Slide 37
Slide 37 text
分布仮説 [Harrisʼ54, Firthʼ57, Schütze&Pedersenʼ97, etc.] と
単語ベクトル [Mikolov+ʼ13, Devlin+ʼ18, etc.]
• 分布仮説︓単語の意味は共起する語 (使われ⽅) を⾒ればわ
− “If A and B have almost identical environments (...), we say
they are synonyms: oculist and eye-doctor” [Harrisʼ54]
− “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” [Firthʼ57]
− “words with similar meanings will occur with similar neighbors
if enough text material is available” [Schütze&Pedersenʼ97]
📄 Harris, DistribuEonal Structure (WORD 1954)
📄 Firth, A Synopsis of LinguisEc Theory, 1930-55 (1957)
📄 Schütze&Pedersen, A cooccurrence-based thesaurus and two applicaEons to informaEon retrieval (Inf. Process. Manage. 1997)