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Graph Databases: Data Storage with Context Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif Photo by Tomasz Frankowski on Unsplash

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Who is Jennifer Reif? Developer Advocate, Neo4j • Continuous learner • Technical speaker • Tech blogger, podcaster • Other: geek Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif

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What is a graph? Jennifer Jacob ??

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What is a graph? Company Jennifer Jacob WORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR

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What is a graph? Company Jennifer Jacob School W ORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR ATTENDED ATTENDED

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What is a graph? Degree Degree Company Jennifer Jacob School ATTENDED ATTENDED W ORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR EN RO LLED_IN ENROLLED_IN

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What is a graph? Person Degree Degree Company Person Person School ATTENDED ATTENDED W ORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR EN RO LLED_IN ENROLLED_IN ENROLLED_IN Degree C O M PLETED COM PLETED Edward Jones Jacob Jennifer SIUE Music CMIS CS Adrian

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What is a graph? Answers through relationships • How many coworkers shared classes/degrees? • What are common degree journeys? • How many alumni re- enroll for higher degrees? • Who else went to a school and works for company? Person Degree Degree Company Person Person School ATTENDED ATTENDED W ORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR EN RO LLED_IN ENROLLED_IN ENROLLED_IN Degree C O M PLETED COM PLETED Edward Jones Jacob Jennifer SIUE Music CMIS CS Adrian

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Nodes (vertices) Objects or entities • Can have labels • May have properties Person Degree Degree Company Person Person School Degree Edward Jones Jacob Jennifer SIUE Music CMIS CS Adrian

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Relationships (edges) Connect entities • Must have type (label) • Must have direction • May have properties Person Degree Degree Company Person Person School ATTENDED ATTENDED W ORKED_FOR WORKED_FOR EN RO LLED_IN ENROLLED_IN ENROLLED_IN Degree C O M PLETED COM PLETED Edward Jones Jacob Jennifer SIUE Music CMIS CS Adrian

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Example: Logistics Home

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Logistics • Where fi rst? • Depends on when ready to leave house Home School Opens: 08:00 Donation Opens: 09:00 Shipping Opens: 10:00 Grocery Opens: 07:00

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Logistics Criteria • Where is time critical? • Personal preferences for refrigerated food? • How long at each store? Music Home School Opens: 08:00 Donation Opens: 09:00 Shipping Opens: 10:00 Grocery Opens: 07:00 WENT_1 W ENT_2 WENT_3 WENT_4 W ENT_5 WENT_6

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Answer questions Habits/preferences • E ffi ciency improvements? • Adding stop? Where/time? • Share load across more people? • Distance and location calculations? Music Home School Opens: 08:00 Donation Opens: 09:00 Shipping Opens: 10:00 Grocery Opens: 07:00 WENT_1 W ENT_2 WENT_3 WENT_4 W ENT_5 WENT_6

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Other use cases • Fraud detection • Identity and access management • Recommendations • Supply chain

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Graphs add context and meaning Not just point-to-point, but HOW they connect

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Data model

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One model to rule them all… Conceptual = Logical = Physical data model

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One model to rule them all… Conceptual = Logical = Physical data model

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Query language

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Cypher GQL-compliant • Functional and visual • Based on ASCII art • Declarative • Focus on patterns A B LIKES MATCH (A)-[:LIKES]->(B)

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Cypher: write All about patterns Jennifer Neo4j WORKS_FOR CREATE (:Person { name: ‘Jennifer’}) -[:WORKS_FOR]-> (:Company { name: ‘Neo4j’}) NODE PROPERTY NODE PROPERTY LABEL LABEL

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Cypher: read All about patterns Jennifer Neo4j WORKS_FOR MATCH (:Person { name: ‘Jennifer’} ) -[:WORKS_FOR]-> ( whom ) RETURN whom

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Let’s explore!

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Visualization, Data Science, and more!

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Integrations Lots of options! • Cloud • Visualization • Data transportation • Data science • Applications • Administration, ops, monitoring

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Purchasing system Orders, products, suppliers, etc • Easily fi nd unusual patterns • Optimize routes network • Pass bits on to other systems • Pinpoint… • Improvements for inventory • Weak points in supply chain • In fl uential products/customers

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Financial Investments, ownership, etc • Easily track fi nancial holdings • Understand money movements • Monitor transactions • Pinpoint… • Suspicious activity • True ownership (transactions) • In fl uential, valuable holdings

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Other Social, interactions, etc • Easily navigate human interaction • Understand collaboration • Track behavior, journeys • Pinpoint… • User journeys, collabs • Communities • In fl uential people, events

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What about AI?

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Throw an LLM at it Doesn’t often work • LLM strengths: • human-consumable data • general/public info • LLM weaknesses: • context/big picture • private knowledge • Solo LLM = great -> integrated LLM = more great?

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RAG architecture • Retrieval • Data retrieved from external source • Augmented • Augments response with facts • Generation • Response in natural language Prompt + Relevant Information LLM API LLM
 Chat API User Database Search Prompt Response Relevant Results / Documents 2 3 1 Database

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Embeddings / Vectors Convert data to a point in space • Series of numbers • 100s or 1000s of dimensions • Dimension = interesting feature / characteristic

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Vectors in the physical realm

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Vectors in the technical realm Kings and Queens king − man + woman ≈ queen king man wom an 1 king man wom an 2 queen? 3

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How do we search the vectors? Similarity search • Expensive queries (compare to every vector) • Approximate nearest neighbor (k-ANN) • Example: Library • Book classi fi cation - genre vs location of plot • Smaller search set = smaller retrieval time! Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

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GraphRAG Graph DB as a data source • Higher accuracy (more relevance in result) • Using existing, quality data • Explainability, veri fi ability

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Explainable AI Why graph with GenAI? • How did the LLM get this answer? • Graphs: • Incorporating siloed data into result • Add extra context/related info to graph • Better veri fi cation through understandable format Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

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Let’s code!

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Resources • Github repository (today’s code): • GraphAcademy LLM courses: • Docs for Spring AI: • Knowledge graph ebook: to-build-knowledge-graph/ Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif