Building a Search Engine
with Python + Elasticsearch
Julie Qiu
Jim Grandpre
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Julie Qiu
Engineering Lead, Spring
Jim Grandpre
Director of Engineering, Spring
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Tutorial Goals and Structure
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Develop an intuition for elasticsearch.
Understand the most important pieces.
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Build comfort with the ES docs, and pyES
Have a starting point for PY + ES projects.
Use ES & Python to make search work.
Problem Sets
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15m Introduction to Elasticsearch & Indexing
45m Problem Set: Indexing
10m Break
5m Introduction to Searching
45m Problem Set: Searching
5m Break
5m Introduction to Analysis
45m Problem Set: Analysis
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Work in Groups, help each other learn.
Take your time.
Read the docs.
Problem Set Advice
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Many questions on the problem set include
Try to figure things out on your own, but if
you feel stuck don’t hesitate to read them.
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Intro to Elasticsearch
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What is Elasticsearch?
A search optimized distributed database,
built on top of Lucene.
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Stores structured documents.
Insert, Update, Delete, and Query.
Provides a friendly interface (JSON & HTTP).
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A Java library used by Elasticsearch.
Core data storage.
Core query execution.
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Elasticsearch is typically run in a cluster.
Can add and remove instances any time.
Data is split across instances, and queries
are executed across the cluster.
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Search Optimized
Data is indexed to allow for fast searching.
Query language for complex searches.
Built in support for text analysis.