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Building a Search Engine with Python + Elasticsearch Julie Qiu @jqiu25 Jim Grandpre @jimtla #PyCon2018

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Julie Qiu Engineering Lead, Spring @jqiu25 Jim Grandpre Director of Engineering, Spring @jimtla

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Tutorial Goals and Structure

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Develop an intuition for elasticsearch. Understand the most important pieces. Presentations

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Build comfort with the ES docs, and pyES Have a starting point for PY + ES projects. Use ES & Python to make search work. Problem Sets

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15m Introduction to Elasticsearch & Indexing 45m Problem Set: Indexing 10m Break 5m Introduction to Searching 45m Problem Set: Searching 5m Break 5m Introduction to Analysis 45m Problem Set: Analysis Agenda

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Work in Groups, help each other learn. Take your time. Read the docs. Problem Set Advice

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Many questions on the problem set include “spoilers.” Try to figure things out on your own, but if you feel stuck don’t hesitate to read them. Spoilers

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Intro to Elasticsearch

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What is Elasticsearch? A search optimized distributed database, built on top of Lucene.

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Database Stores structured documents. Insert, Update, Delete, and Query. Provides a friendly interface (JSON & HTTP).

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Lucene A Java library used by Elasticsearch. Core data storage. Core query execution.

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Distributed Elasticsearch is typically run in a cluster. Can add and remove instances any time. Data is split across instances, and queries are executed across the cluster.

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Search Optimized Data is indexed to allow for fast searching. Query language for complex searches. Built in support for text analysis.

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Database Structure

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Index (~ Table) Database Structure

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Document (~ Row) Document (~ Row) Index (~ Table) Database Structure Document (~ Row) Document (~ Row)

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Document (~ Row) Document (~ Row) Index (~ Table) Database Structure Document (~ Row) Document (~ Row) Document Type (Schema)

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“A Great Product” “This Cool Shirt” products_index Database Structure “Neat Pants” “Kittens” product

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Getting data into Elasticsearch

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??? Getting data into Elasticsearch

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??? Data Getting data into Elasticsearch

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??? JSON { “name”: ‘shirt’, “image”:’’ } Getting data into Elasticsearch

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Indexing API Getting data into Elasticsearch JSON { “name”: ‘shirt’, “image”:’’ }

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{ “name”: ‘shirt’, “image”:’’ } products_index product Database Structure

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localhost:9200 Elasticsearch Index

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Kibana Dev Tools Console (localhost:5601)

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App Walkthrough

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Indexing with ES and Python

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.git/ .gitignore lessons/ requirements.txt searchapp/ searchapp.egg-info/ venv/ Our Repository

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searchapp/ app/ products.json Search App: Indexing

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Elasticsearch Py Official Python library for Elasticsearch

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Work in Groups, help each other learn. Take your time. Read the docs. Problem Sets

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Searching data in Elasticsearch

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??? Searching data

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necklace Searching data ???

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necklace Application (Flask App) Searching data ???

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necklace Application (Flask App) Search API Searching data

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Kibana Dev Tools Console (localhost:5601)

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Searching with Python and ES

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Elasticsearch DSL Python library – helps with writing and running Elasticsearch queries

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Example Search: Raw query GET request to localhost:9200/products_index/product { "query": { "match": { "name": "necklace" } } }

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Example Search: Comparison GET request to localhost:9200/products_index/product { "query": { "match": { "name": "necklace" } } } from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search client = Elasticsearch() s = Search( using=client, index=”products_index”, doc_type=”products” ) s.query( “match”, name=”necklace” ).execute()

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Example Search: Comparison GET request to localhost:9200/products_index/products { "query": { "match": { "name": "necklace" } } } from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search client = Elasticsearch() s = Search( using=client, index=”products_index”, doc_type=”products” ) s.query( “match”, name=”necklace” ).execute()

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Example Search: Comparison GET request to localhost:9200/products_index/products { "query": { "match": { "name": "necklace" } } } from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch_dsl import Search client = Elasticsearch() s = Search( using=client, index=”products_index”, doc_type=”products” ) s.query( “match”, name=”necklace” ).execute()

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Problem Set: Search Continuing from Part 1 (also on GitHub repo) git commit -am “session1 work” git fetch git checkout session2 source venv/bin/activate python searchapp/

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Analyzers improve search accuracy by adding additional structure to text. Analyzers

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Analyzers Raw Walking The: Dog [‘Walking’, ‘The’, ‘Dog’] [‘walk’, ‘dog’] Tokenizer Token Filters

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Break a string into components. Input: “Walking The: Dog” Standard: [“Walking”,“The”,“Dog”] Whitespace: [“Walking”,“The:”,“Dog”] Edge N-grams: [“W”,“Wa”,“Wal”,“Walk”, …] Tokenizers

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Input: [“Walking”,“The”,“Dog”] Lowercase: [“walking”,“the”,“dog”] Stop Words:[“walking”,“dog”] Stemming: [“walk”,“dog”] Token Filters

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Analyzers are configured in the mapping of your index. Custom analyzers are created in the settings of your index. Analyzing your Index

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Analyzers are applied to both the fields of your document, and the queries against those fields. Analyzing your Index

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Work in Groups, help each other learn. Take your time. Read the docs. Problem Set

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Thanks! Survey: Julie Qiu @jqiu25 Jim Grandpre @jimtla