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SmashingConf Freiburg | 2014 ! Typefaces for screens Gerry Leonidas ! ! Department of Typography 
 & Graphic Communication

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Typeface design is larger than you think, global, and indispensable.

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Linotype & Machinery Type Drawing Office

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L&M type drawing

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Monotype keyboard and caster

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Joana Correia’s workspace

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Jos Buivenga’s workspace

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most of you 2010 World demographics from

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Typefaces are the nexus of 
 authors, content, and readers.

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1. character set

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Gujarati type in Kalapi Gajjar’s hand

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Bengali typewriter

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Bengali 1/3 by Neel Kshetrimauym MATD 2010

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Bengali 2/3 by Neel Kshetrimauym MATD 2010

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Bengali 3/3 by Neel Kshetrimauym MATD 2010

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2. glyphs

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Céline Willame, 2013 The Romans followed the Greeks¹º, in the footsteps of their predecessors, they sought to reconcile the cycles of the sun and the moon — 50/60 pt Riccardo Lorusso MATD 2013

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Prakashan wa designed with the intention of developing corresponding styles in Odia and Latin, supporting a wider range of typographic expression. latin italic v odia hairline odia regular odia bold odia display ପନଶଉ latin light latin regular latin bold latin display w r s m A dysfunctional family is a family in which conflict, misbehaviour, and often child neglect or abuse on the part of individual parents occur continually and regularly, leading other members to accommodate such actions. Children sometimes grow up in such families with the understanding that such an arrangement is normal. Latin and Oriya by Alessia Mazzarella MATD 2013

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Riccardo Olocco MATD 2014

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3. behaviours !

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Gujarati orbital matras by Kalapi Gajjar MATD 2012

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Juan Luis Blanco MATD 2014

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4. encoding

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Examples for an encoding scheme or canonical representations?

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example of Unicode confusion

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Typefaces enable: 1. language and memory 2. communication and behaviours 3. community, identity, 
 innovation, originality *

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Lushootseed typeface by Juliet Shen MATD 2006

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Diacritics for Brazilian indigenous languages by Rafael Dietzsch MATD 2012

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Gentium by Victor Gaultney MATD 2002

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Georgia Verdana Calibri     Cambria     Candara   Consolas     Constantia   Corbel

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No content

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The BBC. Who could tell?

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The NY Times with Cheltenham headings

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Looped and loopless Thai © Ben Mitchell MATD2012

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Upright and secondary Korean by Jeongmin Kwon MATD2014

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UniversitiesUK week, spring 2014

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No content

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[the four typefaces I recommended in my next tweet were: ]

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No content

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No content

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No content

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Tisa used in an earlier version of Medium

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No content

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> even spacing > open counters > clear stroke joints ! > typeset texture determines identity

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scholarly adhesion [even spacing]

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scholarly adhesion

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scholarly adhesion [open counters]

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scholarly adhesion

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scholarly adhesion

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scholarly adhesion [clear stroke joints]

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scholarly adhesion

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scholarly adhesion

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scholarly adhesion

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Aims to have a deep knowledge in his field, and a wide understanding in relates ones. Knows where the gaps in his knowledge lie, and how to fill those in when they intervene with the ability to understand and explain. Recognises his limits, and tries to be conscious of his bias, such as it is. Combines a long view to detect trends, and an appreciation of the potential impact of individual actions. Has a refined bullshit detector. Aims to have a deep knowledge in his field, and a wide understanding in relates ones. Knows where the gaps in his knowledge lie, and how to fill those in when they intervene with the ability to understand and explain. Recognises his limits, and tries to be conscious of his bias, such as it is. Combines a long view to detect trends, and an appreciation of the potential impact of individual actions. Has a refined bullshit detector.

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ande ande Elena and Tisa

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danilio dani i l o Elena and Helvetica

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danilio dani i l o Helvetica on Elena spacing

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danilio danilio Helvetica on native spacing

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danilio danilio Ideal Sans and Helvetica

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Aims to have a deep knowledge in his field, and a wide understanding in relates ones. Knows where the gaps in his knowledge lie, and how to fill those in when they intervene with the ability to understand and explain. Recognises his limits, and tries to be conscious of his bias, such as it is. Combines a long view to detect trends, and an appreciation of the potential impact of individual actions. Has a refined bullshit detector. Aims to have a deep knowledge in his field, and a wide understanding in relates ones. Knows where the gaps in his knowledge lie, and how to fill those in when they intervene with the ability to understand and explain. Recognises his limits, and tries to be conscious of his bias, such as it is. Combines a long view to detect trends, and an appreciation of the potential impact of individual actions. Has a refined bullshit detector.

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De Aetna, Aldus Manutius

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unde incendia oriantur Aetnae tuae : habe nunc quómodo etiam orta per - durent in : quo quidem nolo ego te il - lud admirari ,quod uulgusfolet:magnū tantas flammas memoriam alerétur

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Instapaper and De Aetna

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Complex, global typography

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Bilingual Lexicon

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slide from

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Jordan Bell MATD 2014

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Forthcoming briefs for the MATD from the Script Encoding Initiative

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The joy of lettershapes ! ! ! ! ! ! [examples by MATD 2014 students;
 more on]

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not Italian

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z as in zamboni

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If you think you’re nerds, think again.

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Thank you, and get in touch ! @gerryleonidas @typefacedesign