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DUB DUB TIME MACHINE (aka, what's new for n-2 supporting apps) SwiftConnection | Paris | September 2024 Ellen Shapiro | |

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Your Job

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Your Job

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N - 2

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Why can't we upgrade?!

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Existing customer stats

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Losing new customers on old OS versions

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! ♻

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iOS 16!

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Navigation View

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NavigationStack NavigationSplitView

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Better Programmatic Navigation

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Navigation Stack

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enum Route: Hashable { case login case signup case home case profile } class NavigationModel: ObservableObject { @Published var navigationPath = [Route]() func handleDeeplinkToProfile() { self.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } }

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enum Route: Hashable { case login case signup case home case profile } class NavigationModel: ObservableObject { @Published var navigationPath = [Route]() }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { NavigationLink(value: Route.login) { Text("Login") } /" ..$ } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { case .login: return TitleView(title: "I am the login page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) /" ..$ } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }

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struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { NavigationStack(path: self.$navigationModel.navigationPath) { VStack(spacing: 20) { /" ..$ Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [.home, .profile] } label: { Text("Deeplink to profile") } } .navigationDestination(for: Route.self) { route in switch route { /" ..$ case .home: return TitleView(title: "I am the home page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) case .profile: return TitleView(title: "I am the profile page!", navigationModel: self.navigationModel) } } } }

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struct TitleView: View { let title: String let navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 100) { Text(self.title) Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [] } label: { Text("Log out") } } .navigationTitle(self.title) } }

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struct TitleView: View { let title: String let navigationModel: NavigationModel var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 100) { Text(self.title) Button { self.navigationModel.navigationPath = [] } label: { Text("Log out") } } .navigationTitle(self.title) } }

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@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { return VStack { /$..& } } else { return HStack { /$..& } } }

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@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { return AnyView(VStack { /$..& }) } else { return AnyView(HStack { /$..& }) } }

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AnyView -> ☠ Performance

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AnyLayout -> ! Performance

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@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout: AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }

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@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout: AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }

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@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass var body: some View { let layout: AnyLayout if self.horizontalSizeClass =" .compact { layout = AnyLayout(VStackLayout()) } else { layout = AnyLayout(HStackLayout()) } return layout { Text("1") Text("2") } }

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Batteries included: ZStackLayout GridLayout

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Batteries NOT included: Build your own! (Layout is a public protocol)

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Making UIKit cells with SwiftUI

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let item = items[indexPath.row] cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration { HStack { Text(item.title) Spacer() Image(systemName: "star.fill") .foregroundColor(item.isFavorite ? .yellow : .gray) } }

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let item = items[indexPath.row] cell.contentConfiguration = UIHostingConfiguration { ItemView(for: item) }

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! New SwiftUI stuff

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Swift Charts

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! vs. " vs.

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struct HamConsumptionPerWeek { let average: Float let country: String }

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struct HamConsumptionPerWeek { let average: Float let country: String static let averageTitle = "Times I Eat Ham Per Week" static let countryTitle = "Country I Am In" }

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private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct BarChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { BarMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average), width: .automatic) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct LineChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { LineMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average)) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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private struct LineChart: View { let data: [HamConsumptionPerWeek] var body: some View { Chart(data, id: \.average) { LineMark(x: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, $, y: .value(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, $0.average)) .foregroundStyle( } .chartXAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.countryTitle, alignment: .center) .chartYAxisLabel(HamConsumptionPerWeek.averageTitle, position: .trailing, alignment: .center) } }

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Bottom Sheet

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") } } } Hi Paul!

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") } } } Hi Paul!

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Presentation Detents

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") .presentationDetents([.medium, .large]) } } } Hi Paul!

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var showingCredits = false var body: some View { Button("Show Credits") { showingCredits.toggle() } .sheet(isPresented: $showingCredits) { Text("This example was flagrantly stolen from Hacking with Swift") .presentationDetents([.medium, .large]) .presentationDragIndicator(.hidden) } } } Hi Paul!

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Multi-Date Picker

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var dates: Set = [] var body: some View { MultiDatePicker("Select dates", selection: $dates) .frame(height: 400) .padding() } }

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struct ContentView: View { @State private var dates: Set = [] var body: some View { MultiDatePicker("Select dates", selection: $dates) .frame(height: 400) .padding() } }

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Not SwiftUI

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TextKit 2

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TextKit 2 (the bane of my existence)

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NSLayoutManager -> NSTextLayoutManager .layoutManager -> .textLayoutManager NSContentStorage -> NSTextContentStorage

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.layoutManager -> .textLayoutManager

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/" NSTextContentStorageDelegate public func textContentStorage( _ textContentStorage: NSTextContentStorage, textParagraphWith range: NSRange) -$ NSTextParagraph?

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/" NSTextLayoutManagerDelegate public func textLayoutManager( _ textLayoutManager: NSTextLayoutManager, textLayoutFragmentFor location: NSTextLocation, in textElement: NSTextElement) -$ NSTextLayoutFragment

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TK2 Good ‣ Way better separation of display vs storage concerns

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TK2 Good ‣ Way better separation of display vs storage concerns ‣ Layout fragments to allow more complex and reusable design choices

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TK2 Good ‣ Way better separation of display vs storage concerns ‣ Layout fragments to allow more complex and reusable design choices ‣ Handling composed character languages and emoji is much easier

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TK2 Less Good...

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Existing UITextView bugs

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UITextRange <-> NSTextRange <-> NSRange <-> Swift.Range

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Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView

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Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location: Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate

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Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location: Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate ‣ NSRange: Working with ranges of the underlying NSString or NSAttributedString

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Who Uses What ‣ UITextRange/Location: Selection in UITextView ‣ NSTextRange/Location: Fragments, Layout manager, Text Elements, Text content storage delegate ‣ NSRange: Working with ranges of the underlying NSString or NSAttributedString ‣ Swift.Range: Working with any Swift.String or Swift.AttributedString you wound up with

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"Make the selected range bold"

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"Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage

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"Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView

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"Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange

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"Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange ‣ Use NSRange to update underlying NSAttributedString in textContentStorage.contentStorage font to a bold one

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"Make the selected range bold" ‣ Make sure NSTextStorage for the UITextView is hooked up to NSTextContentStorage's underlying text storage ‣ Get UITextRange of selected text from UITextView ‣ Convert UITextRange to NSRange ‣ Use NSRange to update underlying NSAttributedString in textContentStorage.contentStorage font to a bold one ‣ Have layout elements reload using NSTextRange

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When should you use TextKit 2?

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Use TK2: ‣ New Apps

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Use TK2: ‣ New Apps ‣ Apps without super-complicated text logic that interact with TK1

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Use TK2: ‣ New Apps ‣ Apps without super-complicated text logic that interact with TK1 ‣ Apps with complicated but well-tested text logic

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Use TK2: ‣ New Apps ‣ Apps without super-complicated text logic that interact with TK1 ‣ Apps with complicated but well-tested text logic ‣ Apps which want deeper interaction with Apple Intelligence™

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Save yourself some trouble! ‣ Existing apps with very complex and untested display and/or storage logic

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Data Scanner View Controller

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Before ↔ " # $

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After ! DataScannerViewController

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Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates

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Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates ‣ Items have unique identifiers

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Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates ‣ Items have unique identifiers ‣ Items are placed in reading order in delegate callbacks

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Features ‣ Locations of detected data already in view coordinates ‣ Items have unique identifiers ‣ Items are placed in reading order in delegate callbacks ‣ Async stream available if you don't need to create UI.

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Non-UI features!

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Transferable Protocol

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Transferable Protocol* * - Kind of for UI but doesn't provide any itself

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Drag + Drop Copy + Paste Across apps

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Generic Transferrables ‣ ProxyRepresentation

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Generic Transferrables ‣ ProxyRepresentation ‣ CodableRepresentation

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Generic Transferrables ‣ ProxyRepresentation ‣ CodableRepresentation ‣ DataRepresentation

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Generic Transferrables ‣ ProxyRepresentation ‣ CodableRepresentation ‣ DataRepresentation ‣ FileRepresentation

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Matter Orders

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Order Matters

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Order Matters

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Swift Regex

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Runtime support for parameterized protocol types is only available in iOS 16.0.0 or newer 'Regex' is only available in iOS 16.0 or newer

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let route = """ I took a plane to Chicago. I took a plane to Barcelona. I took a train to Zaragoza. I took a train to Logroño. I took a train to Zaragoza. I took a train to Barcelona. I took a train to Paris. I took a plane to Washington. I took a plane to Rochester. """

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Before: NSRegularExpression

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let travelPattern = "I took a (?[A-z]+) to (?[A-z]+)" if let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: travelPattern, options: []) { regex.enumerateMatches(in: rtfString, options: [], range: fullRange) { /"..$ } }

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Regex Literals

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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Regex Builder

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let travelSearch = /I took a (.+?) to (.+?)\./ let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let travelSearch = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB = Regex { "I took a " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match.output.1)") print("Destination: \(match.output.2)") }

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let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match[transportMethod])") print("Destination: \(match[destination])") }

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let transportMethod = Reference(Substring.self) let destination = Reference(Substring.self) let travelSearchRB = Regex { "I took a " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } " to " Capture(as: transportMethod) { OneOrMore(.word) } /./ } let matches = route.matches(of: travelSearch) for match in matches { print("\nTransport method: \(match[transportMethod])") print("Destination: \(match[destination])") }

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! WeatherKit

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func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" CurrentWeather { try await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .current) }

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func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" Forecast { try await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .hourly) }

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func getForecast(for location: CLLocation) async throws -" Forecast { try await WeatherService .shared .weather(for: location, including: .daily) }

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1.00 USD ≈ 0.90 EUR* * As of 24 September 2024

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Other fun stuff

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController ‣ Initial passkey support

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Other fun stuff ‣ Variable color symbols in SFSymbols ‣ MapKit 3D, Look Around, and Server API support ‣ Better keyboard dismissal in SwiftUI ‣ TextField Minimum and maximum lines / Auto-expansion ‣ Easy filtering of media type in PHPickerViewController ‣ Initial passkey support ‣ 16.1: ActivityKit + Live Activities

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Obligatory Summary Slide

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex ‣ This is definitely not an exhaustive list

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Obligatory Summary Slide ‣ Tons of features to make working with SwiftUI easier ‣ Otherwise awesome chart engine that lacks pie charts ‣ Use TextKit 2 if you're well-tested or building something new ‣ UI Toys: Bottom sheets, Multi-select calendar, DataScannerViewController ‣ Data Toys: WeatherKit, Transferrable protocol, SwiftRegex ‣ This is definitely not an exhaustive list ‣ Poke around old videos, there's some fun stuff

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No content

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Links! ‣ Workaround for installing on old devices https:// ‣ What's new in Swift UI for iOS 16 https:// swiftui-for-ios-16 ‣ Migrating to new navigation types https:// new-navigation-types

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More Links! ‣ WWDC Speedrun speedrun/ ‣ Nerdy Internals of an Apple Text Editor https:// ‣ Choosing a transfer representation for a model type https:// choosing-a-transfer-representation-for-a-model-type ‣ Swift Regex Tester

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Even more links! ‣ Why SwiftRegex requires iOS 16+ why-the-new-features-in-swift-5-7-needs-the-latest-os- version-support/60952/16 ‣ Rendering SwiftUI views within UITableView or UICollectionView cells on iOS 16 https:// within-uitableview-or-uicollectionview/

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WWDC Videos! ‣ The SwiftUI Cookbook for Navigation: https:// ‣ Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI: https:// ‣ Use SwiftUI from UIKit: wwdc22/10072 ‣ DataScannerViewController: videos/play/wwdc2022/10025/

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More WWDC Videos! ‣ Meet TextKit 2 (2021): wwdc21/10061 ‣ What's new in TextKit and TextViews (2022): https:// ‣ What's new in SwiftUI (2022 Edition): https:// ‣ Meet Transferrable: wwdc22/10062 ‣ Meet Swift Regex:

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Yet More WWDC Videos! ‣ Swift Regex: Beyond the basics: wwdc22/110358 ‣ Meet WeatherKit: wwdc22/10003 ‣ Adopt Variable Color in SFSymbols: https:// ‣ Live Text Interaction: play/wwdc2022/10026