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Going Dutch? Visions of the global transport system to 2050 Robin Lovelace, University of Leeds, at RGS-IBG 2015, Exeter Created with open source software Slides:

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Structure ● Opening remarks ● The global transport system ● Visions of the future ● Methodology ● Hypotheses

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I: Opening remarks Map made with the open source R package tmap See

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Context: the 'PCT' project

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Worldviews of the transport system Transport

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A worldview based on system dynamics Transport

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II: The global transport system Source: Licence: Creative Commons

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Global transport emissions ● 7.0 GtCO2 in 2010, '23 % of ... CO2 emissions' (Sims et al. 2015) ● Growing faster than other sectors: heading towards '12 Gt CO2 eq / yr by 2050' (Ibid.) ● Seems to have no upper limit, unlike other sectors (food, heating, stuff), linking to Ivan Illich's (1974) Energy and Equity.

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Transport emissions over time Source:

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Global transport energy flows Source: Sims et al. (2015)

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GDP ~ CO2 In transport Source: Sims et al. (2015)

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Does cycling energy benefts? → The energy costs of travel work

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III: Visions of the future Image credit:

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Problems with predictive models

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A Global Vision Source: Sims et al. (2015) Acronyms: Latin America and Caribbean (LAM), Middle East and Africa (MAF), and Economies in Transition (EIT)

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The National Propensity to Cycle Tool (NPCT) (+ live demo!)

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IV: (Proposed) Methodology

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Overall approach ● Critique of IPCC scenarios ● Analysis of demand ● Comparison with literature ● Alternative scenarios ● Focus on demand reduction ● Compare with policies Critical Constructive

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Scenarios of the future ● Government target ● Gender equality ● Go Dutch ● Ebikes ● Business as Usual ● Demand reduction ● Go Dutch ● Ecotechnic future Implemented (DfT funded Propensity to cycle tool) Proposed

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Data ● IPCC scenarios database ● IEA aggregate data ● Surveys from selected nations ● Country data from International Road Federation (IRF), World Band and other sources ● Inference and assumptions From:

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Model-data comparison

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V: Hypotheses and discussion

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Hypotheses ● Demand reduction scenario will be more effective than 'Go Dutch' scenario at reducing emissions and energy use ● The IPCC will be found to be pessimistic in its assumptions regarding transport demand ● Reduced energy-intensive travel can be achieved through policies aimed at improving health and quality of life

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Hypothesis: interactive, collaborative, open-source approach = effective Credit: Robin Lovelace

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Thanks for listening! Credit: Robin Lovelace Email. r.lovelace@leeds Twitter: @robinlovelace GitHub: robinlovelace

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Key references ● Goodwin, P. (2013). Get Britain cycling: report from the inquiry. London. Retrieved from in-cycling_goodwin-report.pdf ● Kay, D., Reynolds, J., Rodrigues, S., Lee, A., Anderson, B., Gibbs, R., … Gill, T. (2011). Fairness in a car dependent society. Sustainable Development Commission: ● Lovelace, R., Beck, S. B. M. B. M., Watson, M., & Wild, A. (2011). Assessing the energy implications of replacing car trips with bicycle trips in Sheffield, UK. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2075–2087. ● Sims, R., Schaeffer, R., Creutzig, F., Cruz-Núñez, X., D’Agosto, M., Dimitriu, D. et al. (2014). IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) - Chapter 8: Transport. Retrieved from ● Melia, S. (2015). Urban Transport Without the Hot Air. Cambridge: UIT.

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Data inaccessibility

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Software: a barrier to envisioning a sustainable future