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@mizuki Partner Platform Backend Team Result presentation

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2 Self-introduction @mizuki / backend Engineer ● fullname:岡部瑞稀(Mizuki Okabe) ● background:master degree in Kyoto university (computer science ) ● team:Partner Platform backend (merpay-backend-9) ● term:2021/08/16 ~ 2021/10/31 ● My mentor : @r_yamaoka ● My Manager : @shu(syokomiz)

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3 My Goal Be able to investigate, solve unclear points of my task on my own

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4 What I did in this Internship ● Study Go, Spanner, etc ● Development without Docker ● Release task ● Management tasks ● Create Some API

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 closed shops are not appear in shopmap
 Study Go, Spanner, Kubernetes
 management task
 bank list returns already closed banks
 modify API task
 development in Partner service avoid using Docker
 without Docker
 5 8/18-
 What I did in this Internship disable email address 
 management task
 catch up of merpay tech stack 
 about Identical Partner Project 
 create some API
 ...??? 10/31

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6 Background ● Partner service used Docker for developing ● Development with Docker became more complicated ● We want to run the test without setting up the docker container ● Partner service only dependent on authority service, so only we need fake-authority container now

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7 Background ● Partner service used Docker for developing ● Development with Docker became more complicated ● We want to run the test without setting up the docker container ● Partner service only dependent on authority service, so only we need fake-authority container now

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8 Without fake-authority ● Use authority-sdk instead of ‘fake-authority’ container ● Authority-sdk can issue FAKE PAT(Private Access Token) ● The key pair generated (↑) must also be used on the grpc server ● Put the keyID, public Key in environment variable ● If grpc server starts and environment variable is not empty (that is ‘test mode’), use already generated key Test starts E2E_FAKE_AUTH_KEY_ ID
 GRPC server starts if environment variable exists, fetch it

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9 Some trouble ● The same test case sometimes passes and sometimes it doesn’t ( token is expired error occurred but token expires 1 day later..why ? 😭) ● authority-sdk provides some similar functions, I didn’t find which ones is appropriate for this situation

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10 Some trouble ● The same test case sometimes passes and sometimes it doesn’t ( token is expired error occurred but token expires 1 day later..why ? 😭) ● authority-sdk provides some similar functions, I didn’t find which ones is appropriate for this situation because I didn’t know that Go time duration ‘ type is nanosecond

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11 Some trouble ● The same test case sometimes passes and sometimes it doesn’t ( token is expired error occurred but token expires 1 day later..why ? 😭) ● authority-sdk provides some similar functions, I didn’t find which ones is appropriate for this situation I issued new subjectID every time, but authority-sdk provides better function I used WithFakePAT, but this returns PAT without digital signature

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12 Results 👍👍 🎉

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13 more Read more code Actively discuss at review meetings Find out what’s working behind the tool

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Thank you for listening, and あと一ヶ月よろしくお願いします󰢜 14