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& VistA An overview of the OSEHRA VistA Platform for Engineering and Quality Assurance Professionals

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NETSPECTIVE 2 What is OSEHRA? • Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent(OSEHRA) supports open, collaborative community of users, developers, and companies engaged in advancing electronic health record software and health information technology • Formed in Sept. 2011 to unify the EHRs of DVA and DOD and take advantage of the Open Source Communities • The OSEHRA’s responsibility is to facilitate the rapid rate of innovation and improvements of VistA using open source community • Provides framework for architectural direction, certification and Testing of the Applications

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NETSPECTIVE 3 VistA Background • Started 25 years ago by Department of Veterans Affairs to automate their 170+ medical centers • Used the then-popular M procedural programming language which is also called MUMPS (predates C language with its own syntax and style) • Developed Foundation and Framework to support their Applications • They named it DHCP(Decentralized Hospital Computer Program), VISTA(Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture) and the suite consisted of over 168+ hospital Applications on top of the Framework • VistA is not an all or nothing proposition. Very large collection of applications and only a portion of it may be relevant to the need at hand

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NETSPECTIVE 4 VistA Foundation Source:

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NETSPECTIVE 5 VistA Foundation & Frameworks • M Technology – The M Language and Database • File Manager – Active Data Dictionary based Database Management written in M • Kernel - Application framework, based on M and File Manager, providing services such as menus, device selection, background task scheduling, MailMan(SMTP based), KIDS(powerful distribution mechanism) etc • Applications - End-user software. VISTA supports the development of these applications by providing a framework of Kernel, Fileman and M (MUMPS) • Universal SQL access to VISTA Databases • M code is not compiled or linked: Thus allowing incredible degree of integration between applications

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NETSPECTIVE 6 VistA Architecture Source: OSEHRA architecture document

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NETSPECTIVE 7 VistA Technology Stack • Databases – InterSystems Proprietary Cache version of MUMPS runs on Windows and Linux – Open Source GT.M(Greystone Technology M) version of MUMPS also getting bundled recently with VISTA runs on GNU/LINUX. Non Linux with custom license. • Gateways for Modern Languages such as JAVA, .NET, PHP to develop Web based Client Apps – Cache Object Script – M2Web is Open Source Web Gateway to MUMPS to use with VISTA – MGWSI module from M/Gateway group to act as Gateway between Cache, GT.M M21 MUMPS databases • CPRS(Computerized Patient Record System) client-server graphical interface in Delphi to the clinicians to review, update EHRs Cache/GT.M (MUMPS) MGWSI/M2Web Java, PHP, .NET etc…

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NETSPECTIVE 8 VistA Sample Applications • CPRS(Computerized Patient Record System) used to review, update Patient EHRs • Radiology • Dentistry • Laboratory • Laboratory - Blood Bank • Laboratory – Anatomic Pathology etc… • My HeltheVet • Eyecare • Ambulatory Care • Nursing • Clinical Administration • Patient Care • List goes on to over health care 180 applications

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NETSPECTIVE 9 Cache DB Sample Screen

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NETSPECTIVE 11 Additional Information • OSEHRA website: • • MUMPS – – • World Vista: • Webnairs: Webinars

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