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reproducibility as the engine of science: tools for reproducible research Lindsey Heagy UC Berkeley @lindsey_jh

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hello (a bit about me) geophysical inversions open-source software open research & education geoscience + data science +

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questions in the geosciences Observations / Data After Hamman, 2018 Theory & Ideas EMAG2: Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution). Image credit: Dom Fournier ( Simulations, Computation

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what are the ingredients? ● questions ● domain knowledge ● software ● data ● infrastructure

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evolving research outputs & audiences Variety of “consumers”: ● peers ● students ● decision makers & the public Drives diversity in outputs ● journal publications ● web apps ● educational resources ● ...

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on reproducibility start here on extensibility “publish” contribution

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tools and platforms for researchers

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scientific software *Python ecosystem

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interactive, exploratory computing a community of people and an ecosystem of open tools and standards for interactive computing

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Jupyter notebooks

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using notebooks

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JupyterLab: a grand unified theory of Jupyter Huge Team Effort! C. Colbert, S. Corlay, A. Darian, B. Granger, J. Grout, P. Ivanov, I. Rose, S. Silvester, C. Willing, J. Zosa-Forde …

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JupyterLab and notebooks ++

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JupyterLab: more than notebooks

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JupyterLab: data

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JupyterLab is extensible: FlyBrainLab An Interactive Computing Platform for the Fly Brain BIONET Group, Columbia University Aurel A. Lazar (PI) Tingkai Liu Mehmet K. Turkcan Chung-Heng Yeh Yiyin Zhou

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notebooks on a or HPC host pre-configured environments on shared infrastructure

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AUTHENTICATION interfaces environments

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JupyterHub distributions The Littlest JupyterHub JupyterHub on Kubernetes A pre-configured JupyterHub setup with sensible defaults and lots of documentation, fit for many use-cases ☁

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Scalable in both users and in resources Uses Docker for environment management Agnostic to the provider and hardware configuration Zero to JupyterHub for Kubernetes

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Data 8 at UC Berkeley ~2800 students (Spring/Fall 2019)

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tools and platforms for researchers

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National infrastructure from K-12 to HPC J. Colliander, I. Allison, B. Carra

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Harnessing the power of cloud computing to study the whole Earth interactively Interactivity Distributed computing Data models / numerics

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Pangeo architecture

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Jupyter meets the Earth: an NSF grant (2M / 3Y)! Fernando Pérez Joe Hamman Laurel Larsen Kevin Paul Lindsey Heagy Chris Holdgraf Yuvi Panda Research use-cases Tech developments ● Climate data analysis ● Hydrology ● Geophysics ● Data discovery ● Interactivity ● Cloud/HPC infrastructure For more:

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Publication (sharing research with other people)

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the science more than the paper An article about computational science in a scientific publication is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software development environment and the complete set of instructions which generated the figures. -- Buckheit and Donoho (paraphrasing Claerbout) WaveLab and Reproducible Research, 1995

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An article about computational science in a scientific publication is not the scholarship itself, it is merely advertising of the scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software development environment and the complete set of instructions which generated the figures. (and a place to run the code?) the science more than the paper -- Buckheit and Donoho (paraphrasing Claerbout) WaveLab and Reproducible Research, 1995

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binder binder repo2docker JupyterHub

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Slide 38 text Black holes! LIGO, Sept 14, 2015

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JupyterBook: computation + context publish a collection of notebooks as an online textbook

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New development: publishing executable books QuantEcon IAB Jupyter Book PDF HTML ... execution and text content sync citations, cross-refs, rich metadata

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reaching new audiences

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on reproducibility start here on extensibility “publish” contribution

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Reaching new audiences: educational resources

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Reaching new audiences: educational resources

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a medium for conversation

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Groundwater in Myanmar ● Bring DC resistivity equipment to Mon state ● Train local stakeholders ● Provide open-source software and educational resources

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Reaching new audiences Diverse research outputs: ● Papers ● Notebooks ● Apps ● Web-based textbooks “Consumers” of science ● Scientists ● Students ● Public

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Revisiting “publishing”

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pdf model capture research in a pdf, peer review, accepted(!) scientist consumers

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pdf model extending or building on ideas? scientist scientist?

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pdf model extending or building on ideas? scientist scientist consumers

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Blurring the line between scientists and audience? ● Open tools are ○ accessible ○ explorable ○ extensible

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An open ecosystem supports the engine of science ● Open tools are a starting point for… ○ reproducibility of work ○ collaboration at the level of computation ○ extension of ideas ● And provide a trajectory for “consumers” to become creators

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Thank you! @lheagy @lindsey_jh Special Thanks: Rowan Cockett Chris Holdgraf Fernando Pérez

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