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myGRID iOS, Android, Web

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Grid Theory

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“The 44-pixel block is, in many ways, the basic unit of measurement for the iPhone interface, establishing the visual rhythm of many iPhone apps. That metric is significant as the recommended minimum size to make a tap target (like a button or list item) easily and reliably tappable.” Josh Clark

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New Visual Proportions for the iOS User Interface @Aen

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iOS default grid is 10x11pt min touch size of 44pt

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Slide 6 text conceptual/mobilehig/UEBestPractices/UEBestPractices.html

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Android default grid is 8x8pt min touch size of 48pt

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myGrid is 4x4pt

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‛ highly flexible ‛ fits iOS and Android guidelines ‛ good guide for programmer when implementing design 4x4pt gird is ‛ it just works

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1pt = 1dp = 2px 4x4pt grid = 8x8px

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Same grid used on both platforms

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Same grid used on both platforms

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No content

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4x4 grid in detail

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Apple’s Passbook app is also in 4x4 gird

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4x4 grid used in web application

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One more thing

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Typecast is a browser-based app that takes the pain out of designing typography for the web

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Design typography with baseline grid tool and great fonts collection

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Thank you @jurajivan