought to be in serialized in some way. Every objects need to be initialized in some order. ● Secondly, Code looks very clumsy ● And lastly, Code is not test friendly

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Picasso is breaking the rule of testability.

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Two major problems to be solved.. ● Ideal way of dealing with clumsy initializations ? ● Make our code more testable ?

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Initial Setup Towards Dagger 2 implementation ● Identify the classes who secretly depend on objects. ● Provide dependency of such objects through constructor arguments ● Do necessary object creations at one level, let’s say, at Application Level. ● Example: We are gonna provide single point of accessing Picasso instance. So, class dependent on Picasso, should be having Picasso as constructor arguments.

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Dependency Graph

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Make sure to add below Dependencies dependencies { implementation '' annotationProcessor '' }

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Annotations with Dagger2 ● @Module and @Provides: define classes and methods which provide dependencies ● @Inject: request dependencies. Can be used on a constructor, a field, or a method ● @Component: enable selected modules and used for performing dependency injection

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Let's start with Component

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Component is... ● A public interface to your dependency graph ● Best Practise: Exposes only your top level dependency. Internal dependencies should remain under the hood. ● Go ahead creating a component RandomUserComponent

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@Component: Tells Dagger that this interface is a Dagger Component and not an ordinary interface. Dagger will generate a subclass of this component with implementation of getPicasso() and getRandomUserService()

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But how will Component know from where to get the dependencies of Picasso and RandomUserService ?

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Modules for dependencies

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Modules... ● provide those under the hood dependencies to the outermost dependency, like Picasso and RandomUserService. ● Go ahead with moving my code from RandomUserApplication class to these modules as OkHttpClientModule, PicassoModule, RandomUserServiceModule. ● @Provides: If any method in module provides dependency, it should be annotated with @Provides

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We are all set with our modules, But, PicassoModule and OkHttpClientModule are incomplete without Context…

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Manage External Dependencies ● External Dependencies: Dependencies on which our graph itself is dependent on. ● Our modules, now, are just lacking with the dependency of Context. ● Go ahead with Creating a ContextModule

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● External Dependencies to our graph or module can be of Context, Activity, Service etc. ● They are external because WE NEVER CREATE CONTEXT / ACTIVITY / SERVICE INSTANCE BY NEW KEYWORD… ● Remember this…

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But how do I pass Context into other modules ?

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Modules with includes attribute

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Modules with includes attribute Includes attribute: includes other module dependency to the current module So, my module’s @Module annotation got updated with includes attribute as: @Module(includes = OkHttpClientModule.class) public class RandomUserServiceModule {} @Module(includes = OkHttpClientModule.class) public class PicassoModule {} @Module(includes = ContextModule.class) public class OkHttpClientModule {}

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By now, our modules are connected and can communicate to each other. We are simply remaining to tell our Component that which Modules you need to depend on..

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Component annotation has modules attribute ● Modules attribute: provides a way to tell component about its dependent modules. ● So, my component’s @Component annotation got updated with modules attribute as: @Component(modules = {RandomUserServiceModule.class, PicassoModule.class}) public interface RandomUserApplicationComponent { ... }

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Now, hit gradle build…

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And if you are lucky... ● Dagger generates a class with Builder Design Pattern DaggerRandomUserApplicationComponent which now provides a way to initialize any component with modules associated with it. ● Magic of Dagger: For a particular component, you only need to pass modules that depend on external dependencies, you can skip providing a component with internal dependent modules.

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Now, let’s look at our application class…

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But there’s one problem...

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Every time you call Component#build() ● Dagger by default, creates new instances of every dependency to be injected. ● Why Dagger doesn’t understand that I just need a single instance to be created for Picasso ? ● How do we tell Dagger to create just a single instance for any dependency ?

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There should be something to control instance creations

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Limit the instances by Scope

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Scope... ● Annotation informs Dagger to share the same instance every time will be called. ● It will make dependencies work as a Singleton for that particular Component.

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This is how we use @Scope @Scope @Retention(RetentionPolicy.CLA SS) public @interface RandomUserApplicationScope { } This is how we will use our customly created Scope: ● Firstly, we have to put it at component level: @RandomUserApplicationScope @Component(modules = {RandomUserServiceModule.class, PicassoModule.class}) public interface RandomUserApplicationComponent {} ● Then, put it on every method with @Provides, that needs to act as Singleton. Usually, we need just single instance for OkhttpClient, Picasso, etc: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public Picasso picasso(Context context, OkHttp3Downloader okHttp3Downloader) {} @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public Retrofit retrofit(OkHttpClient okHttpClient, GsonConverterFactory gsonConverterFactory) {}

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Typically, we need two type of Contexts: Application and Activity. We can have ActivityModule to provide Activity context.

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● But Dagger gets confused which Context to use because it has got two modules that has methods that provide Context and it will throw error on build. ● How can we tell Dagger that this dependency should use Application Context or Activity Context ?

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Named Annotations comes in...

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@Named annotation does this job We can specify @Named(“”) annotation as: In ContextModule: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope @Named("application_context") public Context context() { return context.getApplicationContext(); } In ActivityModule: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope @Named("activity_context") public Context context() { return context; }

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Tell Dagger to use Application context as In OkHttpModule: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public File file(@Named("application_context") Context context) {} In PicassoModule: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public Picasso picasso(@Named("application_conte xt") Context context, OkHttp3Downloader okHttp3Downloader) {}

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Alternative to Named Annotations

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@Qualifier is of my type Create an interface as: @Qualifier public @interface ApplicationContext { } @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope @ApplicationContext public Context context() { return context; } Use it in OkHttpModule and PicassoModule: @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public File file(@ApplicationContext Context context) {} @Provides @RandomUserApplicationScope public Picasso picasso(@ApplicationContext Context context, OkHttp3Downloader okHttp3Downloader) {}

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Till now... ● We have created Application Level Dependencies ● But what about some dependencies that we need just on Activity Level ? ● Activity Life Cycle runs separate from Application Life Cycle ● So, dependencies created within Activity should be destroyed with Activity itself. ● Let’s understand Multiple Components and communication between them

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Creating Multiple Components and make them talk ● Best practises: When you are injecting dependencies into clients who have life cycle different from where dependencies are coming, it's better to create a separate component and modules for that client.

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Firstly, Let’s have activity-level scope @Scope public @interface MainActivityScope { } ● We will apply this scope to component and modules we will create next ● So, let’s have a MainActivityComponent and make it talk to RandomUserApplicationComponent for dependencies they are missing.

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● Dependencies attribute: It tells Dagger that while creating component, if you are looking for any other dependencies, you can look into components specified in the dependencies attribute. ● So, now MainActivityComponent can look for dependencies into RandomUserApplicationComponent

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And we have activity-scoped MainActivityModule

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Now, check changes in Activity and Application class

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A lot more manageable code base has been established by now... That’s it…???!!!

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What if I have 50 dependencies in your component ? Would write 50 different lines ? randomUserService = mainActivityComponent.randomUserService(); randomUserAdapter = mainActivityComponent.randomUserAdapter(); ... Well, I am lazy at this and we are already learning lazy loading of objects.

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You might think.. “Ohh.. I don’t care. I am good at writing utility classes... ”

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Well, This is not my style… Guess why...

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@Inject is waiting for you... ● @Inject : JSR 330 (Java Specification Requests) provides this annotation ● Instead of telling Dagger, that I want RandomUserAdapter and RandomUserService instances, let Dagger react upon fields with @Inject annotations. ● But to use the magic of @Inject, we will need to modify our code a little.

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Modify MainActivityComponent as ● Remove methods RandomUserAdapter and RandomUserService. ● Instead, create a method with MainActivity as parameter.

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Add @Inject to fields

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How will this work ??? ● Now, when Dagger finds a method in MainActivityComponent with void as return type, “Omg… there’s no return type…!!! There must be something I need to look into this class. Ohh yes, I can see fields annotated with @Inject, let me initialize them” ● And you are done.. You can run your code

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I can still improve it even more, with Constructor Injection...

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MainActivity is passed as a constructor parameter...

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Let’s make MainActivity injectable

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● In RandomUserAdapter, pass MainActivity as constructor parameter ● Annotate it with @Inject

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Now, hit gradle build again…

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Mission Accomplished!!! Link to Dagger 2 Example:

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That’s all with Dagger

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Any Queries ???

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“Never say I don’t know it, say I haven’t started yet” - Chintan Soni

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Chintan Soni Senior Android Developer @ Simform Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Follow me on: FB: chintansoni202 Twitter: @chintansoni202