Slide 6
Slide 6 text
Data File
• First, time information is represented by the attribute time.
• The device information includes metrics such as batteryLevel, batteryPercent, wirelessSignal, and
•For facial actions, attributes like actionEye, actionUpperFace, powerUpperFace, actionLowerFace,
and powerLowerFace capture various facial expressions and their intensities.
•The emotional metrics encompass a range of states, including engagement, excitement,
longTermExcitement, stress, relaxation, interest, and focus. In addition, boolean
ags, such as
isENG, isEXC, isSTR, isREL, isINT, and isFOC, indicate whether speci
c emotional states are active.
•The Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance (PAD) model is represented through the attributes Pleasure,
Arousal, and Dominance.
Finally, ignore SAM.