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Tour of build system in Kotlin 2017.06.15 CA.kt #1 @stormcat24

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stormcat24 ‣ CyberAgent, Inc. ‣ FRESH! ‣ ‣ 最近の興味はService Meshと仮想通貨

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FRESH! + Kotlin ‣ Androidは最初から ‣ 2016年夏から一部Microservicesで利用開始 ‣ OpenFRESH(Developer向けAPI)はKotlin + SparkFramework ‣ Server Sideの基軸言語に一方的に認定 ‣ フルgRPC化に着手、ServerはもちろんKotlin(イマココ)

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僕はpom.xmlが好きです ※ウソです

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GradleでKotlin 特に不自由は無いですが

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Kobalt ‣ ‣ DSL based on Kotlin ‣ ver1.0.87 ‣ brew cask install kobalt

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Create Kobalt Project $ mkdir kobalt-example && kobalt-example (~/kobalt-example) $ kobaltw --init kotlin _ __ _ _ _ | |/ / ___ | |__ __ _ | | | |_ | ' / / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | | | __| | . \ | (_) | | |_) | | (_| | | | | |_ |_|\_\ \___/ |_.__/ \__,_| |_| \__| 1.0.87 Regular compilation time: 1553 ms Template "kotlin" installed Now you can run either `./kobaltw test` or `./kobaltw run`

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kobalt-intellij-plugin ‣

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Import to IDEA

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Create Project on IDEA

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Build.kt val p = project { name = "kobalt-example" group = "io.stormcat" artifactId = name version = "0.1" dependencies { compile("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:1.1.2-5") compile("com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0") } assemble { jar {} } application { mainClass = "io.stormcat.example.MainKt" } }

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Code Completion

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Kobalt所感 ‣ Build含めてKotlinで書ける ‣ 必要最小限のプラグインは揃ってる ‣ IDEAサポートちゃんとある ‣ Gradleの資産を使えるわけではない

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Bazel ‣ Google謹製, 現在0.5.1 ‣ 多言語/環境対応を統一されたDSLで ‣ C/C++, Java, Android, Objective-C, Go, Rust ‣ Shell, Docker, .deb(Debian Package) ‣ KotlinはKotlin Rules for Bazelを使う ‣

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Bazel WORKSPACE file git_repository( name = "org_pubref_rules_kotlin", remote = "", tag = "v0.3.1", # update as needed ) load("@org_pubref_rules_kotlin//kotlin:rules.bzl", "kotlin_repositories") kotlin_repositories() maven_jar( name = "com_squareup_okhttp3_okhttp", artifact = "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.8.0", )

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Bazel BUILD file package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) load("@org_pubref_rules_kotlin//kotlin:rules.bzl", "kotlin_binary", "kotlin_library") kotlin_binary( name = "main_kt", main_class = "io.stormcat.example.MainKt", srcs = glob(["src/main/kotlin/io/stormcat/example/**/*.kt"]), java_deps = [ "@com_squareup_okhttp3_okhttp//jar", ], )

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Build artifact (~/bazel-kotlin) $ bazel build //:main_kt ........................................................... ..... INFO: Found 1 target... Target //:main_kt up-to-date: bazel-bin/main_kt.jar bazel-bin/main_kt INFO: Elapsed time: 13.961s, Critical Path: 0.18s Jarや実行ファイルができる

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Bazel所感 ‣ Release Engineer(ビルド職人)には良さそう ‣ Gradleからスイッチしたいとまでは現時点では思わない ‣ WindowsでAndroidビルドできない等、まだまだ途上 ‣ 1.0安定版は2018年6月予定 ‣ IDEAプラグイン、イマイチ使い方わからなかった

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_人人人人人人人_ > Gradle 4.0 <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

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Gradle 4.0 ‣ ビルドキャッシュ改善 ‣ —offlineオプション ‣ ローカルキャッシュの自動クリーンアップ ‣ ローカルキャッシュのサイズを設定、FIFOで古いものから削除 ‣ 並列ダウンロード ‣ Gradle Script Kotlin 0.9.1

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Upgrade to 4.0 $ ./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version=4.0

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Pallarel Download $ ./gradlew build ... Download springfox-swagger2-2.6.1.jar Download springfox-swagger-ui-2.6.1.jar <-------------> 0% EXECUTING [1m 53s] > :compileKotlin > Resolve files of :compileClasspath > moshi-1.3.1.jar > aws-java-sdk-s3-1.11.61.jar > commons-lang3-3.5.jar > aws-java-sdk-core-1.11.61.jar > klaxon-0.27.jar > aws-java-sdk-sqs-1.11.61.jar > httpclient-4.5.2.jar > aws-java-sdk-kms-1.11.61.jar

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Gradle Kotlin Script ‣ ‣ GradleのDSLをKotlinで書くやつ ‣ build.gradleの代わりにbuild.gradle.ktsを書く

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build.gradle.kts val springbootVersion = "1.4.0.RELEASE" plugins { application kotlin("jvm") idea } application { mainClassName = "samples.HelloWorldKt" } fun springBoot(artifact: String) = "org.springframework.boot:$artifact:$springbootVersion" dependencies { compile(kotlin("stdlib")) compile(springBoot("spring-boot-starter-web")) compile(springBoot("spring-boot-actuator")) } repositories { gradleScriptKotlin() }

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Gradle Kotlin Script所感 ‣ ちょっと勘所掴むまで手こずるかも ‣ IDEAがシンタックスエラーになるケースもある ‣ Kotlinでbuild.gradleを書けるのやっぱり(・∀・)イイ!! ‣ mv build.gradle build.gradle.ktsして、エラー箇所直してくスタイル

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まとめ ‣ 他の選択肢を模索したら結局Gradleだったw ‣ 色々ツールあるが、結局はGradleと仲良くやってくのが良さそう ‣ Gradle Kotlin Scriptへの意識高めていこう