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Monitoring Containerized Elixir

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.。oO(さっちゃんですよヾ(〃l _ l)ノ゙☆) @ /

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Imagine, you have a great Elixir app.

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Imagine, you have a great Elixir app. And will be working it on Docker

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Imagine, you have a great Elixir app. And will be working it on Docker on Kubernetes.

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Why container, Docker? Container is an abstract layer over infrastructure. It runs everywhere. It easy to create, share, transfer & run.

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Why Kubernetes? K8s is a common language. K8s can run every types of applications.

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Elixir on Containers containers s/:distillery/Mix.Release/

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When you've deployed the app on K8s. How to monitor it?

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Why Monitoring? Is your app works well? Know how your app works. What caused when your app is broken. Keep your app observable.

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Liveness check Is your app is living or not?

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K8s has liveness probe. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: containers: - name: app livenessProbe: httpGet: path: /ops/heartbeat port: 4000

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How to check your app is live or not?

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KomachiHeartbeat Vital monitoring Elixir Web application.

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KomachiHeartbeat The name is originate from a great Rubygems :

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Add KomachiHeartbeat. defmodule Example.Router do use Plug.Router plug(:match) plug(:dispatch) forward("/ops", to: KomachiHeartbeat) end defmodule ExampleWeb.Router do use ExampleWeb, :router forward("/ops", KomachiHeartbeat) end

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Check it. % curl http://localhost/ops/heartbeat heartbeat:ok Also available from Zabbix, ALB health check or Mackerel's "External Http monitor (外形監視)".

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Error collection Listening canary song.

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Sentry Collect & sort errors. Show the error environments: stacktrace, HTTP params, app host, release ver… Assign & resolve issue. Integrate with Sass: Slack, GitHub…

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Add in your app. defmodule Example.Application do use Application def start(_type, _args) do Logger.add_backend(Sentry.LoggerBackend) … end defmodule Example.Router do use Sentry.Plug … end & add many metadata, by yourself (・﹏・)

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Metrics monitoring Know the app behaviour & detect anomary.

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Prometheus + Grafana + deadtrickster/beam-dashboards Beautiful. But to keep Prometheus servers have many toils.

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Add mackerel-container-agent as a sidecar. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: containers: - name: app … - name: mackerel-container-agent image: mackerel/mackerel-container-agent:latest imagePullPolicy: Always resources: limits: {memory: 128Mi} env: - {name: MACKEREL_CONTAINER_PLATFORM, value: kubernetes} - name: MACKEREL_KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: MACKEREL_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: {fieldPath: metadata.namespace} - name: MACKEREL_KUBERNETES_POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: {fieldPath:} - {name: MACKEREL_ROLES, value: example:app} envFrom: - secretRef: {name: mackerel}

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apiVersion: kind: Kustomization … secretGenerator: - name: mackerel type: Opaque files: [MACKEREL_APIKEY=secret/MACKEREL_APIKEY]

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OK. I see container's metrics. How about BEAM metrics?

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KomachiHeartbeat + mackerel- plugin-json Vital monitoring Elixir Web application. Json custom metrics plugin for agent.

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KomachiHeartbeat has /stats endpoint that returns app's stats in JSON. mackerel-plugin-json posts any data gotten from JSON API as Mackerel custome metrics.

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We have KomachiHeartbeat.BeamVital . sachirou/ex_komachi_heartbeat/pull/29 (Sorry for under development.)

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Add KomachiHeartbeat.BeamVital . defmodule TeijiBot.Router do use Plug.Router plug(:match) plug(:dispatch) forward( "/ops", to: KomachiHeartbeat, init_opts: [vitals: [KomachiHeartbeat.BeamVital]] ) end

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Configure mackerel-plugin-json. --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment spec: template: spec: volumes: - name: mackerel-agent-config configMap: name: mackerel-agent-config containers: - name: app … - name: mackerel-container-agent image: mackerel/mackerel-container-agent:plugins … env: - {name: MACKEREL_AGENT_CONFIG, value: /etc/mackerel/mackerel.yaml} … volumeMounts: - name: mackerel-agent-config mountPath: /etc/mackerel readOnly: true

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--- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mackerel-agent-config data: mackerel.yaml: | plugin: metrics: json: command: | mackerel-plugin-json \ -url="http://localhost:4000/ops/stats" \ -prefix='beam'

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Current metrics : atom_count memory_ets_tables memory_system_bytes_total atom, binary, code, ets, other port_count process_count (More, under development.)