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思想と理想の果てに Masanobu Naruse 1

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8 1. フレームワーク非依存 2. テスタビリティの確保 3. UI非依存 4. データベース非依存 5. 外部機能非依存

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9 1. フレームワーク非依存 2. テスタビリティの確保 3. UI非依存 4. データベース非依存 5. 外部機能非依存

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13 これは どこに書こう

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14 質問された仕様の 記述されてる場所が 分からない これは どこに書こう

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15 質問された仕様の 記述されてる場所が 分からない これは どこに書こう 本質的でないことから あなたを解放する

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17 今日はスーパーの セール日だ 今週はどこに 出かけよう かな

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18 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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19 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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21 この図の前に

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22 まずはこの図 22

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23 まずはこの図 ヘキサゴナルアーキテクチャ 23

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24 24

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25 ビジネスを中心に見立て それ以外を交換可能なものとする 25

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26 ビジネスを中心に見立て それ以外を交換可能なものとする プラガプル 26

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27 別名 ポートアンドアダプター 27

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28 別名 ポートアンドアダプター ポート アダプター 28

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29 たとえるなら 29

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41 In Software 41

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49 アプリケーションを中心に見据え プラガプルを実現 49

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50 アプリケーションを中心に見据え プラガプルを実現 50 ビジネスロジックを UIやデータストアの処理に点在させない

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51 51

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52 52

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53 53

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54 根底にあるもの 54

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55 SOLID 原則 55

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56 SOLID 原則 56

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57 Dependency Inversion Principle 57

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58 58 Business Logic Database Access Module

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59 59 Business Logic Database Access Module Change

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60 60 Business Logic Database Access Module Change Involve

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61 61 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface

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62 62 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface

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63 63 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface

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64 64 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface

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65 65 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface

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66 66 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface Change

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67 67 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface Change Involve

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68 68 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface Change Involve Involve

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69 69 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface Change Involve Involve leading

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71 71

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72 具体的な実現方法を 言及している 違いは?

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73 具体的な実現方法を 言及している 具体的な実現方法を 言及している

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75 75

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76 76

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図を詳しく見る 77

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80 Enterprise Business Rules Entities

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81 Enterprise Business Rules Entities ビジネスルールをカプセル化したオブジェクト ≒ドメインオブジェクト

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83 Application Business Rules Use Cases

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84 Application Business Rules Use Cases アプリケーションレイヤー ドメインオブジェクトを束ねあげ ユースケースを実現する

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86 Interface Adapters

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87 Controllers Presenters Gateways Interface Adapters

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88 Controllers Presenters Gateways Interface Adapters

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89 Controllers Presenters Gateways Interface Adapters

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90 Controllers Presenters Gateways Interface Adapters Mock

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92 Controller Presenter

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93 Controller Presenter

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94 Controller Presenter

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95 Controller Presenter

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96 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor

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97 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port

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98 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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99 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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100 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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101 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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102 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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103 Frameworks & Drivers

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104 Frameworks & Drivers 詳細なコード ギークなコード ビジネスロジックが これに依存しないようにする

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105 Frameworks & Drivers 詳細なコード ギークなコード ビジネスロジックが これに依存しないようにする DIP

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106 依存の方向

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107 依存の方向は内向き 内側の変更は外に影響する 内側は外側を知らない 依存の方向

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108 依存の方向は内向き 内側の変更は外に影響する 内側は外側を知らない ドメインロジックで Web とか DB とか UI とかを 扱わない 依存の方向

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実装例 109

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110 110 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I >

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111 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port Use Case Output Port < I > < I > もっと細かく

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112 図 22-2 「Clean Architecture 達人に学ぶソフトウェアの構造と設計」(Robert C. Martin)より

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113 図 22-2 「Clean Architecture 達人に学ぶソフトウェアの構造と設計」(Robert C. Martin)より

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114 図 22-2 「Clean Architecture 達人に学ぶソフトウェアの構造と設計」(Robert C. Martin)より

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115 図 22-2 「Clean Architecture 達人に学ぶソフトウェアの構造と設計」(Robert C. Martin)より 上下は逆で 用語も少し違うけど 同じ

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116 図 22-2 「Clean Architecture 達人に学ぶソフトウェアの構造と設計」(Robert C. Martin)より 上下は逆で 用語も少し違うけど 同じ これに従って実装

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117 1.コードを確認 2.処理の流れを確認

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118 1.コードを確認 2.処理の流れを確認

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122 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } }

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123 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } アプリケーションが 要求するデータに 入力を変換

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124 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } アプリケーションが 要求するデータに 入力を変換

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127 DS : Data Structure

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128 DS : Data Structure class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } }

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131 interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); }

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134 class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); } ... }

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135 class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); } ... }

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136 class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); } ... }

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137 class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); } ... }

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140 interface UserRepositoryInterface { function find(UserId $id): User; function save(User $user); function delete(User $user); }

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141 interface UserRepositoryInterface { function find(UserId $id): User; function save(User $user); function delete(User $user); }

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142 interface UserRepositoryInterface { function find(UserId $id): User; function save(User $user); function delete(User $user); } Gateways

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145 class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { public function save(User $user) { DB::table('users') ->updateOrInsert( ['id' => $user->getId()], ['name' => $user->getName()] ); } public function find(UserId $id) { $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id->getValue())->first(); return new User($id, $user->name); } ... } オブジェクトの 永続化・再構築が できればなんでもいい

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148 class User { private $id; private $name private $role; public function __construct( UserId $id, UserName $name, UserRole $role ) { if (is_null($id)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($role)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->role = $role; } ... public function changeName(UserName $name) { if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->name = $name; } }

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149 class User { private $id; private $name private $role; public function __construct( UserId $id, UserName $name, UserRole $role ) { if (is_null($id)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($role)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->role = $role; } ... public function changeName(UserName $name) { if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->name = $name; } } class UserName { private $value; public function __construct(string $value) { if (is_null($value)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (strlen($value) < 3) throw new ¥Exception(); if (strlen($value) > 10) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->value = $value; } public function getValue(): string { return $this->value; } }

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150 class User { private $id; private $name private $role; public function __construct( UserId $id, UserName $name, UserRole $role ) { if (is_null($id)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (is_null($role)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; $this->role = $role; } ... public function changeName(UserName $name) { if (is_null($name)) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->name = $name; } } class UserName { private $value; public function __construct(string $value) { if (is_null($value)) throw new ¥Exception(); if (strlen($value) < 3) throw new ¥Exception(); if (strlen($value) > 10) throw new ¥Exception(); $this->value = $value; } public function getValue(): string { return $this->value; } } データモデルとは異なる

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153 class UserCreateOutputData { private $createdId; public function __construct(string $createdId) { $this->createdId = $createdId; } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }

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156 interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); }

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159 class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData); $this->middleware->setData(view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }

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162 class UserCreateViewModel { private $createdId; public function __construct(UserCreateOutputData $source) { $this->createdId = $source->getCreatedId(); } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }

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163 class UserCreateViewModel { private $createdId; public function __construct(UserCreateOutputData $source) { $this->createdId = $source->getCreatedId(); } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }



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164 1.コードを確認 2.処理の流れを確認

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166 Flow of Control class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string {

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167 Flow of Control Create class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string {

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168 Flow of Control Call class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string {

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169 Flow of Control

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170 Flow of Control interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); }

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171 Flow of Control Delegate interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); }

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172 Flow of Control

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173 Flow of Control class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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174 Flow of Control Create class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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175 Flow of Control Call class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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176 Flow of Control interface UserRepositoryInterface { function find(UserId $id): User; function save(User $user); function delete(User $user); }

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177 Flow of Control Delegate interface UserRepositoryInterface { function find(UserId $id): User; function save(User $user); function delete(User $user); }

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178 Flow of Control class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { ... public function save(User $user) { DB::table('users') ->updateOrInsert( ['id' => $user->getId()], ['name' => $user->getName()] ); } public function find(UserId $id) { $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id->getValue())->first(); return new User($id, $user->name); } }

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179 Flow of Control Access class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { ... public function save(User $user) { DB::table('users') ->updateOrInsert( ['id' => $user->getId()], ['name' => $user->getName()] ); } public function find(UserId $id) { $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id->getValue())->first(); return new User($id, $user->name); } }

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180 Flow of Control class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { ... public function handle(UserCreateInputData $input { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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181 Flow of Control Create class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { ... public function handle(UserCreateInputData $input { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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182 Flow of Control Call class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterface { ... public function handle(UserCreateInputData $input { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); $this->repository->save($user); $outputdata = new UserCreateOutputData($id); $this->outputPort->output($outputdata); }

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183 Flow of Control

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184 Flow of Control interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); }

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185 Flow of Control Delegate interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); }

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187 処理(InputPort)や出力(OutputPort)を 差し替えられる 187 interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); }

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188 188 Business Logic Database Access Module Data Access Interface Change Involve Involve leading 主導権をビジネスロジックに

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190 Browser Server Request Response

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191 Browser Server interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } Request Response

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192 Browser Server interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } Request Response

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193 193 LaraClean OutputPort を使わない (実践= Web に適応)

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194 194 LaraClean OutputPort を使わない (実践= Web に適応) 理想が現実に負けた気分

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195 In programming

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196 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } }

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197 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } }

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198 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); }

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199 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) );

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200 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); }

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201 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } class UserCreateOutputData { private $createdId; public function __construct(string $createdId) { $this->createdId = $createdId; } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }

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202 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } class UserCreateOutputData { private $createdId; public function __construct(string $createdId) { $this->createdId = $createdId; } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPor { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middlew { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputD { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData $this->middleware->setData(view('view_resource', } }

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203 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } class UserCreateOutputData { private $createdId; public function __construct(string $createdId) { $this->createdId = $createdId; } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPor { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middlew { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputD { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData $this->middleware->setData(view('view_resource', } } class UserCreateViewModel { private $createdId; public function __construct(UserCreateOutputData { $this->createdId = $source->getCreatedId(); } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }

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206 206 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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前提の確認 207

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208 フレームワークとは 208

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209 ソフトウェアフレームワーク (英: software framework)とは、 プログラミングにおいて、 アプリケーションプログラム等に 必要な一般的な機能が、 あらかじめ別に実装されたものである。 209

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210 ソフトウェアフレームワーク (英: software framework)とは、 プログラミングにおいて、 アプリケーションプログラム等に 必要な一般的な機能が、 あらかじめ別に実装されたものである。 210

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211 必要な物…… 211

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213 213 easy

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214 214 スキャフォールディング機能 easy

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君のフレームワークは どこから?

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217 217 スキャフォールディング機能を 作るためのライブラリ easy

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ログラムを作るための プ プ プ ログラムを作るための ログラム

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ログラムを作るための プ プ プ ログラムを作るための ログラム

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ログラムを作るための プ プ プ ログラムを作るための ログラム

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223 223 スキャフォールディング機能 easy

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ログラムを作るための プ プ プ ログラムを作るための ログラム

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226 226 プログラムソースを 生成するプログラム

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227 227 /** * Class MyTestClass * @package nrslib */ class MyTestClass { /** @var string */ private $testField; /** @var string */ public $testField2; /** * MyTestClass constructor. * @param string $testField */ public function __construct(string $testField) { $this->testField = $testField; } /** * @param string $test * @param string $test2 */ public function test(string $test, string $test { } /** * */ private function test2() { $testField = 1; } } Programming

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230 230 クラスを定義するには class と書きます。

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234 234 $meta = new ClassMeta("MyTestClass", "nrslib"); $meta->setupClass() ->setConstructor(function ($define) { $define->addArgument('testField', 'string') ->addBody('$this->testField = $testField;'); }); $meta->setupFields() ->addField('testField', 'string') ->addField('testField2', 'string', AccessLevel::public()); $meta->setupMethods() ->addMethod('test', function($define) { $define->setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::public()) ->addArgument('test', 'string') ->addArgument('test2', 'string'); }) ->addMethod('test2', function($define) { $define->addBody('$testField = 1;'); }); $compiler = new ClassCompiler(); $source = $compiler->compile($meta);

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235 235 /** * Class MyTestClass * @package nrslib */ class MyTestClass { /** @var string */ private $testField; /** @var string */ public $testField2; /** * MyTestClass constructor. * @param string $testField */ public function __construct(string $testField) { $this->testField = $testField; } /** * @param string $test * @param string $test2 */ public function test(string $test, string $test2) { } /** * */ private function test2() { $testField = 1; } }

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236 236 $meta = new ClassMeta("MyTestClass", "nrslib"); $meta->setupClass() ->setConstructor(function ($define) { $define->addArgument('testField', 'string') ->addBody('$this->testField = $testField;'); }); $meta->setupFields() ->addField('testField', 'string') ->addField('testField2', 'string', AccessLevel::public()); $meta->setupMethods() ->addMethod('test', function($define) { $define->setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::public()) ->addArgument('test', 'string') ->addArgument('test2', 'string'); }) ->addMethod('test2', function($define) { $define->addBody('$testField = 1;'); }); $compiler = new ClassCompiler(); $source = $compiler->compile($meta);

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237 237 $meta = new ClassMeta("MyTestClass", "nrslib"); $meta->setupClass() ->setConstructor(function ($define) { $define->addArgument('testField', 'string') ->addBody('$this->testField = $testField;'); }); $meta->setupFields() ->addField('testField', 'string') ->addField('testField2', 'string', AccessLevel::public()); $meta->setupMethods() ->addMethod('test', function($define) { $define->setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::public()) ->addArgument('test', 'string') ->addArgument('test2', 'string'); }) ->addMethod('test2', function($define) { $define->addBody('$testField = 1;'); }); $compiler = new ClassCompiler(); $source = $compiler->compile($meta);

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238 238 $meta = new ClassMeta("MyTestClass", "nrslib"); $meta->setupClass() ->setConstructor(function ($define) { $define->addArgument('testField', 'string') ->addBody('$this->testField = $testField;'); }); $meta->setupFields() ->addField('testField', 'string') ->addField('testField2', 'string', AccessLevel::public()); $meta->setupMethods() ->addMethod('test', function($define) { $define->setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::public()) ->addArgument('test', 'string') ->addArgument('test2', 'string'); }) ->addMethod('test2', function($define) { $define->addBody('$testField = 1;'); }); $compiler = new ClassCompiler(); $source = $compiler->compile($meta);

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239 239 $meta = new ClassMeta("MyTestClass", "nrslib"); $meta->setupClass() ->setConstructor(function ($define) { $define->addArgument('testField', 'string') ->addBody('$this->testField = $testField;'); }); $meta->setupFields() ->addField('testField', 'string') ->addField('testField2', 'string', AccessLevel::public()); $meta->setupMethods() ->addMethod('test', function($define) { $define->setAccessLevel(AccessLevel::public()) ->addArgument('test', 'string') ->addArgument('test2', 'string'); }) ->addMethod('test2', function($define) { $define->addBody('$testField = 1;'); }); $compiler = new ClassCompiler(); $source = $compiler->compile($meta);

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240 240 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> }

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241 241 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> } twig / smarty / blade 使えよ

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242 242 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> } twig / smarty / blade 使えよ それな

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243 243 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> }

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244 244 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> }

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245 245 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> }

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246 246 = " namespace = $class->getNamespace(); ?>; /** * Class = $class->getName(); ?> * @package = $class->getNamespace(); ?> */ class = $class->getName(); ?> getConstructor()); ?> }

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248 248 PHP って テンプレートエンジン だったんだね

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249 249 っていうの 作ったんです

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250 250 っていうの 作ったんです そういうの あるで

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No content

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スキャフォールディング 機能を作る

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254 254 セルフホスティング

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255 フレームワーク非依存

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257 257 スキャフォールディングも クリーンアーキテクチャの 構成で作っちゃえよ

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258 258 スキャフォールディングも クリーンアーキテクチャの 構成で作っちゃえよ

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259 259 スキャフォールディングも クリーンアーキテクチャの 構成で作っちゃえよ 常に理想を追うのです クリーンアーキテクチャの 理想を追いなさい

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262 262 $classRenderer = new ClassRenderer(); $interfaceRenderer = new InterfaceRenderer(); $presenter = new UseCaseCreateTestPresenter(); $controllerBuilder = new DefaultControllerSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $presenterBuilder = new DefaultPresenterSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $interactor = new UseCaseCreateInteractor( $presenter, $classRenderer, $interfaceRenderer, $controllerBuilder, $presenterBuilder); $namespace = 'nrslib¥¥Test'; $inputData = new UseCaseCreateInputData( new UseCaseCreateNamespaceData( $namespace . '¥¥A', $namespace . '¥¥B', $namespace . '¥¥C', $namespace . '¥¥D', $namespace . '¥¥E', $namespace . '¥¥F'), new UseCaseSchema('Test', 'MyAction'), [ new TypeAndName('string', 'inputStringField') ], [ new TypeAndName('string', 'outputStringField') ] ); $interactor->handle($inputData); $outputData = $presenter->outputData;

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263 263 $classRenderer = new ClassRenderer(); $interfaceRenderer = new InterfaceRenderer(); $presenter = new UseCaseCreateTestPresenter(); $controllerBuilder = new DefaultControllerSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $presenterBuilder = new DefaultPresenterSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $interactor = new UseCaseCreateInteractor( $presenter, $classRenderer, $interfaceRenderer, $controllerBuilder, $presenterBuilder); $namespace = 'nrslib¥¥Test'; $inputData = new UseCaseCreateInputData( new UseCaseCreateNamespaceData( $namespace . '¥¥A', $namespace . '¥¥B', $namespace . '¥¥C', $namespace . '¥¥D', $namespace . '¥¥E', $namespace . '¥¥F'), new UseCaseSchema('Test', 'MyAction'), [ new TypeAndName('string', 'inputStringField') ], [ new TypeAndName('string', 'outputStringField') ] ); $interactor->handle($inputData); $outputData = $presenter->outputData;

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264 264 $classRenderer = new ClassRenderer(); $interfaceRenderer = new InterfaceRenderer(); $presenter = new UseCaseCreateTestPresenter(); $controllerBuilder = new DefaultControllerSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $presenterBuilder = new DefaultPresenterSourceFileBuilder($classRenderer); $interactor = new UseCaseCreateInteractor( $presenter, $classRenderer, $interfaceRenderer, $controllerBuilder, $presenterBuilder); $namespace = 'nrslib¥¥Test'; $inputData = new UseCaseCreateInputData( new UseCaseCreateNamespaceData( $namespace . '¥¥A', $namespace . '¥¥B', $namespace . '¥¥C', $namespace . '¥¥D', $namespace . '¥¥E', $namespace . '¥¥F'), new UseCaseSchema('Test', 'MyAction'), [ new TypeAndName('string', 'inputStringField') ], [ new TypeAndName('string', 'outputStringField') ] ); $interactor->handle($inputData); $outputData = $presenter->outputData;

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265 class UserController { private $inputPort; public function __construct(UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort) { $this->inputPort = $inputPort; } public function create(string $name, string $roleId) { $role = $this->convertRole($roleId); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $role); $this->inputPort->handle($inputData); } private function convertRole(string $roleId): string { switch ($roleId) { case 'admin': return UserRole::ADMIN; case 'member': return UserRole::MEMBER; default: throw new ¥Exception(); } } } class UserCreateInputData { private $name; private $roleId; public function __construct(string $name, string $roleId) { $this->name = $name; $this->roleId = $roleId; } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getRoleId(): string { return $this->roleId; } } interface UserCreateInputPortInterface { function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData); } class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateInputPortInterfac { private $repository; private $outputPort; public function __construct( UserRepositoryInterface $repository, UserCreateOutputPortInterface $outputPort) { $this->repository = $repository; $this->outputPort = $outputPort; } public function handle(UserCreateInputData $inputData) { $id = uniqid(); $user = new User ( new UserId($id), new UserName($inputData->getName()), $this->getRole($inputData->getRole()) ); interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } class UserCreateOutputData { private $createdId; public function __construct(string $createdId) { $this->createdId = $createdId; } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPor { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middlew { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputD { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData $this->middleware->setData(view('view_resource', } } class UserCreateViewModel { private $createdId; public function __construct(UserCreateOutputData { $this->createdId = $source->getCreatedId(); } public function getCreatedId(): string { return $this->createdId; } }

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WEB で動かそう

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267 Browser Server interface UserCreateOutputPortInterface { function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData); } Request Response

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268 268 思想が先! http は後!

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270 270 まず最初にすることは MVC を捨てること

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271 class UserController extends BaseController { public function create( UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $roleId = $request->input('roleId'); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $roleId); $inputPort->handle($inputData); ... 戻り値を無くす } }

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272 class UserController extends BaseController { public function create( UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $roleId = $request->input('roleId'); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $roleId); $inputPort->handle($inputData); ... 戻り値を無くす } }

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273 class UserController extends BaseController { public function create( UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $roleId = $request->input('roleId'); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $roleId); $inputPort->handle($inputData); ... 戻り値を無くす } }

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274 class UserController extends BaseController { public function create( UserCreateInputPortInterface $inputPort, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $roleId = $request->input('roleId'); $inputData = new UserCreateInputData($name, $roleId); $inputPort->handle($inputData); ... 戻り値を無くす } }

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275 class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { ... どうにかしてビューを描画する } }

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276 class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { ... どうにかしてビューを描画する } } こっちの方がむしろ Classic MVC に近い

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277 戻り値がなくなる

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278 278 いい機能ありますよ!

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279 Browser Server Request Response

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280 Browser Server Request Response Middle ware

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281 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void { $this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } }

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282 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void {$this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData); $this->middleware->setData( view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }

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283 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void {$this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData); $this->middleware->setData( view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }

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284 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void {$this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData); $this->middleware->setData( view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }

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285 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void {$this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } } class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreateOutputPortInterface { private $middleware; public function __construct(ClarcMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateOutputData $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData); $this->middleware->setData( view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }

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286 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void { $this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } }

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287 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void { $this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } }

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288 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void { $this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } }

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289 class ClarcMiddleWare { /** @var mixed */ private $data; /** @var Router */ private $router; public function __construct(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; } public function setData($data): void { $this->data = $data; } public function handle($request, Closure $next) { $response = $next($request); if ($this->data === null) { return $response; } return $this->router->prepareResponse( $this->router->getCurrentRequest(), $this->data); } }

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290 290 やればできるやないか

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291 291 よっしゃ、君に乗せたるわ

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293 clarc:make clarc:init Clarc Commands

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294 clarc:make clarc:init Clarc Commands

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295 Browser Server Request Response Middle ware

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296 Browser Server Request Response Middle ware

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297 class ClarcInitializeCommand extends ClarcCommand { protected $signature = 'clarc:init'; public function handle() { $this->title('Initialize clarc'); $middlewareFilePath = LaravelConfig::DIR_MIDDLEWARE . 'ClarcMiddl $this->info('Creating file ' . $middlewareFilePath); file_put_contents($middlewareFilePath, ClarcModuleCodes::$middleW $this->info('Wrote ' . realpath($middlewareFilePath)); $this->newline(); $clarcProviderFilePath = LaravelConfig::DIR_PROVIDER . 'ClarcProv $this->info('Creating file' . $clarcProviderFilePath); file_put_contents($clarcProviderFilePath, ClarcModuleCodes::$clar $this->info('Wrote ' . realpath($clarcProviderFilePath)); $this->newline(); $this->info('Please append ClarcProvider to app.php'); } }

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298 class ClarcInitializeCommand extends ClarcCommand { protected $signature = 'clarc:init'; public function handle() { $this->title('Initialize clarc'); $middlewareFilePath = LaravelConfig::DIR_MIDDLEWARE . 'ClarcMiddl $this->info('Creating file ' . $middlewareFilePath); file_put_contents($middlewareFilePath, ClarcModuleCodes::$middleW $this->info('Wrote ' . realpath($middlewareFilePath)); $this->newline(); $clarcProviderFilePath = LaravelConfig::DIR_PROVIDER . 'ClarcProv $this->info('Creating file' . $clarcProviderFilePath); file_put_contents($clarcProviderFilePath, ClarcModuleCodes::$clar $this->info('Wrote ' . realpath($clarcProviderFilePath)); $this->newline(); $this->info('Please append ClarcProvider to app.php'); } }

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299 clarc:make clarc:init Clarc Commands

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300 300 easy

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304 class ClarcMakeCommand extends ClarcCommand { public function handle() { $this->title('Make usecase'); $this->info('Please input your controller name.'); $controllerName = $this->need('controller name'); $controllerName = ucfirst($controllerName); $this->info('Please input your action name.'); $actionName = $this->need('action name.'); $actionName = ucfirst($actionName); $schema = new UseCaseSchema($controllerName, $actionName); $objectCreatePresenter = new ClarcMakeCommandObjectCreatePresenter($this, $schema); $alreadyRegistered = !$this->checkFiles($controllerName, $actionName, $objectCreateP if ($alreadyRegistered) { $this->info('process ended.'); return; } $this->info('Please select input data fields'); $inputDataFields = $this->askFields(); $this->info('Please select output data fields'); $outputDataFields = $this->askFields(); $this->createClarcObjects($objectCreatePresenter, $controllerName, $actionName, $inp $this->registerDependency($controllerName, $actionName); $this->info('process ended.');

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305 private function createClarcObjects( ClarcMakeCommandObjectCreatePresenter $objectCreatePresenter, string $controllerName, string $actionName, array $inputDataFields, array $outputDataFields) { $objectCreateInteractor = new ClarcObjectCreateInteractor( $objectCreatePresenter, new ClassRenderer(), new InterfaceRenderer() ); $currentControllerContent = $this->getCurrentControllerContent( $controllerName); $objectCreateInputData = new ClarcObjectCreateInputData( $controllerName, $currentControllerContent, $actionName, $inputDataFields, $outputDataFields ); $objectCreateInteractor->handle($objectCreateInputData); }

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306 private function createClarcObjects( ClarcMakeCommandObjectCreatePresenter $objectCreatePresenter, string $controllerName, string $actionName, array $inputDataFields, array $outputDataFields) { $objectCreateInteractor = new ClarcObjectCreateInteractor( $objectCreatePresenter, new ClassRenderer(), new InterfaceRenderer() ); $currentControllerContent = $this->getCurrentControllerContent( $controllerName); $objectCreateInputData = new ClarcObjectCreateInputData( $controllerName, $currentControllerContent, $actionName, $inputDataFields, $outputDataFields ); $objectCreateInteractor->handle($objectCreateInputData); }

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307 private function createClarcObjects( ClarcMakeCommandObjectCreatePresenter $objectCreatePresenter, string $controllerName, string $actionName, array $inputDataFields, array $outputDataFields) { $objectCreateInteractor = new ClarcObjectCreateInteractor( $objectCreatePresenter, new ClassRenderer(), new InterfaceRenderer() ); $currentControllerContent = $this->getCurrentControllerContent( $controllerName); $objectCreateInputData = new ClarcObjectCreateInputData( $controllerName, $currentControllerContent, $actionName, $inputDataFields, $outputDataFields ); $objectCreateInteractor->handle($objectCreateInputData); }

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308 private function createClarcObjects( ClarcMakeCommandObjectCreatePresenter $objectCreatePresenter, string $controllerName, string $actionName, array $inputDataFields, array $outputDataFields) { $objectCreateInteractor = new ClarcObjectCreateInteractor( $objectCreatePresenter, new ClassRenderer(), new InterfaceRenderer() ); $currentControllerContent = $this->getCurrentControllerContent( $controllerName); $objectCreateInputData = new ClarcObjectCreateInputData( $controllerName, $currentControllerContent, $actionName, $inputDataFields, $outputDataFields ); $objectCreateInteractor->handle($objectCreateInputData); }

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309 309 easy

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310 class ClarcProvider extends ServiceProvider { public function register() { $this->app->singleton(ClarcMiddleWare::class); $this->registerUseCases(); } private function registerUseCases() { // TestMyAction $this->app->bind( ¥packages¥InputPorts¥Test¥MyAction¥TestMyActionInputPortInterface::class, ¥packages¥Interactors¥Test¥TestMyActionInteractor::class); $this->app->bind( ¥packages¥OutputPorts¥Test¥MyAction¥TestMyActionOutputPortInterface::class, ¥App¥Http¥Presenters¥Test¥TestMyActionPresenter::class); // UserCreate $this->app->bind( ¥packages¥InputPorts¥User¥Create¥UserCreateInputPortInterface::class, ¥packages¥Interactors¥User¥UserCreateInteractor::class); $this->app->bind( ¥packages¥OutputPorts¥User¥Create¥UserCreateOutputPortInterface::class, ¥App¥Http¥Presenters¥User¥UserCreatePresenter::class); } }

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312 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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313 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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314 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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315 クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ

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クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ ??? 316

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317 はたして

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318 これはフレームワークと 言えるのだろうか

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324 Scaffolding IoC Container Routing

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325 Scaffolding IoC Container Routing

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326 326 easy

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327 Scaffolding IoC Container Routing

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328 class Startup { public function configureService( ServiceCollection $serviceCollection) { $this->registerUsecases($serviceCollection); } private function registerUseCases( ServiceCollection $serviceCollection) { // UserCreate $serviceCollection->addTransient(UserCreateController::class); $serviceCollection->addTransient( UserCreateInputPortInterface::class, UserCreateInteractor::class); $serviceCollection->addTransient( UserCreateOutputPortInterface::class, UserCreatePresenter::class); } }

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329 Scaffolding IoC Container Routing

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330 private function getControllerName($server) { $root = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $tokens = explode('/', $url); $count = count($tokens); if (!isset($tokens[1])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens); } $top = ucfirst($tokens[1]); if (!isset($tokens[2])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens[1]); } $second = ucfirst($tokens[2]); $path = $root . '/app/InterfaceAdapters/Controllers/' . $top . '/' . if ($count === 3 && file_exists($path)) { return 'App¥¥InterfaceAdapters¥¥Controllers¥¥' . $top . '¥¥' . $s } return null; }

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331 private function getControllerName($server) { $root = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $tokens = explode('/', $url); $count = count($tokens); if (!isset($tokens[1])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens); } $top = ucfirst($tokens[1]); if (!isset($tokens[2])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens[1]); } $second = ucfirst($tokens[2]); $path = $root . '/app/InterfaceAdapters/Controllers/' . $top . '/' . if ($count === 3 && file_exists($path)) { return 'App¥¥InterfaceAdapters¥¥Controllers¥¥' . $top . '¥¥' . $s } return null; }

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332 private function getControllerName($server) { $root = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $tokens = explode('/', $url); $count = count($tokens); if (!isset($tokens[1])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens); } $top = ucfirst($tokens[1]); if (!isset($tokens[2])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens[1]); } $second = ucfirst($tokens[2]); $path = $root . '/app/InterfaceAdapters/Controllers/' . $top . '/' . if ($count === 3 && file_exists($path)) { return 'App¥¥InterfaceAdapters¥¥Controllers¥¥' . $top . '¥¥' . $s } return null; }

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333 private function getControllerName($server) { $root = $server['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH); $tokens = explode('/', $url); $count = count($tokens); if (!isset($tokens[1])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens); } $top = ucfirst($tokens[1]); if (!isset($tokens[2])) { throw new ¥Exception($tokens[1]); } $second = ucfirst($tokens[2]); $path = $root . '/app/InterfaceAdapters/Controllers/' . $top . '/' . if ($count === 3 && file_exists($path)) { return 'App¥¥InterfaceAdapters¥¥Controllers¥¥' . $top . '¥¥' . $s } S return null; }{controller}/{action} 以外認めない

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クリーンアーキテクチャを知る フレームワークを作る エピローグ おまけ 335

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338 Auther Masanobu Naruse HomePage Twitter @nrslib 338