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DCI with Ruby わかった気になる DCI

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こんにちは! ロージーです!

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Dec 21 Dec 22 Dec 23 今日はこの4日間で僕が学んだ DCI の話をします (クリスマスなんて知ったこっちゃねぇ) Dec 24

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1. What is DCI

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Data Context Interaction データ 文脈 挙動

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No content

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全然わかんない! 教えて!マスター=センセイ!

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Ruby on Rails: The Bad Parts

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DCI and the application builds our mental models

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The Right Way to Code DCI in Ruby

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and Github Repositories Alias DCI DCI-Sample DCI

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Data ex: User Behavior ex: Customer Story ex: Buy the Item Data Context Interaction

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2. Where is Logics

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『ユーザーが商品を買う』 というロジックはどこにあるべきか論

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例をご用意しました 『ユーザーがアイテムを買う』 User has_many :purchases Purchase belongs_to :user belongs_to :item Item has_many :purchases

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Case 1: Model class User def buy_item(item) self.purchases.create(item: item) end end

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Case 2: Controller class PurchasesController def create item = Item.find(params[:item_id]) current_user.purchases.create(item: item) end end

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Case 3: DCI class BuyItemContext def initialize(user, item) @user = user @item = item @user.extend(Customer) end def process end end module Customer def buy(item) self.purchases.create(item: item) end end

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このサイズだと判断が難しいと思うけれど とりあえずコントローラにあるのはヤバそうな気配がする

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User#buy_item は、正しいのか

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Wikipedia 曰く Model View Controllerページ Model ͦͷΞϓϦέʔγϣϯ͕ѻ͏ྖҬͷσʔλͱखଓ͖ʢϏδωεϩδοΫ - γϣοϐϯάͷ߹ܭֹ΍ૹྉΛܭࢉ͢ΔͳͲʣΛදݱ͢ΔཁૉͰ͋Δɻ· ͨɺσʔλͷมߋΛviewʹ௨஌͢Δͷ΋modelͷ੹೚Ͱ͋Δʢmodelͷมߋ Λ௨஌͢ΔͷʹObserver ύλʔϯ͕༻͍ΒΕΔ͜ͱ΋͋Δʣɻ ଟ͘ͷΞϓϦέʔγϣϯͰ͸σʔλͷ֨ೲʹӬଓతͳهԱͷ࢓૊Έʢσʔ λϕʔεͳͲʣ͕࢖ΘΕ͍ͯΔɻMVCͷ֓೦Ͱ͸ɺσʔλͷʢUIҎ֎ͷʣ ೖग़ྗ͸औΓѻΘͳ͍ͷͰɺσʔλΞΫηε΋ຊདྷMVCͷ֓೦ͷൣᙝΛ௒ ͑Δ΋ͷͰ͸͋Δ͕ɺ׶͍͑ͯ͑͹modelͷதʹӅṭ͞ΕΔͱߟ͑ΒΕΔɻ

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No content

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お疲れ様でした! まだ続きます

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3. be Fat

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# Redmine - project management software # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Jean-Philippe Lang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. require "digest/sha1" class User < Principal include Redmine::SafeAttributes # Different ways of displaying/sorting users USER_FORMATS = { :firstname_lastname => { :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname}', :order => %w(firstname lastname id), :setting_order => 1 }, :firstname_lastinitial => { :string => '#{firstname} #{lastname.to_s.chars.first}.', :order => %w(firstname lastname id), :setting_order => 2 }, :firstname => { :string => '#{firstname}', :order => %w(firstname id), :setting_order => 3 }, :lastname_firstname => { :string => '#{lastname} #{firstname}', :order => %w(lastname firstname id), :setting_order => 4 }, :lastname_coma_firstname => { :string => '#{lastname}, #{firstname}', :order => %w(lastname firstname id), Redmine app/models/user.rb

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Token.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] Watcher.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] WikiContent.update_all ['author_id = ?',], ['author_id = ?', id] WikiContent::Version.update_all ['author_id = ?',], ['author_id = ?', id] end # Return password digest def self.hash_password(clear_password) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(clear_password || "") end # Returns a 128bits random salt as a hex string (32 chars long) def self.generate_salt Redmine::Utils.random_hex(16) end end class AnonymousUser < User validate :validate_anonymous_uniqueness, :on => :create def validate_anonymous_uniqueness # There should be only one AnonymousUser in the database errors.add :base, 'An anonymous user already exists.' if AnonymousUser.exists? end def available_custom_fields [] end # Overrides a few properties def logged?; false end def admin; false end def name(*args); I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous) end def mail; nil end def time_zone; nil end def rss_key; nil end def pref => self) end # Anonymous user can not be destroyed def destroy false end end Redmine app/models/user.rb 706 lines

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Token.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] Watcher.delete_all ['user_id = ?', id] WikiContent.update_all ['author_id = ?',], ['author_id = ?', id] WikiContent::Version.update_all ['author_id = ?',], ['author_id = ?', id] end # Return password digest def self.hash_password(clear_password) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(clear_password || "") end # Returns a 128bits random salt as a hex string (32 chars long) def self.generate_salt Redmine::Utils.random_hex(16) end end class AnonymousUser < User validate :validate_anonymous_uniqueness, :on => :create def validate_anonymous_uniqueness # There should be only one AnonymousUser in the database errors.add :base, 'An anonymous user already exists.' if AnonymousUser.exists? end def available_custom_fields [] end # Overrides a few properties def logged?; false end def admin; false end def name(*args); I18n.t(:label_user_anonymous) end def mail; nil end def time_zone; nil end def rss_key; nil end def pref => self) end # Anonymous user can not be destroyed def destroy false end end Redmine app/models/user.rb 706 lines

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コードがすごく汚いとかではない (むしろいい方だと思う)

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たいてい参照されるケースが多すぎる (User がやたら太るのはその理由)

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90%のユーザーストーリーで必要のない 振る舞いを抱え続けている

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常に必要のない振る舞いは 適宜与えてあげればいい

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4. Rails with DCI

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現状の Rails で DCI をするには 1. dci gem を頑張って使う(微妙) 2. DCI-Sample みたいに自分で頑張る(辛い) 3. user.extend(Customer) しまくる(妥当) 4. ESM に gem 化をお願いする(どうなん)

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AOP じゃダメなの?

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僕の理解が間違ってなければ AOP って #alias_method_chain なのでは

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Dicer 作ってみた

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WIP まだ実用に耐えない 僕にお酒を飲ませると実装が進みます!

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5. the Future

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Rails 4 ちょっと見たけど、 こういう問題への解決策の提示はなかった

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このままだと、主要モデルが太り続けるのは 間違いない

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こんだけ喋ったけど 僕もまだいい方法が思いつかない

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モデルダイエット勉強会誰かやりませんか>< (僕 DCI の勉強進めて DCI の話します)

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応質 答疑 Question