Slide 1

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About me...

Slide 2

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Threading Yarn, Writing Code: What Traditional Arts and Crafts Can Teach Us About Programming

Slide 3

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This is for you, grandma!

Slide 4

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Threading Yarn, Writing Code: What Traditional Arts and Crafts Can Teach Us About Programming

Slide 5

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craft noun \ˈkraft\ 1: skill in planning, making, or executing 2: an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill 3: the members of a trade or trade association

Slide 6

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What Is Cross Stitching?

Slide 7

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No content

Slide 8

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What Is Coding?

Slide 9

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Parallels & Differences

Slide 10

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Creative Process

Slide 11

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Acquiring Skills

Slide 12

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Hands-on Work vs. Automation - Human vs. Machine

Slide 13

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Impact on the World

Slide 14

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Motivation & Purpose

Slide 15

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The Process

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1) Idea

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2) Architecture & Design

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Architecture & Design

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Don’t Design Everything to a Tee

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3) Tools

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4) Resources

Slide 22

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Best Practices

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Reusing Resources

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Getting Started - Mise En Place

Slide 25

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Find a Starting Point

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Work Systematically

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Work Sustainably

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Unthreading Errors

Slide 29

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Stay Patient! Take Breaks!

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Try Out a Craft!

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Slide 33 text @PyLadiesRemote

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DjangoCon US 2017 August 13-18 Spokane, WA CFP opens February 13 @djangocon

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Thank you!