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Demystifying Functional Programming tamizhvendan tamizhvendan Lead Consultant Tamizhvendan S Passionate, Pragmatic and Polyglot Programmer λ

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Why Functional Programming?

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Solution Problem

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Solution Problem

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Vehicle Influences The Journey

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Solution Problem

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Language Influences The Thinking

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int numbers[3] = {2,3,4}, squaredNumbers[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i!++) { squaredNumbers[i] = numbers[i] * numbers[i]; }

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let numbers = [1,2,3]; let squaredNumbers = !=> n * n);

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“A language that doesn’t affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.” - Alan Perlis

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Solution Problem Challenges

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Domain Complexity Requirement Change Time To Market Reliability

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Solution Problem Abstractions

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Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism

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GoF Patterns!

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Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism GoF Patterns! Better Abstractions

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Functional Programming

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Solution Problem Better Abstractions

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FP Three Step Approach

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Step-1 Model The Domain (Data)

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“Data dominates. If you’ve chose the right data structures & organise things well, the algorithms will almost be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming” - Rob Pike

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Step-2 Define The Behaviour (Algorithm)

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“Make each program do one thing well. To do a new job, build afresh rather than complicate the old programs by adding new “features”. Expect the output of every program to become the input of another, as yet unknown, program” - Unix Philosophy

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Step-3 Define The System (Composition)

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“Design is to take things apart in a such a way that they can be put back together” - Rich Hickey

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Separation of Concerns Composition

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Dynamic HTML Generation

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Step-1 Model The Domain (Data)

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type Attribute = { Name : string Value : string }

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cat type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list }

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This is a paragraph

type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list Content : Content } and Content = PlainText of string

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type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list Content : Content option } and Content = PlainText of string

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  • Coffee
  • Tea
type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list Content : Content option } and Content = | PlainText of string | ChildElements of Element list

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Algebraic Data Types type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list Content : Content option } and Content = | PlainText of string | ChildElements of Element list Sum (or Choice) Type Product Type

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Step-2 Define The Behaviour

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Element !-> string let beveragesList = let content = childElements [ element "li" [] (plainText "Tea") element "li" [] (plainText "Coffee")] element "ul" [("class", "ulist")] content

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Step-3 Divide & Conquer (Compose)

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Attribute !-> string

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// Attribute  string let attrToHtmlStr attr = sprintf @"%s=""%s""" attr.Name attr.Value

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List !-> string

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List !-> string List !-> List List !-> string

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What we have What we want List !-> List Attribute !-> string

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// List  List let attrsToHtmlStr attrs = attrToHtmlStr attrs (A !-> B) !-> List !-> List

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What we have What we want List !-> string string !-> List !-> string String.concat

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Partial Application partially providing the argument(s) string !-> List !-> string

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string !-> List !-> string String.concat cat String.concat " " string !-> List !-> string

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What we have List !-> List List !-> string What we want List !-> string

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Expect the output of every program to become the input of another, as yet unknown, program” - Unix Philosophy

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A !-> B B !-> C A !-> C Function Composition

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Function Composition // List  string let attrsToHtmlStr = attrToHtmlStr  String.concat " "

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Function Composition Using Piping // List  string let attrsToHtmlStr attrs = attrToHtmlStr attrs  String.concat " "

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// List  string let attrsToHtmlStr attrs = attrs  attrToHtmlStr  String.concat " " partial application

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let attrs = [ {Name = "src"; Value = "cat.jpg"} {Name = "alt"; Value = "cat"} ]

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Option !-> string

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Content !-> string

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Pattern Matching // Content  string let contentToHtmlStr content = match content with | PlainText x  x | ChildElements xs  xs  elementToHtmlStr  String.concat ""

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What we have What we want Option !-> string Content !-> string

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Option !-> string Option !-> Option Option !-> string

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What we have What we want Content !-> string Option !-> Option

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// Option let contentOpt = element.Content  contentToHtmlStr

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let content = defaultArg contentOpt "" Option !-> string core library function

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What we have What we want Element !-> string Option !-> string List !-> string

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let elementToHtmlStr element = let attrs = attrsToHtmlStr element.Attributes let contentOpt = element.Content  contentToHtmlStr let content = defaultArg contentOpt “" let tag = element.Name sprintf "<%s %s> %s %s>" tag attrs content tag

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let beveragesList = let content = childElements [ element "li" [] (plainText "Tea") element "li" [] (plainText "Coffee")] element "ul" [("class", "ulist")] content

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Error Handling

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Result (Either) Type int !-> Result

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// int  Result let getElementById id = if id = 1 then Ok beveragesList else Error "unable to fetch"

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Transform Element to Html String after fetching

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What we have What we want Result !-> Result Element !-> string

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// int  Result let getHtmlStrById id = getElementById id  elementToHtmlStr

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map Preserves The Structure

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map Transforms The Value

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No content

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Merging Elements! Element !-> Element !-> Element

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List  List  List Merging Attributes

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let mergeAttrs attrs1 attrs2 = attrs1 @ attrs2  List.groupBy (fun (a : Attribute)  a.Name)  (fun (name, attrs)  let value = attrs  (fun a  a.Value)  String.concat " " {Name = name; Value = value} )

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Content  Content  Content Merging Content

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let mergeContent content1 content2 = match content1, content2 with | PlainText x, PlainText y  sprintf "%s\n%s" x y  PlainText | ChildElements xs, ChildElements ys  ChildElements (xs @ ys) | _  content1

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What we have What we want Element !-> Element !-> Element List  List  List Content  Content  Content

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type Element = { Name : string Attributes : Attribute list Content : Content option }

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What we have What we want Content  Content  Content Option !-> Option !-> Option

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aka map2 lift2

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let mergeElement e1 e2 = let attrs = mergeAttrs e1.Attributes e2.Attributes let content = Option.lift2 mergeContent e1.Content e2.Content { Name = e1.Name Attributes = attrs Content = content}

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Merge Elements after fetching Result !-> Result !-> Result

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What we have What we want Element  Element  Element Result !-> Result !-> Result

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let getAndMergeElements e1Id e2Id = let e1R = getElementById e1Id let e2R = getElementById e2Id Result.lift2 mergeElement e1R e2R

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lift3 (A !-> B !-> C !-> D) !-> AP !-> AP !-> AP !-> AP liftN

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No content

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Each Configuration Has Own Element Id type Configuration = { Id : int ElementId : int }

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Fetch Configuration And Then Fetch It’s Element

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Fetch Configuration int !-> Result

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// int  Result let getConfigurationById id = if id = 1 then Ok {Id = 1; ElementId = 1} else Error "unable to fetch"

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What we have What we want int !-> Result int !-> Result int !-> Result configuration id element id configuration id

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bind aka flatMap

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let getElementByConfigId cId = getConfigurationById cId  Result.bind (fun c  getElementById c.ElementId)

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bind aka flatMap

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You can create your structure! FooBar map lift2 bind

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Prompt let namePrompt : Prompt = stringPrompt "What's Your name?” > namePrompt();; What’s your name? Tamizhvendan val it : Result = Ok “Tamizhvendan”

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Prompt let agePrompt : Prompt = intPrompt "What's Your age?” > agePrompt();; What’s your age? 29 val it : Result = Ok 29 > agePrompt();; What’s your age? foobar val it : Result = Error ParserError

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let greeting name age = sprintf "Hey %s, you are %d years old!” name age let greetingWizard = lift2 greeting namePrompt agePrompt > greetingWizard();; What’s your name? Tamizhvendan What’s your age? 29 val it : Result = Ok “Hey Tamizhvendan, you are 29 years old!” lift2

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let addAgeBy10Years age = age + 10 let prankWizard = agePrompt |> map addAgeBy10Years |> lift2 greeting namePrompt > prankWizard();; What’s your name? Tamizhvendan What’s your age? 29 val it : Result = Ok “Hey Tamizhvendan, you are 39 years old!” map

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traverse (A !-> AP) !-> T !-> AP> sequence T> !-> AP>

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By The Way! M AP F Functor Applicative Monad * There are some laws!

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FP Demystified λ Algebraic Data Types λ Separate Pure & Impure Functions λ Function Signature Matters! λ map, liftN, bind, etc., λ Have Fun!!