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Building Modern, Modular JavaScript Applications Netcentric Summit 2016

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Erik Grijzen Senior Frontend Developer @ Netcentric @ErikGrijzen

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What is a module?

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Single purpose Do one thing and do one thing well - Unix philosophy

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It can live on it’s own. Independent

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Self contained Encapsulated private implementation.

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Public interface Exposes functionality for others to consume.

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Interchangeable Plug and play.

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Why do we need to write modular code?

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The rise of Web Apps Increasing frontend code complexity.

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Better reusability Don’t reinvent the wheel.

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Copying code Project A Project B js

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Better maintainability Updating a small, self-contained and independent module is much easier.

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Better testability Testing a small, self-contained and independent module is much easier.

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The global namespace Global namespace pollution and naming conflicts.

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Improved dependency management More explicit control over your dependencies.

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Script tag vomit

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Updating external libraries

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Included third party libraries into source control

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Optimized deployment An easy way to deploy your code.

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Libraries where you don’t use all its functionality

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Manual custom builds

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Modules allow us to build more complex, large-scale and robust applications.

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The evolution of JavaScript modules

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Grouping code var myApp = window.myApp || {}; myApp.myModule = { init: function() { ... } }; myApp.myModule.init();

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(function(){ // Private scope })(); Encapsulation

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(function($) { // Global import })(jQuery); Encapsulation

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var Counter = (function () { var counter = 0; function increment() { counter++; } return { increment: increment, }; })(); Counter.increment(); Exposing a public interface

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var Counter = (function () { var counter = 0; function increment() { counter++; } return { increment: increment, }; })(); Counter.increment(); Exposing a public interface Private implementation

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var Counter = (function () { var counter = 0; function increment() { counter++; } return { increment: increment, }; })(); Counter.increment(); Exposing a public interface Public interface Private implementation

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// counter.js var counter = 0; function increment(){ counter++; } module.exports = { increment: increment } CommonJS

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// counter.js var counter = 0; function increment(){ counter++; } module.exports = { increment: increment } CommonJS // main.js var counter = require("./counter.js"); counter.increment();

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CommonJS ● Standard for NodeJS ● Synchronous ● Build step required for browser support

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// counter.js define('counter', function() { var counter = 0; function increment() { counter++; } return { increment: increment }; }); Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

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// counter.js define('counter', function() { var counter = 0; function increment() { counter++; } return { increment: increment }; }); Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) // main.js define('main', ['counter'], function(counter) { counter.increment(); });

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AMD ● Mostly for browsers ● Asynchronous ● No build step ● Lazy loading

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Module system fragmentation.

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Supporting all module formats.

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(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.returnExports = factory(); } }(this, function () { var counter = 0; return { increment: function() { counter++; }; } })); Universal Module Definition (UMD)

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(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.returnExports = factory(); } }(this, function () { var counter = 0; return { increment: function() { counter++; }; } })); Universal Module Definition (UMD) AMD

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(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.returnExports = factory(); } }(this, function () { var counter = 0; return { increment: function() { counter++; }; } })); Universal Module Definition (UMD) AMD CJS

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(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.returnExports = factory(); } }(this, function () { var counter = 0; return { increment: function() { counter++; }; } })); Universal Module Definition (UMD) AMD CJS Global

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(function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.returnExports = factory(); } }(this, function () { var counter = 0; return { increment: function() { counter++; }; } })); Universal Module Definition (UMD) AMD CJS Global Module

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There must be a better way!

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A new way of writing JavaScript code.

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ES2015 Modules

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Modules are stored in files. JS

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Code is executed once it’s loaded.

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All code stays local to the module.

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Modules can import functionality.

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Modules can export functionality.

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One module per file.

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One file per module.

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Modules are singletons.

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A brief overview of the ES2015 module syntax

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Import & Export

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// counter.js var counter = 0; function increment() { return counter++; } function reset() { counter = 0; } Multiple named exports

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// counter.js var counter = 0; export function increment() { return counter++; } export function reset() { counter = 0; } Multiple named exports

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// counter.js var counter = 0; export function increment() { return counter++; } export function reset() { counter = 0; } Named import // app.js import { increment } from 'counter'; increment(); // 1

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// counter.js var counter = 0; export function increment() { return counter++; } export function reset() { counter = 0; } Namespace import // app.js import * as counter from 'counter'; counter.increment(); // 1 counter.reset(); // 0

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// func.js export default function() { ··· } Single default export

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// func.js export default function() { ··· } Default import // app.js import myFunc from 'func'; myFunc();

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Benefits over CJS and AMD? ● Cleaner syntax ● Sync and async ● Multiple exports ● Cyclic dependencies ● Static module structure

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Static module structure

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// Error if (someBooleanValue) { import myModule from 'module1'; } else { import myModule from 'module2'; } Static imports & exports

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Benefits of a static module structure? ● Dead code elimination ● Variable checking ● Type checking

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Module syntax IDE support

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Browser support:

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What now?!?

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Instead of waiting on browser adoption...

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Transpiler allow us to use the future syntax today!

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What are transpilers?

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ES2015 ES5 compile

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ES2015 ES5 compile CommonJS

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ES2015 ES5 compile AMD

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ES2015 ES5 compile Other

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Module Loader API

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Module Loader API (not part of ES2015)

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System.import('counter') .then(function(counter) { counter.increment(); }) .catch(function() { ··· }); Loader API

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JS JS JS JS JS JS JS Module Loader JS

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In the future HTTP/2 will be able to load all modules asynchronously in production.

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Until then, we have to bundle our modules into one single file.

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Module bundling.

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Modern module bundlers have a transpiler built-in.

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How does bundling work?

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Traversing the dependency tree. main.js bundle.js JS JS JS JS JS JS JS

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Mixing different module systems. main.js bundle.js AMD CJS ES2015 JS JS JS JS

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Easy code splitting for lazy loading. bundle1.js AMD CJS ES2015 bundle2.js bundle3.js JS JS JS JS

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Bundling common code together. bundle1.js AMD CJS ES2015 bundle2.js bundle3.js common.js JS JS JS JS

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Normal bundling behavior. counter.js increment() { … } reset() { … }

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Normal bundling behavior. import { increment } from ‘counter’; increment(); counter.js main.js increment() { … } reset() { … }

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Normal bundling behavior. counter.js increment() { … } reset() { … } import { increment } from ‘counter’; increment(); main.js bundle.js increment() { … } reset() { … } increment();

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Removing unused exports. counter.js increment() { … } reset() { … } import { increment } from ‘counter’; increment(); main.js bundle.js increment() { … } reset() { … } increment();

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Removing unused exports. import { increment } from ‘counter’; increment(); counter.js main.js bundle.js increment() { … } reset() { … } increment() { … } increment();

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Third party modules.

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Package Managers

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NPM - The biggest package manager on earth!

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What is a package?

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A folder containing a program. Package index.js

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This program is described by a package.json file. Package index.js package.json

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{ "name": "test-package", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "author": "Erik Grijzen" } package.json

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Ideal workflow: Two step approach

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1). Installing a package. > npm install angular --save Terminal

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{ "name": "test-package", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "dependencies": { "angular": "1.4.9", }, "author": "Erik Grijzen" } package.json

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2). Import a package. import angular from 'angular'; index.js

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Package installation folder. Package /node_modules index.js package.json

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Excluding installed packages from source control. Package /node_modules index.js package.json .gitignore

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Semantic versioning.

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1.0.0 Published packages Not everyone is following this rule

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1.0.1 Patch release Bug fixes and patches.

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1.2.0 Minor release New features that don’t break existing features.

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2.0.0 Major release Changes that break backwards compatibility.

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Useful version ranges.

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~1.0.0 Installs: 1.0.8 Automatic bugfix updates.

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^1.0.0 Installs: 1.4.9 Automatic bugfix and feature updates.

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Don’t blindly trust all published packages.

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Modern component-based architecture

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Most modern frameworks support component-based development.

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Composing your application into smaller components. Component

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Modularized components.

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One entry point. JS

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Importing other assets. JS HTML CSS PNG JS

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Importing other assets. JS JADE SCSS PNG JS

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Component-based project structure

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Self-contained components. Component component.js component.css component.html component.test.js image.png

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import styles from './component.css'; import template from './component.html'; import image from './logo.png'; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = image; Importing other assets

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Inlining all static assets. Component Component Component Component bundle.js

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Create separate bundles. Component Component Component Component bundle.js bundle.css logo.png

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Creating common bundles. Component Component Component Component bundle.js bundle.css logo.png common.css

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Easily removing components. Component Component Component Component bundle.js bundle.css

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Easily removing components. Component Component Component bundle.js bundle.css

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Developer experience

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We are all familiar with browser syncing.

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What about module syncing?

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Hot module loaders

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Live editing experience.

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Frameworks and libraries are moving to ES2015.

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Focus on learning the new JavaScript standards.

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The future is bright, let’s start using ES2015 today!

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Thank you! Senior Frontend Developer @ Netcentric @ErikGrijzen