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Development workflow

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$developer Matthieu Moquet MattKetmo The quality guy Yoann Brault Opium84

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What is BlaBlaCar ?

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…and more than 200 white-label websites.

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Benefits Less CO2 Social++ Less traffic Low cost

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3 000 000 members A large community

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8 countries § France § Spain § Italy § UK § Poland § Portugal § Netherlands § Benelux

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50 millions 25 millions January 2008 January 2013 Growth Page views.

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Infrastructure ü 2  physical  fronts   ü 1  MySQL  master  +  4  slaves  SSD   ü 1  private  cloud  (KVM  +  Open  vSwitch)   o  Redis   o  Memcache   o  RabbitMQ/workers   ü 1  cluster  ElasEcSearch  

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Why migrate to Symfony?

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…quand je dois corriger un bug dans du code "historique" Source:

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Why migrate to Symfony2 ? §  « Separation of concerns » §  Services isolation (Bundles/Components) §  Unit & functional tests §  Scalability/maintainability o Modern Framework PHP 5.3+ o Active community o SensioLabs expertise

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How to migrate to Symfony?

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Migration Strategy 2 applications with same database

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OLD   NEW   Progressive Migration

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Behind the scene…

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Development Workflow

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A day at BlaBlaCar… •  Up to 15 deployments per days •  Default environment is localhost •  Common development server •  Fast reaction time

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Workflow git Branching  model:   ü  dev ü  preprod ü  master   §  Cherry-­‐pick  to  deploy   §  Branch  for  long  features  

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Workflow git : the bad parts •  Discontinuous workflow à May cause inconsistencies •  It complicates long features •  Intermediate branches are boring

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Git Flow Consistent workflow, but not adapted to our needs

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GitHub Flow « We typically deploy dozens of times per day and ship new features regularly » — Brian Doll

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Tools (before) Issue tracker Repository manager Pull Request Code Review Continuous Integration Trac gitolite (Internal) pmsipilot/Crew Jenkins

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Tools (now) Issue tracker Repository manager Pull Request Code Review Continuous Integration Jira Stash Stash Stash Bamboo

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Internal organization ü Product team conceives features and creates Jira tickets ü Tickets are distributed to developers each week ü Developers resolve those tickets (captain obvious) ü Product team validates the implementation ü Q/A team checks everything works ü Minidevs are for Friday

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ü How does the product team validate the changes? ü How does the Q/A team check everything works as expected? GitHub Flow, That’s cool, but…

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Prototypes GOAL Make available any branch on our development servers HOW? – API REST Symfony2 – Javascript client – PHP Workers

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How Prototypes works? $ git checkout -b hipster-feature # commit code... $ git push origin hipster-feature

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Environments $debug !$debug DEV PROD

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Loads of time saved ü Easy access to dev or prod database ü Product & Q/A team can test a branch directly with « real » data ü We can debug production with the Symfony WDT (Web Debug Toolbar)

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Summary Code à Test à Review à Deploy à Validate à Merge

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…quand j’ai une idée de feature Source:

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Translations workflow RULE #1 o Translations must be editable at any moment o Developers are not required to update translations à  Save translations in database

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Translations workflow RULE #2 •  Do NOT "SELECT * From translations" for each HTTP request •  Keep translations app cache in each frontal server à  Only keep token in Redis

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Translations workflow HTTP   Request   TranslaEon   Service   isFresh()   false   SELECT translations   Update   app/cache   $lastModified >= $redis->get('last_modif') ? true : false;  

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Translations workflow ü  Once  the  feature  is  finished,  the  branch  is  waiEng  for   the  product  &  Q/A  team  validaEon   ü  Meanwhile,  internaEonal  team  translates  all  the  new   strings     ü  Before  merging  to  master,  the  new  strings  have  already   been  translated   ü  At  any  moment  they  can  be  updated,  even  aVer  a   deployment  

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ü  FULLTEXT search tool ü  Debug mode How to find the right translations keys?

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Translator DebugMode // AcmeBundle/Translator.php class Translator extends BaseTranslator { protected $debugMode; public function trans($id, $parameters, $domain = 'messages', $locale = null) { if ($this->debugMode) { return $id; } return parent::trans($id, $parameters, $domain, $locale); } } // AcmeBundle/DebugListener.php public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $e) { $request = $e->getRequest(); if (/* put your own logic here */) { $this->translator->setDebug(true); } }

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Rendering emails GOAL •  Display any email without having to perform the associated actions •  See the rendering with different locales or with DebugMode à  Let’s make an interface for that…

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Email Renderer Interface interface EmailRendererInterface { /** * @return string */ public function getTemplate(); /** * @return Form */ public function getForm(); } public function renderAction(Request $request) { $renderer = // ... $form = $renderer->getForm(); if ('POST' === $request->getMethod() && $form->bind($request)->isValid()) { return $this->render($renderer->getTemplate(), $form->getData()) } return $this->render('EmailRenderer:index.html.twig'); }

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Front-end development

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Front-end development GOAL •  Allow front-end developers to easily create Twig templates •  Do not interfere with existing templates {{ form_widget(form) }} class AcmeExtension extends \Twig_Extension { public function getFilters() { return array( 'price' => new \Twig_Filter_Method( $this, 'priceFilter'), ); } }

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Front-end development SOLUTION •  Create a dedicated folder for front-end templates •  List those templates in development environment only # AcmeDevBundle/Resources/views Design "## index.html.twig $## templates "## demo % $## example.html.twig "## profile % "## annonces.html.twig % "## dashboard.html.twig % "## vehicles.html.twig % $## verifications.html.twig "## registration % "## phone-fill.html.twig % $## register.html.twig "## search % "## empty.html.twig % "## no-result.html.twig % $## search.html.twig "## static % "## apps.html.twig % "## howto.html.twig % $## trust.html.twig $## widget $## widget.html.twig

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Front-end development class DesignController { public function indexAction() { $files = Finder::create()->files()->in($this->templateDirectory); return $this->render('AcmeCoreBundle:Design:index.html.twig', array( 'files' => $files )); } public function showAction(Request $request, $template) { $filename = $this->templateDirectory.'/'.$template; if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw $this->createNotFoundException(); } return $this->render( 'AcmeCoreBundle:Design:templates/'.$template, $request->query->all(); // convert parameters from the request ); } }

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Continuous Integration

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Yoann Brault Opium84 Meet Yoann, not a developer The quality guy

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Quality Assurance 6 years experience in web and mobile application testing

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My role in the BlaBlaCar team The product and marketing teams write specifications Developers implement them The Q/A. verifies that the specifications are respected

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Problematic of Q.A. Ensure that the entire site works on all browsers, for all languages ​​ and avoid regression

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The adopted solution Automation for the Scenario execution on production environment on available prototypes

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An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website First we define the function to be tested Then we define the scenario

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Paris Reims We have what is expected Submit the form An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website

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We have what was expected An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website

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Here, the result of the executed scenario An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website

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Here is the result of the tests. Those are launched two to three times a day. Below the 34 scenarios were all successful Below, 1 failed scenario, resulting in 7 ignored steps. An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website

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Screenshots are always usefull to better understand why the test failed An example for the search functionnality on the BlaBlacar website

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List of current automatic tests I can register a new account I can't use an email already in use I can create a new alert I can check the lowest/max price I can add preference I can post a new trip I can check the ladies only option and check if the trip is available for men I create a new roundtrip I Can check the sharing options and change them I can access the alerts tab I Can signup with a FB account on Landing Pages 3 I can verify a phone number I can perform a classic search I can perform a search only with departure city I can perform a search only with arrival city I can connect with Facebook, […] I check for private message notification […] I can delete a trip I can add a car to my profile I can remove a car from my profile I Can signup with a FB account on Landing Pages 1 I can add a bio to my profile I can check if the photo notification is available I can create a trip with stepover I can post a new trip, make a return and duplicate the trip I can sign up in with a FB account I can search each subtrip from a trip with stepover I can access to the post trip page from the homepage I can request a new password I can erase an account I Can signup with a FB account on Landing Pages 4 I can perform a search from the homepage I can check some short urlAcces to the backoffice to verify that the short link page is ok ...

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Future of automatic tests We have developed a tool to make things easier and faster

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…quand je fais une mise en prod Source:

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How to MEP? $ ./

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How to MEP? Yo dude! it’s time to deploy [RSYNC] Gimme the code

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More details on our tech blog

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What is YOUR development workflow?

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Thank you! Slides available at We’re  hiring!   Leave feedbacks @MattKetmo