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Kubernetes Security Carol Valencia Devops Engineer

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Agenda Overview Containers Kubernetes 2 Conclusion

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3 Figure (Wikimedia Infraestructure)

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4 Figure ( Kernel exploits

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5 DoS Attacks Figure Botnet Command and Control server (

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6 Poisoned Images

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7 Container Breakouts Figure - RunC vulnerability in Ubuntu (

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8 Compromised Credentials Figure - Cyber Attacks Compromising (

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9 Figure -(pensource security - 2019) 78% vulnerabilities in indirect dependencies 37% of open source developers no security testing in CI 54% docker image no security testing Top 10 docker images contain > 30 vulnerable system libraries

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10 Figure -(sre19emea - davis)

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Containers 1 11

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12 Control what a process can SEE ● PID ● Mount ● Network ● UTS ● IPS ● User Namespaces Control what a process can USE Cgroups

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13 Linux Capabilities By default, a container own only 14 of 37 capabilities Principle of Least Privilege

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Container Security Public images ? Run as root ? defaults to root (uid=0) Admin capabilities ? 14 Private register Secure the Docker host Unprivileged users Read only filesystems Security Policies - syscall whitelist: SELinux, AppArmor, Seccomp-bpf.

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Container Security 15 Remove SUID binaries or drop the SETUID capability Set User ID is a type of permission that allows users to execute a file with the permissions of a specified user. No --privileged containers Drop all capabilities then add needed caps Enable user namespaces Set resource limits and ulimits Mount volumes: ro, noexec, nosuid, nodev

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Containers are not a sandbox 16 Legacy workloads in a cloud-native ? Kata, gVisor, Hyper RunV, KubeVirt Figure - gVisor (

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Pod - Security Context 17 Admission controller

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Pod Security Policy Admission controller 18

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Tools ◉ Center for Internet Security (CIS) for Docker ◉ Docker-bench-security ◉ Grafeas: audit and govern your software supply chain ◉ Sysdig: container troubleshooting and security investigation ◉ CoreOs / Clair: Vulnerability Static Analysis for Containers ◉ Aqua / Microscanner: Scan your container images for package vulnerabilities ◉ Capsule8: open-source cloud-native behavioral security monitoring 19

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Architecting Container Infrastructure for Security And Compliance 20 Figure -

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Cluster 2 21 Kubernetes

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22 Api Driven

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Kubernetes Components 23 Figure by Improving your Kubernetes Workload Security with Hardware Virtualization

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Kubernetes High-level Component Architecture 24 What Does “Production Ready” Really Mean for a Kubernetes Cluster? - Lucas Käldström

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“ High System Complexity. Defaults are used first, as-is. 25

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26 Kubernetes Security Book - Liz Rice Possible Attacks

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27 CVE-2018-1002105 Privilege escalation flaw - Openshift. Tesla Crytomining hackers

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28 Kubernetes API

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GKE 29 Api Server Firewall Kops

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30 Kubelet Config

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31 Allow Desired Traffic

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32 Network Policy Ingress Egress

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33 Best practices ◉ Hosts: Private topology / bastion ◉ TLS Everywhere - for all API traffic ◉ Certificate rotation (1.8) ◉ Separate and Firewall etcd - Restrict access ◉ Authorization RBAC with Least Privilege ◉ Enable audit logging ◉ Upgrade cluster. ◉ Encrypting Secret Data at Rest (1.13): encrypted in etcd. AES-CBC, AES-GCM, KMS.

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Tools ◉ Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark for Kubernetes ◉ Aqua - kube-bench: Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices ◉ Aqua - kube-hunter: hunts for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters ◉ K8Guard - An auditing system for Kubernetes ◉ Anchore : kubernetes-admission-controller 34

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Authentication & Authorization Kubernetes 3 35

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36 Authorization and RBAC ClusterRole / Roles

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37 RBAC Reading access in a specific namespaces

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38 Users in Kubernetes ● X.509 client certs ● Password files ● Bearer token webhook ● Service Account ● OpenID Connect (OIDC)

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◉ OIDC jwt ◉ Redhat / Keycloak open source identity ◉ Dexidp / dex OpenID Connect is based on OAuth 2.0. ◉ Aws iam authenticator - Heptio and Amazon EKS OSS Engineers. ◉ Hashicorp / vault-plugin-auth-kubernetes ◉ Appscode / Guard Kubernetes Authentication WebHook Server 39 Authentication Tools

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Authorization Tools ◉ Liggitt / audit2rbac Autogenerate RBAC policies based on Kubernetes audit logs. ◉ FairwindsOps / Rbac-manager. A Kubernetes operator for Role Bindings and Service Accounts. ◉ Jtblin / kube2iam provides different AWS IAM roles for pods running on Kubernetes. 40

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Admission Control 41 ◉ NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,DefaultStor ageClass,DefaultTolerationSeconds,MutatingAdmissionWebh ook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,ResourceQuota ◉ Dynamic Admission Control ◉ Validating Admission Webhook: Grafeas, Anchore. ◉ Mutating Admission Webhook

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Security Compliance Tools ◉ OpenSCAP - Open Source Security Content Automation Protocol ◉ Open Policy Agent / OPA. 42

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Security Compliance Tools 43

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Best practices 44 ◉ Disable anonymous authentication. ◉ Enabled RBAC ◉ Helm: TLS certificates ◉ Deny by default: RBAC, NetworkPolicy, PodSecurityPolicy ◉ Restrict service token use ◉ Use Third Party Auth for API Server

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Secrets Kubernetes 4 45

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Secrets Credentials, configurations, API keys … 46 Secrets are stored in plaintext in etcd, not encrypted.

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Best practices Source code Dockerfiles / images Base64 is not encryption 47 RBAC limit read secrets 1.10 EncryptionConfiguration - Providers: identity, aesbc, secretbox, aesgcm, kms. Kube-apiserver --encryptation-provider-config=/etc/encryptation-config.yml ….

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Dynamic Secrets 48 Figure Hashicorp vault - ( )

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49 Vault Demo

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50 Figure - Vault ● Secrets ● Credentials ● Security policies

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Tools ◉ Hashicorp Vault ◉ CyberArk Conjur ◉ Aqua Secrets 51

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DevSecOps Reference Architectures 52 Figure -

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How do you define “production ready” and “highly available” anyway? Can a cluster be created so that it’s secured from end-to-end, has no single points of failure, and is upgradable with zero control plane downtime? 53

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Resources 54

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Obrigada! Linkedin: Github: krol3 55